Why are the members of the so called protective social Lone Rangers of all the oppressed and defenseless individuals that are being persecuted by all those insensitive bigots, are attacking all those who doesn’t measure up to their twisted philosophies? The Socialist Liberal Democrats, whether they are self proclaimed in the public or private sector have shown their true colors towards selected groups, mounting an offensive aggressive campaign towards anyone counter to their dictatorial beliefs. The unbelievableattacks towards children are the most despicable and hideous, especially the disabled.

These hypocrites are the lowest form of human existence that must be challenged constantly by unmasking their evil intentions and bigoted remarks. What is happening to Ex-Governor of Alaskaand Republican Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her family is an abomination. Sometimes allowing sleeping dogs or mutts lies is the best policy, but these entire unwarranted revolting targetedderogations, whether it is in unfeeling humorous skits or diction, verbal or written towards the innocent in our society must never be ignored.

Sarah Palin has developed herself into a formidable major national figure and basically in the world of politics fair game. She knew what she was getting into; she’s tough and thick skinned to all their insults. She is a fortress of strength and admiration to all that have been used as a sadistic intentional whipping post by the ignorant imbecilic demigods of little narrow minded means of bigotry and jealousy. Even the so-called women’s organization and feminists are threatened with her Conservative success, as a female Mother and Politician, by sticking to her beliefs, and not begging for their approval. They immediately turned on her, offering absolutely no help or aid to her plight. These organizations are two faced Judas’ loyal only to their own chosen self determined agenda.

It seems as though you can not go through the day without some news broadcaster, comedian, writer, sit-com talk show or anyone associated with the mediapoking fun or mentioning Sarah Palin, but when it comes to her family and minor children, decency and common sense must prevail. When these seething attacks surfaced of sexual over tones, which was a very fine line between comedy and pedophilia and inappropriatesarcastic remarks towards her son, Trig, who is a very special young loving child, we must all stand together and say enough is enough.

President Barack Hussein Obama, “The Chosen One” during his campaign for the presidency told all that is family was off limits. This was the correct and proper statement that he or anyone in his predicament as a candidate could have made, wholeheartedly protecting his family as an affectionate father and husband. His ultimate stand as the leader of his family announced to that entire he would, that he would not stand for any verbal aggressions or comments against his family. This was immediately respected by all with most of the public, and those who had any form of communications access, acknowledging it his demands, as it should have been. The sins of the parents should never be passed down or reflected on the lives of their children.

Correct me if I/m wrong, butSarah Palin also made the same request, which fell on deaf animalist ears, smelling blood. They submitted false information, stories andinnuendoes, they also relentlessly insulting her and her children. Yet, they bowed and curtsied to “The Chosen One” but went for the jugular vein with her, why? Shouldn’t the show of respect for one candidate be extended to another? Why were marshmallows used on one candidate s and the other with a sledge hammer? Could it possibly be the bias straggle hold and employment control that Liberal Socialist Marxist Democrats have on all media, including shows that are watched by children? Ever since Sarah Palin stepped into the national political spotlight, and became an intellectual phenomenon as Senator John McCain’s Conservative Republican Vice-Presidential running mate has been harassed, ridiculedand humiliated. This unfortunately without a doubt included, the obscene vicious harsh descriptions, with habitual bad black sick humor towards her family.This is coupled with completeextreme hatred,stupidity, and fear.

. They first Amendment of the United States Constitution, is alive and well, only if it fits into their puzzle. These snakes have thrown everything at them except the kitchen stink Instead of making them weaker by intimidation, and retreating, back to the hills, it made them stronger, with increasing support from the American people. They have the unique flare of reversing and using the enemies ammunition against them and using all their namecalling, verbal abuse and foul languageas a potent powerful media weapon, by confronting them head on and appealing these injustices to the publicly. She is a naturally refreshinglynew marvelous political figure, which can only be complimentedas a ferocious fearless dynamo. She is a courageous lioness protecting her cubs, and believes in America and the Constitution.May God pleasebless always her and her family and our great Country of America?