TOPS Publicity Volunteer Program


·  To highlight members who have successfully lost weight, give them a chance to shine, and help them feel more engaged with and appreciated by our organization.

·  To have more successful members involved in spreading the life-saving message of TOPS in their local communities.

·  To expand the reach of TOPS. Since each member lives in different neighborhoods, belongs to different organizations, churches and clubs and knows different sets of people, having different people spread the word each year allows us to reach into new parts of the community.

·  To relieve Area Captains of some publicity demands and allow their area to be covered in a more comprehensive way.


·  Volunteers must be KOPS, Division Winners or members who have made meaningful progress toward goal. They should be able-bodied and should reflect our TOPS Vision Statement of being “Healthy & Active.”

·  Volunteers should be excited and happy to help. While your potential volunteer may need some encouraging, we never want to cross the line into “guilting” or arm-twisting. If volunteers are not enthusiastic, chances are that they will not be successful in promoting TOPS and sharing our life-saving message of better health through weight-loss support.

·  Regional Directors will review all suggested candidates for suitability by checking their weight loss and member history before approving them. You should propose potential candidates to your Regional Director before asking them.

·  As Field Staff, you can avoid hurt feelings by being proactive in checking a member’s progress to goal on IMIS ( before approaching that person. You may also want to check in with chapter Leaders for suggestions of successful members.

·  Regional Directors will send one list of all approved volunteers in their area to Headquarters by December 1. These people will be included in the initial December mailing. Additional volunteers may be added later.

·  Area Captains may have multiple volunteers. (i.e. two people in a chapter working as a team, one volunteer in each sizeable town or in each county, etc.) Each AC should have at least one.

·  Coordinators and Regional Directors may also appoint volunteers. Just as the Area Captain, Coordinators should send names of potential publicity volunteers to the Regional Director for approval before asking the person.

·  Regional Director shall keep Field Staff informed of the names of all the Publicity Volunteers. This will assure that the Area Captain, Coordinator and Regional Director all know which members in their area of responsibility have been selected as publicity volunteers.


·  Volunteers will serve during one calendar year – Originally, the program called for a January 1 start, but volunteers may also start in the fall, around August. Volunteers are only being asked to concentrate on publicity during three suggested times of the year:

o  January/February

o  Immediately after spring Recognition Days

o  August/September

§  These are the best times, but they are not the only times volunteers are needed

§  Being unavailable during any suggested times should not disqualify volunteer.

§  Volunteers are welcome to spend additional time if they are so inclined. This is completely up to the volunteer.

·  Volunteers are only responsible for reaching out in their immediate community.

o  They are not to be asked to serve an entire county or multi-county area.

o  They are not reimbursed for gas or travel.

o  They are only asked to distribute posters or other promotional items as they are going about their daily business. We do not expect them to treat this as a job where they are required to work a certain number of hours per week.

o  They do not need to do all or even most of the suggested activities in the Publicity Volunteer packet. These are simply ideas to get the ball rolling.

§  Volunteers are encouraged to choose only those activities that meet with their skills, interests and availability.

§  For example, some volunteers will be very excited to schedule a presentation at their local Rotary or Lions Club, quilting circle, mothers group, etc. Other people would never consider public speaking. That’s fine. We are not asking volunteers to undertake activities that make them uncomfortable.

·  Volunteers will receive an official Publicity Packet from Headquarters. Headquarters mails materials directly to volunteers at the home address that is on file in IMIS.

o  The initial Publicity Packets will be mailed for approximate arrival during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.

o  Mailing contents may vary from year to year but will generally include:

§  A thank you flyer with words of encouragement

§  A button or pin that is available only for Publicity Volunteers

§  Suggested activities for spreading the word

§  A log for recording publicity efforts attempted

§  An evaluation sheet to help us improve the program

§  Samples of publicity materials: posters, business cards, brochures, etc.

§  A postcard for ordering additional free materials directly from Headquarters

o  All Field Staff will receive electronic copies of what is included in the packet at the time the initial mailing goes out.

·  The Publicity Volunteer program does not replace ongoing promotional efforts of Field Staff and chapters. If enthusiastic volunteers would like to help before their initial kit arrives, materials may still be ordered using the Special Promotions Order (S-038) or the Materials Requisition for Field Staff (S-012), both of which require RD approval.

o  Similarly, if outgoing volunteers would like to continue promoting TOPS, we are not forcing them to stop. However, we do not want to foist this responsibility on a handful of people who will do it forever. After their year is up, they will need to get items from their Coordinator.

o  Remember, the idea is to continue to get new blood and to ask successful members to help. It’s supposed to be an honor and not a burden.

·  Headquarters will send replacement materials directly to the Publicity Volunteers.

o  When the volunteer needs additional materials, he or she orders them at no cost from Headquarters using the re-order postcard in the initial publicity packet.

o  Headquarters reserves the right to limit quantities.

o  Each time Headquarters sends promotional materials, a re-order postcard is enclosed.

o  No approval from Field Staff is needed.

o  Funds for publicity items on the Publicity Volunteer re-order postcard are not charged to Regional Directors or other Field Staff.

o  Postcard is strictly for use by volunteers. Field Staff should order their own supplies for health fairs and other publicity using the S-038 or S-012 mentioned above.


·  Do read the publicity materials when you receive them so you can mentor your volunteer and answer questions.

·  Do reach out in early January to make sure volunteers received the packets and to answer any questions.

·  Do watch the Publicity Volunteer webinar available on the website and direct your volunteers to it as well.

·  Do touch base every month or two to ask how things are going, offer guidance and support and express your thanks.

·  Do recognize the efforts over the results. If a volunteer asks to put up posters at 10 businesses, and only one says “yes,” then thank the person for the effort and remind them that we are only planting seeds with our publicity efforts. We cannot force anything to grow from those seeds on demand.

·  Do recognize your volunteer at Recognition Days, Fall Rallies and other events as appropriate. There is a certificate for this purpose in the Area Captain section of

·  Do allow the person to create his or her own positive experience.

o  DON’T micromanage the volunteer or force additional meetings, reports or paperwork. The program is meant to be fun for the volunteer and largely self-directed. Don’t create extra work for yourself and the volunteer.

o  DON’T try to force volunteers to conduct publicity activities that make them uncomfortable, such as writing, interviews or public speaking. Allow them the freedom to share their enthusiasm and love of TOPS with their community in the ways in which they feel most comfortable.

PI-098FS TOPS Publicity Volunteer Program (Rev 10/28/16) © 2016 TOPS Club Inc. Page 2