NCMA Denver Chapter
Scholarship Application
Scholarship Type
Scholarship: / Select OneMembership DuesContinuing EducationCollege
*A separate application must be completed for each scholarship.
Personal Information
Last Name: / First Name: / Middle Initial:
City: / State: / Zip Code:
Email Address: / Email Type: / Select OnePersonalSchoolOfficeOther
Phone Number: / Phone Type: / Select OnePersonalSchoolOfficeOther
NCMA Involvement
Event Attended:
Chapter: / Year:
Event Attended:
Chapter: / Year:
Event Attended:
Chapter: / Year:
If no involvement, explain why:
High School/ College/ University:
Campus (City and State):
Major (include concentration, if applicable):
Graduation Year: / Anticipated?
Professional Experience
Current Employer:
Number of years’ experience in acquisition / contract management career field: / Select One012345 or more
Briefly describe your experience (if applicable):
Scholarship Information
So that we may better assess your goals, please briefly address the following:
  1. Why are you interested in NCMA?

  1. Why should you be selected as a scholarship recipient?

  1. Any additional information you wish to provide (please attach additional documents as necessary):

Continuing Education Scholarship (only complete if you selected “Continuing Education” for scholarship type):
  1. List the event or course for which you are requesting a scholarship. Include at a minimum, event name, event sponsor/host/instructor, and date of event.

  1. Briefly describe attempts to receive funding from your company or agency, if applicable. Furnish proof of refusal received.
  2. Submit with this application an essay describing why you want to attend this event and what you hope to get out of the event. Describe how you and the Denver Chapter will benefit from your involvement in this event.

College Scholarship (only complete if you selected “College” for scholarship type):
  1. On a separate paper, submit a 250-word essay on who you are, why you are interesting in contracting as a profession, what your career goals are, and how you plan to obtain them.

Responsibility Acknowledgement
You understand that if you are to receive a scholarship, a one-page after-action report must be submitted to the Chapter describing what activities the funds were used to pay for and what benefit(s) you received as a result.
You understand that there are no guarantees you will receive a scholarship and that all scholarship awards are made subject to funding availability.
Acceptance of a scholarship means you will commit to attending at least two Denver Chapter events within the current program year or the immediately preceding program year, and you will give back to the Chapter by (Check all that apply):
Serving on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one year;
Speaking at one of our monthly Chapter events; and/or
Submitting two newsletter articles for the Denver Chapter Newsletter
You certify that all information provided in this application and all attachments are accurate and truthful.
Application Submission
Attach your current résumé to the completed form and submit to the following:
Brie Staker
Scholarship Chair

All submissions become the property of the Chapter and awards are subject to the Chapter Scholarship Plan.