Wholeness Through Christ (WTC)


The Lord has raised up many ministries that release people into a deeper relationship with Him. Like these, WTC is a ministry to the whole person, but its uniqueness ties in the simplicity of looking into four specific areas of brokenness (sins - wounds - bondages - enemy strongholds) surrounded by the love of God. This insight comes from Psalm 103:1--6:

"Bless the Lord O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindnessand tendermercies, Who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.The Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed."

Wholeness involves the renewal of our spirits, souls, and bodies. The Lord's love, through the power of the cross, brings His forgiveness and redemption where there is sin, His grace and healing where there are wounds, His truth and freedom where there is bondage and His light and release where there is oppression.

This vision for this ministry began with Ann White in the US in the 1960s. She, along with other leaders, formed Victorious Ministries Through Christ (VMTC), an organization which continues today. VMTC introduced the ministry to the United Kingdom where many church leaders were equipped. Some of these leaders felt the Lord's calling to establish a new ministry more applicable to their needs, and they left VMTC and incorporated a trust called Wholeness Through Christ.

A decade or so later, WTC was introduced in Canada on Vancouver Island at Brentwood Bay, BC. From Brentwood Bay, the ministry spread to Ontario, Quebec, Alberta, British Columbia and back to the US. Initially, the ministry was conducted largely by a team from the United Kingdom, but as North Americans became equipped with the insights, and received Jesus' blessing themselves through prayer ministry, the participation of the United Kingdom teams diminished. At present, the Lord has raised up ministry teams from all over North America. Some teams, partnering with the UK, have traveled to Singapore, Albania and Africa to minister.

Our Vision

The vision is two-fold: To see believers healed, released and equipped to fulfill the purpose and plan for which they were created; and as a ministry to be available to share WTC principles with churches and Christian organizations as a part of their discipleship training.

Organization and Administration

WTC is not affiliated with any particular denomination or other organization. It is a nonprofit ministry and registered charity with a volunteer Board of Directors. A Treasurer, as well as a part-time Administrator (the only remunerated position), report to the Board. Lay and ordained people who minister in WTC volunteer their time and giftings. The ministry is undergirded by an organized network of intercessors.

Financial Support:

WTC is financed through the regular giving and love offerings of individuals.Although we endeavour to make WTC events self-supporting, fees only cover a portion of "on-site" costs.

Extra funding is needed for the following:

-partial assistance for people who would otherwise be unable to attend functions -ongoing general administrative costs

-travelling and accommodation expenses for ministry teams -funding for further ministry outreach

How could you help?

First, by your own regular giving to the Lord's work through WTC.

Second, by encouraging your church or Christian organization to give to the work of WTC as part of its outreach and mission support.

Please bring this need to the Lord in prayer, asking Him how you, your church, or fellowship may be able to respond.

Gifts and donations should be made payable to Wholeness Through Christ" and sent to:

Wholeness Through Christ Burl Deatherage, Treasurer 905 Paconla Place Brentwood Bay, BC Canada V8M I C9

All gifts over $20.00 will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

History1.doc Jan2004