Whole Network Installation Summary
Use this document to organise processes when dealing with a new network installation or a major change in an existing network. /Document Version Control
Date: / 11/08/2007
Overview / Description of the scope of this project
[Enter details here]…Section 1—client network requirements
- Identify stakeholders (list them and their areas of concern).
- List client requirements. (Confirmed requirements plus needs of the project.)
- Consider compatibility with current applications software and operating systems.
- Contact vendors to obtain specifications and availability of all identified components.
- Evaluate the different hardware offerings from vendors. Evaluations attached.
- Review of IT Standards and Procedures. (What areas does this project touch?)
- Identify the components, both hardware and software that are required to be installed to meet the technical requirements.
- Develop plans, with prioritised tasks and contingency arrangements, for the installation of the components, with minimum disruption to client. Attach Installation Plan.
- Summarise the Industry standards that the network will adhere to.
- Liaise with appropriate person to obtain approval plans, including security clearance and timing.
Section 2—hardware installation
- Have arrangements been made to reduce the disruption to clients?
- List appropriate times that installers may be allowed to work on installation project.
- Develop a checklist to ensure that the cable is installed in accordance with appropriate standard.
- Document server installation process and install server.
- Document workstation installation process and install workstation.
- Document other equipment installation process and install.
- Attach all relevant documents for Section 2.
Section 3—software installation
- Summarise the standards that need to be adhered to when installing the network software especially in the areas of:
- naming conventions
- addressing
- formats
- security
- Document the configuration choices made for the server and for the workstation including:
- system names
- IP Addressing
- DNS server
- WINS server
- DHCP server.
Section 4—configuration and testing
- Document the network test plan to ensure that all functionality and components are tested.
- Check for correct network resource access for each of the users from each workstation.
- Document the test process findings and the results of correcting and retesting any problems or issues discovered.
- Attach all relevant documents for Section 4.
Section 5—documentation and sign-off
- Confirm that all asset recording has been completed.
- Document the workstation boot process and the configuration options to ensure that support can quickly rebuild and configure the workstation.
- Review network design documentation. Does it describe all required network components? If not amend accordingly.
- Obtain sign off from the mentor that all documentation including this template has been completed.
- Attach all relevant documents for Section 5.
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