The Rudder

October 1, 2010Dan River Region Pilot ClubVolume 5 Issue 4

“Whoever is happy will make others happy too.” – Anne Frank

Fall Council Roundup

Thanks to all who helped with Fall Council. The event went off without major problems and was generally well received. Although we did not please all of the people all of the time, we did please most of the attendees most of the time. All of you did your parts flawlessly and you made Council a successful event. The decorations were lovely and the speaker and entertainment were very popular.

Please give some thought to the council and what you liked, disliked, and recommend for changes for the next time. While we are not currently scheduled to host anything again until 2018, one can never be sure that a schedule will not change. The club may find itself hosting a gathering before then. Give some brain power to the matter and offer your suggestions and comments.

Fall Council co-Chairs – Carolyn Harrison and Sally Vick


  • The Fall Tree raffle netted $276 for Jordan Amos’s memorial bench.
  • Carolyn Harrison has been asked by Governor-elect Lynn Moon to serve as the Virginia District Membership Coordinator for 2011-2012. Congratulations to Carolyn!
  • The crafty folks met at Cynthia Hyler’s house on Monday, Sept. 27, to price items for the Christmas sale. Reports are that they priced some 200 items for the November sale. In addition there are at least 50 more items at Carolyn Harrison’s house. The group will meet at 10am on Monday, Oct. 4, at Carolyn’s home for a “Roundup Loose Ends Day”. Currently one more day is planned after that to clean up Carolyn’s porch and organize for next year. If you have new ideas for some crafts for 2011 email them to Linda Holley or bring them to the October meeting.

“Breaking News”: Congrats to Susan Amos on her planned retirement at the first of the year. Thanks to Lisa Elgin for supplying the following:

From Susan: I'm actually taking early retirement. I have about 26 years with the state. I worked for the Regional Health Department for 12, then took off to be at home with my babies. Came back part-time when they started school withJ&D Court Services,thenworked part-time as adeputy clerk in J&D, then went full-time about 6-7 years ago as an Administrative Assistant in J&D Court Services. It's a great job if you know anyone who would be interested. I'm still going to fill-infor the clerk in Circuit Court as a court reporter on felony cases,but that shouldn't be but a day or so each month. I hope. Other than that, I hope to spend my time on my home and yard.More timefor Pilot and moretime with my grand-niece and grand-nephews (Malia's grandchildren).

Send announcements to Sally Vick at or 836-5535.