Section 1

  1. Who were the parents of Romulus and Remus, who raised them?
  2. Who were the three groups that inhabited the Italian peninsula?
  3. How did the Etruscans influence Rome?
  4. After King Tarquin, how did the Romans feel about monarchy?
  5. Who were allowed citizen voting rights in the Roman republic?
  6. What were the two social/political groups in Rome?
  7. Why was there a need for the Twelve Tables?
  8. What branch of the Roman government controlled the military?
  9. In times of crisis, who did the republic appoint to rule for six-months at a time?
  10. Which Roman citizens were required to serve in the military?
  11. Under what conditions did Rome allow its allies freedom & independence?
  12. What city-state was Rome’s main rival in the Mediterranean?
  13. Who was the mastermind behind the second Punic War?
  14. Who was the daring military leader who devised a plan to attack Carthage?

Section 2

  1. How much of Rome’s population was composed of slaves by the year 100B.C.?
  2. What reforms were proposed by the Gracchi bothers?
  3. According to the book, what is a Civil War?
  4. Who were the members of the 1st Triumvirate?
  5. List three of Caesars reforms.
  6. When was Caesar assassinated?
  7. Who were the members of the 2ndTriumvirate?
  8. At which battle did Octavian ultimately defeat Antony and Cleopatra?
  9. How many years did Rome enjoy the Pax Romana?
  10. What group of people actually administered the Empire?
  11. What industry was most vital to the Roman economy, & what percentage of the population engaged in it?
  12. What personal qualities did a person need to have to achievevirtue of gravitas?
  13. What type of activity were strong, healthy male slaves forced to participate?
  14. List three of the most important Roman gods.
  15. What did the Roman government do to distract the masses from their daily miseries?

Section 3

  1. Who baptized Jesus, & what type of trade (occupation) did Jesus train for?
  2. What is the main source of information about the teachings of Jesus?
  3. What did the chief priests of the Jews accuse of Jesus, what did the Roman governor accuse of Jesus?
  4. What does the word ‘Christos’ mean?
  5. List two conditions that allowed Christianity to spread.
  6. What was the Diaspora?
  7. What are martyrs?
  8. Why did Constantine accept Christianity?
  9. Which emperor made Christianity the official religion of Rome?
  10. Peter was said to be the first Pope, what is a Pope?
  11. What did church leaders consider to be heresy?
  12. What did Augustine contribute to Christian teaching?

Section 4

  1. What is inflation?
  2. What advantage did the use of mercenaries have over native Roman troops?
  3. What disadvantage did the use of mercenaries present?
  4. What reform did Diocletian make to Roman governance?
  5. Where did Constantine relocate the capital of the empire?
  6. Why did various Germanic peoples push into Roman territory around 370A.D.?
  7. Who united the Huns & terrorized the empire?
  8. Who was the last emperor of Rome?
  9. What did the eastern half of the empire came to be called, & how much longer did it last?

Section 5

  1. Who did the Romans acknowledge as leaders in the arts, architecture, literature, and philosophy?
  2. What is Greco-Roman culture?
  3. What three types of artistic expression did the Romans excel?
  4. What preserved much of the art & buildings in the town of Pompeii?
  5. What was the most famous work of Latin literature, & who was its author?
  6. How did the work of Livy differ from that of Tacitus?
  7. What languages share a Latin common heritage, & what are these languages called?
  8. What was the function of aqueducts?
  9. What was the most lasting & widespread contribution of the Romans?
  10. According to historian R. H. Barrow, why did Rome never really fall?