Who Does/Gets What?

Michelle Karns

Health Tracking/Reporting

CACFP Enrollment Forms

PIR Reporting

Child & Family Tracking/Follow-Up: Disability, Treatment (medical and dental), Immunization & Dental Billing

Class List/ Wait List

Change of Status

Health Data Entry

ESI-R Data Entry

(developmental and artic)

ICHAT Clearance

MCIR Immunization reporting

Monthly enrollment number reporting to HSES and Agency

Board Report

Monthly In-kind report

ChildPlus.net staff trainings

Jane and Kris shared

Clerical - copies, binders, business cards, laminating, shredding

Process mail – in and out

Clerical assistance in hiring process

Maintain mailing label data base

Take/pickup mail to/from 3 Mile/LL


Staff Training Requests

Maintain Training Requests Binder

Enter EHS home visits

Child Care EHS physical follow-ups and ChildPlus entering

Form updates/ordering

Parent and training surveys

USDA menu reviews/Meal Obs

Back up for website postings

Enter attendance in ChildPlus

Track attendance from classrooms – (fax to 231-922-0595; mail original attendance and sign-ins to Jane)

Sherry Paul

Purchase supplies for all programs

Monitor expenditures and develop ordering methods for staff.

Update Business Office on expected large purchases and other info that they may need to process billing.

USDA meal observations

Chris Welton

Change of Status

Child & Family Tracking/Follow-Up: Social Service, Home Visit


Data entry of all EHS, HS, GSRP, and Be Four applications

Reception desk relief

Maintain/update application, change of status, drop and add filing for CD


Kris Krouse

Policy Council/Travel reservations

Gas Card Tracking and dispersal

Employee Physicals, TB CPR, First Aid, BBP notifications and ChildPlus entering

Enter trainings in ChildPlus

Order name plates and name tags

Collect and fileIncident reports

Menu reviews and meal observations/Claims

Add job postings to website

Reception desk relief

Program Directory updates

Assist Human Resources Manager

Weebly uploading

Purchase orders for HS and EHS

Susan Duke-Tyler

Planned Menus – fax to 231-922-0595

Served menus – mail originals to Susan

Food and Milk Substitution Forms

Procurement forms

I-CHAT Clearance new hires; licensing

Employment ads for newspapers

Clerical assistance in hiring process

Schedule new teacher fingerprinting

CC attendance and check requests

New and renewal center licensing; order appropriate inspections

Coordinate clerical requests

Agency Annual Report

Edit Parent Handbook

Nutrition Training

Media for recruitment

Susan and Jane - Annual USDA bid and application; add new centers for Sept

7/15 Head Start/Misc/Susan/WhoDoesGetsWhat