PRESENT: Councillors D. Randall (Chair), R. Harrington,A. Barnettand Cllrs Mrs D. Gale and M. Neuhoff. Also in attendance Linda Paice, Parish Clerk, Cllr Mrs Lizzy Bowen, District Councillor, 11 members of the public

1 / APOLOGIESwere receivedand accepted from Cllr M. Peters (away) and also Cllr Allen Walker, County Councillor.
3 / i)NoDISPENSATION requestshad been received.
iii)The requirement to update REGISTER OF INTEREST changes was noted.
4 / Having been previously circulated it was RESOLVED that the MINUTES of the Meeting
held on 15th September2016be duly signed and adoptedas a true recordin line with Standing Order 5a(iii).
Cllr Lizzy Bowen as DISTRICT COUNCILLOR reported on a business event held at Towcester Racecourse which was hosted by SNC. There will be future events. She also advised of a meeting with MEPC regarding their submitted application for Silverstone Park.
A member of the public raised concerns about the safety of the play equipment and future proposals. The Chair explained the situation advising that this was not within the control of the Parish Council but fell to the responsibility of the Trustees of the Reading Room Charity who were working towards replacement and relocation. He did advise, however, that issues raised were being addressed by members of the RR Management Committee. A resident suggested that perhaps younger residents whose children used the site maybe could take a more proactive part in its upkeep. A pressure washer could be made available at the site.
Issues were raised regarding vehicles constantly parking on the footpaths in High Street. The Clerk clarified the position on this and residents were asked to forward photographs of offending vehicles which would be advised to the Police.
The Clerk was still clarifying the position on the transfer of the dog waste bin closer to the entrance to the footpath across the adjacent field.
The condition of the footpath to Kingsfield Piece would again be reported.
An earlier reported tree by Vicarage Close had been removed and a resident asked if this was to be replaced.
The Clerk would follow up with N J Blackwell the request cutting of the hedges at The Crescent and Vicarage Close.
6 / 6.1 FINANCE It was RESOLVED that the following accounts be paid:
Chq No / Amount / Incl
VAT of / Payee / Details / Power
300225 / £339.32)
£ 7.04)
£346.36 / Linda Paice / Salary & expenses
Shared expenses / LGA 1972 s112
LGA 1972 s111
300226 / £70.20 / HMRC / Tax / LGA 1972 s112
300227 / £557.16 / 92.96 / N J Blackwell / Mowing / Open Spaces Act
300228 / £70.27 / 11.71 / A H Contracts / Dog bin maintenance / Open Spaces Act
300229 / £202.63 / 32.91 / SSE / Electricity / Highways Act
300230 / £114.96 / 19.61 / Aylesbury Mains / Light repair / Highways Act
300231 / £50.00 / Royal British Legion / Poppy wreath donation / GPOC
6.2 RECEIPTS –£6750 SNC half precept: £8.39 Unity Trust interest.
6.3 The Council’s bank balances at 30th September2016 were noted as £9053.93 in the current account including £3400 of earmarked funds, and £33670.08 in the reserve account.
6.4 Details of receipts and payment to September 2016 were noted.
6.5 Details of the NCALC subscription for 2017 were noted following agreement at the NCALC AGM.
7 / PLANNING 7.1 It was RESOLVED that the following APPLICATIONSbe considered and comments would be submitted accordingly:
Application No / Detail / Comments
S/2016/2215/NA / Neighbouring Authority Consultation for Refurbishment of the existing hangar building and the creation of additional new build accommodation to house a permanent exhibition relating to motor sport, together with Collection and Research Centre and Learning Studios. / FOR INFORMATION ONLY
Comments attached
S/2016/2286/FUL / Construction of a gravity sewer to convey foul water from Whittlebury Park to the Anglian Water pumping station at Washbrook Spinney at Whittlebury Park / Support.
Details attached
S/2016/2293/MAF / New commercial building at Weavers Coving / No objections
Details attached
S/2016/1795/EIA / Outline application for mixed use development comprising offices, light industrial, general industrial and storage & distribution facilities (Use Class B1a, B1c, B2 & B8), education including on site student accommodation (D1 & C2), up to two hotels (C1), non retail promotional automotive display space (sui generis), a social hub (D2), parking and access arrangements, supporting infrastructure including highway and utilities improvements, demolition of existing structures, associated landscaping and other ancillary works. Application accompanied by an Environmental Statement at Silverstone Park / Support in principle
See attached
7.3REFUSALS– None.
7.4 OTHER PLANNING MATTERS – – i) Notification of electronic telecommunications generator for information only was noted.
ii) Information forwarded by Cllr Barnett on Local Plan issues consultations was noted.
8 / REPORTS - i) HIGHWAYS –a)No further issues were reported.
b) Updates were noted.
c) An update had already been given on the moving of the dog waste bin outside the Reading Room. The Clerk was following up on concerns that there was insufficient space on the verge.
ii) FOOTPATHS– The plant overgrowth on Lady’s Walk had been removed.
iii) LIGHTING – No issues reported.
iv) CIRCUIT– Planning issues had already been discussed. The next meeting on 8th December 2016 would be attended by Cllr Mrs Gale. The MEPC meeting was planned for the same date.
v) OTHER REPORTS – a) Recreation Society – Film nights had re-started but if they were to continue a volunteer organiser would be needed for next year. The next HUG events were on 12th and 26th November being a talk on the history of the village and a Quiz Night.
b) Nothing reported by NHW.
c) The Chair and Cllr Harrington had been following up on information from the NCALC AGM in relation to a Parish Council website. There was general agreement in principle to following up on this especially as the Council fell under the Government Transparency Code rules.
d) Responses to recent e mails from both Trevor Dixon of SNC and Anglian Water on questions raised by the Council had been circulated. Suggested responses were circulated by the Chair on which members would feed back agreed responses then to be sent.
e) The Clerk would forward a selection of dates for the 2017 Annual Village Meeting.
f) Feedback was given following the NCALC AGM.
9 / CORRESPONDENCE – 9.1 Tabled correspondence was noted .
11 / ITEMS FOR THE NEXT MEETING– a) Presentation of Draft Budget for 2017-18
b) Consideration of a replacement tree by Vicarage
12 / DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 17th November2016 at 7.30pm in the Reading Room

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.20pm.