Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners Parking Permit - Terms and Conditions of Use
By applying for a permit you are entering into a contract with Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners (WHC) and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of Use (see below), you are also giving your permission for WHC to carry out any background checks as applicable with the DVLA or any other agency in order to check that the vehicle is registered, taxed, insured and has a current MOT certificate.
- Parking permits must be displayed in the front windscreen preferably on the nearside edge of the vehicle using the holder provided, so that it is clearly legible from the outside of the vehicle.
- Parking Permits are available on a Monday to Friday or Monday to Sunday basis and will be for 6 months (April to September & 12month April to March) periods only; please clarify which you require on the application form. All permits will commence on the 1st day of the following month, pro-rata rates for part months will be available for the initial permit.
- Parking permits are valid for the specified days of the week only. Outside of these days normal parking charges will apply. Parking permits are only valid in the car park specified on that permit.
- No vehicle shall display any parking permit which has been altered, defaced, mutilated or added to, or upon which the details have become illegible.
- Permits will be issued on a first come – first served basis.
- Refunds will only be considered against annualparking permitsonly if the permit is surrendered before its expiry date. Any refund will be calculated by working out any remaining charges, excluding the month that notice is received in, and refunding the appropriate amount minus administration costs. Requests for refunds must be made in writing.
- Lost permits and/or pass cards will be subject to an administration charge for replacement.
- If a permit holder requests a change of details after a permit has been produced, an administration charge will be applied for the re-issuing of that permit.
- A parking permit does not guarantee a parking space.
- A permit holder failing to display a parking permit valid for the relevant car park at that time, shall be liable to a Parking Charge of £70.00 but a lesser charge of £40.00 shall be payable if payment is made within 14 days of the placing on the vehicle of the Parking Charge Notice.
- Parking Permits used in breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use may be withdrawn and if a Parking Attendant has reasonable cause to believe that a person is misusing a parking permit he may require the driver or person in charge of the vehicle to deliver up the permit to him. Failure to obey this request will lead to the Parking Permit being cancelled without refund and any further request for a permit being denied.
- Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners accept no liability for loss or damage to any vehicle or its contents howsoever caused.
- WHC reserve the right to refuse any application for a permit at their absolute discretion.
Parking Permit
Application / Renewal form
Applicants Name …………………………………………………………………...………
Company Contact: (if applicable) …………………………………………………………
Company Name: (if applicable) ……………………………………………………………
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………Post Code: …………….………………..
Telephone: (Home) ……………………… (Mobile) …………………………………….
Email address: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Expiry Date (of old permit): Old Permit No:
(if applicable) (if applicable)
Preferred Start Date (new permits only) (mm / yy):
Please indicate your requirements:
6 Month 12 Month & either 5 day (Mon – Fri) or 7 day (Mon – Sun)
Vehicle DetailsVRM (Registration no.)
Car Park Preference*
* If your preferred location is not available we will offer an alternative if available.
Following completion of your permit application / renewal, please indicate your preference below:
- Please post to the above address: **Yes / No
- I will collect from: Car Park Office, Multi-Storey Car Park,
Swing Pump Lane, Whitehaven. -**Yes / No
Name of Applicant: ……………………………………………………………
Signature of Applicant: ……………………………………………………….. Date: ……………………
**Applicant / Company Authorised signatory
NB: If the applicant is a company, that company is responsible under the terms and conditions.
** (delete as applicable)
Office use only Budget code: Permit number issued:
Issuing officer: Date Issued:
Posted: Yes / No
Collected: Yes / No Permit only valid for: ………………………..
Permit Costs:
6 Month / 5 Days (Mon – Fri) / £372.47 / 6 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £446.9612 Month / 5 Days (Mon – Fri) / £709.46 / 12 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £851.36
These costs are inclusive of vat @ 20%
See payment details below.
PLEASE NOTE: Permits are only available for periods of 6 or 12 months (pro-rata payments / periods for initial permit. There is an option to pay monthly by standing order.
** Monthly permits are not available.
Monthly Standing Order Permit Costs (inc of 3% surcharge)
6 Month / 5 Days (Mon – Fri) / £63.93 / 6 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £76.7212 Month / 5 Days (Mon – Fri) / £60.89 / 12 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £73.08
Proof of Standing order will be required.
Permit application must be completed for any permit renewal irrespective of continuing standing order.
Wellington Inn Car Park Only.
6 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £272.95 / £46.86 monthly by standing order inc 3%12 Month / 7 Days (Mon – Sun) / £515.00 / £44.29 monthly by standing order inc 3%
Standing orders will incur a 3% surcharge. Proof of Standing order will be required.
Administration costs will be payable for the following:
- Refund request (Annual Permits only)
- Change of details
- Lost permit
- Lost pass card
These costs shall be determined on an annual basis.
Payment Details
- *** (1) Cash / Cheque / Credit or Debit Card
- *** (2) Monthly Standing Order (please complete the mandate on the following page)
- This will require the 1st month payment by one of the methods described in (1) followed by regular monthly payments by Standing Order. Please Note: Payments by Credit Card or Standing order will incur a surcharge of 3% to cover administration costs.
***(delete as applicable)
For Standing Orders:
Please contact your bank; you will need the following information.
Name of Beneficiary/company: Whitehaven Harbour Commissioners
Reference No: Acct Holders Name
Bank Name: Barclays PLC
Sort Code: 20:18:47
Account Number: 43037770
Parking Permit T and Cs - Application - 2017-2018