White House Honors “Welcome Dayton” Leader
Former City Employee Tom Wahlrab Named a “Champion of Change”
Release Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2013
The White House has named Thomas Wahlrab,former Executive Director of the Dayton Human Relations Council and former Coordinator of the Welcome Dayton immigrant friendly city program, as a “Champion of Change.”
On Thursday, September 19, in honor of Citizenship Day and National Welcoming Week, the White House willhighlightthe accomplishments of Wahlrab as one of 10 Americans from across the country who have worked to effectively integrate immigrants civically, linguistically and socially by bringing residents together to create welcoming communities.The 10 Champions of Change will be honored at the White House in an event that will be streamed live starting Thursday at 1:00 p.m. EST at
Wahlrab was one of the principal facilitators of the community conversation that resulted in theinternationally recognized Welcome Daytonplan, which supports the successful integration of immigrants in Dayton, its neighborhoods, organizations and businesses.
During a 19-year career with the City of Dayton, Wahlrabalso led the Dayton HumanRelations Council and the Dayton Mediation Center.His 30 years of government and private sector experience involved leadership in affirmative action, contract compliance, civil rights, mediation and conflict management, community building,and civicengagement and workplace team systems development.
As President Obama said in his2013 Proclamationfor Constitution Day, Citizenship Day, and Constitution Week, “We are a proud nation of immigrants, home to a long line of aspiring citizens who contributed to their communities, founded businesses, or sacrificed their livelihoods so they could pass a brighter future on to their children. Throughout our history, immigrants have embraced the spirit of liberty, equality, and justice for all -- the same ideals that stirred the patriots of 1776 to rise against an empire, guided the framers as they built a stronger republic, and moved generations to bridge our founding promise with the realities of our time.”
Dayton City Manager Tim Riordan said, “We are extremely proud of Tom’s contributions to the Dayton community, especially his role in helping to develop the Welcome Dayton program. His efforts and the results they produced are certainly the work of a Champion.”
The Champions of Change program was created as an opportunity for the White House to feature individuals, businesses, and organizations doing extraordinary things to empower and inspire members of their communities.The Welcoming America Champions of Change are ensuring that America’s history and tradition as a nation of immigrants continues to enrich communities and the country.
Visit a list of all of the Champions and their bios.