Little Heath Primary School

Policy for Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Computing


At Little Heath we believe that the use of computers and new technologies can significantly enhance learning for our children and are committed to providing the best resources, facilities and teaching of ICT and computing that we can. It is our intention to remain a leading school in primary ICT and computing and to promote our good practice within the school and beyond.


Our aims in teaching ICT and computing are to:

Build on the skills children bring with them when they enter the school

Provide children with opportunities to develop ICT and computing, including their knowledge and understanding of the importance of information and of how to select and prepare it

Enthuse, interest and encourage children to use ICT and computing and experiment with it and to appreciate the value of it for themselves, others and society

Use ICT and computing as a means of communication and as a focus for a range of curriculum and extra curricular activities and projects

Encourage children to use ICT and computing as a research, investigative and presentational tool

Develop knowledge and understanding of ICT and computing as a subject

Enhance the learning experience and quality of outcomes children achieve across the curriculum

Provide opportunities for children to gain ‘hands on’ experience of new technologies.


ICT and computing is a core area of the National Curriculum. The fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding are set out in the National Curriculum (2014). This incorporates programmes of study, which set out what the pupils should be taught at each key stage.

At Little Heath we believe that the teaching of ICT and computing should contribute significantly to the support of learning in all subjects. We will provide pupils with opportunities to apply and develop their ICT and computing capability in all subjects. Teachers should use their judgement to decide when the use of ICT/computing is appropriate at key stage 1 in the non-core foundation subjects.


We believe that ICT and computing should be:

Integrated seamlessly into the curriculum

Used in every area of the curriculum

Taught discretely when necessary

A tool to learn with rather than a tool to learn about

Used by all members of staff to enhance learning

Accessible to all whenever and wherever it is needed

Used to improve higher thinking skills such as problem solving and analytical work

Used by teachers and support staff to make management tasks easier and more efficient

At Little Heath we have a programme of work for ICT and computing which is incorporated into all curriculum areas. Class teachers liaise with the ICT and computing team[1] to devise tasks, which are curriculum related.

All classes from Year 1 to Year 6 have at least two timetabled sessions of up to 1 hour in the computer suite each week.

The mobile wireless laptop trolley and iPad trolley is generally used in class from Y1 onwards.

All classes have access to at least one classroom based PC or laptop

Every teacher has a laptop computer.

The learning culture at Little Heath means there is plenty of informal teaching of skills. Teachers and pupils constantly exchange roles in their pursuit of new ICT and computing skills and pupils spread new capabilities to their peers very swiftly. Everyone in the school is encouraged to use correct vocabulary when talking about hardware and software.


  • Children are encouraged to continue work at home, they may copy files from school computers or email their work to themselves to take home and finish or develop.
  • Children in Y6 and Y5 may send homework to their teacher via e-mail (following guidelines - see appendix)
  • Parents are encouraged to allow their children to use their individualised learning account with Sam Learning and Sum Dog for revision and consolidation.
  • Parents receive school newsletters and other information via email.
  • There is a school texting service for parents
  • Parents may use the school website and class blogs for information.


Every effort is made to use ICT to help SEN children with their learning difficulties. They can use ICT whenever possible and this provides motivation, self-confidence and a tool with which to overcome problems such as spelling and presentation difficulties.

Many of our children have access to a computer at home but we make every effort to enable all our children to use ICT equally in school. Children work through curriculum tasks so that all children in a year group get the same amount of time and experience with ICT and computing.

Children in KS2 with SEN or difficulties with handwriting are offered the opportunity to use a laptop for extended writing tasks.

All children are encouraged to use various websites to enhance their learning in school.


Every class has access to the internet from the ICT suite or mobile laptop trolley and children have many opportunities to use it. We use Hertfordshire’s intranet (thegrid), which acts as an efficient firewall to eliminate access to any unsuitable material. However, should there be an instance of an unsuitable site being accessed, children should immediately tell their teacher, who will inform the ICT team. Children do not use the internet without permission. They are taught about safe use of the internet and a policy exists (see appendix).


All equipment is checked annually under the Electricity at Work Regulation 1989.

The Health and Safety at Work Act (1 January 1993), European Directive deals with requirements for computer positioning and quality of screen. This directive is followed for all administration staff.

The computer suite is air-conditioned and serviced regularly.


We have a policy of continuous ICT and computing training for all staff, including learning assistants. We provide training sessions as required e.g. when new technology is purchased and refresher courses on current technology. We feel it is important that everybody knows how to use the tools of ICT and computing and learns how to use them to raise standards and make administration tasks more efficient.

It is important not to breach copyright laws and staff should refer to the Naace guidance document on Copyright, the Internet and the Classroom Teacher (see appendix)


In order to give our children the best learning opportunities with ICT and computing the school is committed to staying on the leading edge of the technology available. We have access to the internet by wireless and broadband technology.

The school is resourced as follows:

Server network in the ICT suite comprising fifteen machines and an electronic whiteboard

Mac mini server for iPads

30 wireless laptop computers on a mobile unit

32 mini iPads on a mobile unit

An interactive whiteboard in each classroom

A laptop for every teacher

3 admin computers

At least one stand alone or laptop computer in each KS1classroom

1 colour laser printer attached to the network

1 colour printer in Nursery and Y6

18 digital cameras

1 video cameras

8 visualisers

various networked software (including virus protection)

internet access to all computers

Plasma screen in dining hall to show children’s work and learning activities


The ICT and computing team consists of:-

Headteacherhas an overall strategic school view

Deputy Headteacher looks after curriculum interests and control resources

Technician on call


The ICT and computing team meets regularly and has an overview of all ICT and computing activities in the school. This helps to ensure continuity and progression from Early Years to year 6.

Essential aspects of the team’s role are to:

plan ICT and computing activities in accordance with the school’s planning policy

review plans regularly

provide or arrange ICT and computing training as necessary to familiarise teachers and support staff with the planned activities and with ICT and computing skills in general

liaise with the technician (4ways Solutions)

identify requirements for and order hardware and software and ensure maintenance and replacement of them, in line with the ICT and computing budget allocation

develop policy and practice in ICT and computing

monitor pupil progress in ICT computing

Contribute to the strategic planning of ICT and computing via the School Improvement Plan


Children’s achievement in ICT and computing is measured against the National Curriculum attainment target for computing.

Teachers observe and note skills exhibited by the pupils and record findings in the

 ICT and computing Assessment Record

The team regularly monitor ICT and computing lessons and observe children working across the year groups to note skill levels

ICT systems are used for recording and tracking pupil progress in English, Mathsand Science to identify individuals or groups requiring challenge or support.

Electronic transfer is used to pass end of key stage 2 levels to secondary schools.


All classes are given an email address. Children should only use email when directed by a member of staff. No email should ever be opened or re-routed if there is an attachment unless the recipient is 100% sure of the sender – if unsure check with a member of the ICT/computing team.


No private software or files should be transferred to any computer in the school. Consult the ICT/computer coordinator about any requests.


This policy will be monitored on an on-going basis by the ICT and computing team. It will be reviewed tri– annually or earlier if appropriate.

Date of agreement of policy……………………….

Date of agreement by Governing Body…………………………


Little Heath Primary School - ICT PolicySpring 2014