Upon motion of the President of the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization, and upon same being duly seconded, the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization makes the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization is a duly formed organization

dedicated to the promotion of understanding and communication among the administration, teachers, pupils, and parents associated with the Belmar Grammar School; and

WHEREAS, the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization is governed by and operates

pursuant to certain rules and regulations known as the "Constitution and By-Laws"; and

WHEREAS, Article IX of said Constitution and By-Laws permits the amendment of

same by majority vote; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Board of the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization deems it

necessary and proper to effect amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws; and

WHEREAS, the amendments to be made to the Constitution and By-Laws are of such

a nature and extent that the Executive Board of the Belmar Parent-Teacher Organization

deems it most beneficial to amend the Constitution and By-Laws by rescinding the existing articles and simultaneously adopting new provisions,

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Belmar Parent-Teacher

Organization hereby rescinds, repeals, and voids all prior articles of the Constitution and By- Laws, including those revised as of January 1, 1996 and simultaneously enacts, adopts, and places into effect the provisions of the new Constitution and By-Laws attached hereto as Schedule A, which said new Constitution and By-Laws shall be the only valid Constitution and By-Laws in force and effect as of March 13, 2007.

Resolution carried,


Article I

This organization shall be known as the BELMAR PARENT-TEACHER ORGANIZATION.

Article II

These are the one and only by-laws as of March 13, 2007

Article III


A. The purpose of this organization shall be primarily to promote a better understanding between our school, the teaching staff, pupils, and parents; and to insure a common ground where all may meet to further our individual ideas toward a common goal - our responsibility as parents and teachers.

B. To provide a means of holding open meetings at stated times to meet the organization’s purpose.

C. To raise funds for programs, curriculum and equipment, and other expenditures mentioned herein.

Article IV

Membership and Dues:

A. Membership shall be comprised of all parents and legal guardians of children attending Belmar Elementary School and the faculty.

B. There shall be no stated dues, however, voluntary contributions may be made at any time.

Article V


A. Regularly scheduled meetings should be held each month from September to June, but the President may, at any time, change the date of meetings, provided that due and timely notice shall be given.

B. Announcements shall be sent home with each pupil several days in advance of membership meetings when possible.

Article VI


A. Elected officers shall be as follows:


Vice President

Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary


B. Said officers will be elected at a mandatory election for a period of 1 year. A majority vote shall be necessary to elect any officer. In a contested election, voting shall be done by ballot. The election will take place at the April membership meeting. Elected officers shall be installed at the May membership meeting. All records should be turned over at the May meeting.

C. Standing Committees should be formed each year. Examples of Committees are listed below:


Book Fairs (Fall and Spring)

Bake Sale

Plant Sales

Student Program Committee (including School Spirit

Scholarship Committee


Campbell’s Labels

Fall Fundraiser

Spring Fundraiser

Said Committees shall be appointed at the discretion of the Belmar P.T.O. Executive Board each year.

Article VII


A. Officers

President - Conduct all meetings, serve as Chairman of the Executive Board, exofficio member of all committees, appointment of all standing committee chairman and appointment of all other necessary chairmen and committees on the approval of the elected officers, and such other duties as may arise.

Vice President - Act in the absence of the President and assist the President in every possible way.

Recording Secretary - Keep an accurate record of all membership meetings and Executive Board meetings. Maintain a record of attendance at each meeting, and collect records of volunteers who participated in Belmar P.T.O. events from the event coordinator or committee chairperson. All records are the property of the Be1mar P.T.O.

Corresponding Secretary - Attend to all correspondence at the direction of the President of Executive Board including the P.T.O. Newsletter. Copies of all records to be given to the newly elected incoming officer each year.

Treasurer - Receive and disburse all funds, and keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements and present a statement at each meeting. Keep a profit and loss record for all P.T.O. fund raisers.

B. Standing Committees

Sunshine - Arrange for greeting cards, flowers, etc. to be sent to individuals as per instruction of Executive Board. Should arrange for flowers or cards to be sent to school secretaries for Secretaries Day. Send birthday cards to the teaching staff, per the monthly calendar.

Book Fairs - Chair committee to organize 2 book fairs, including selection of supplier, recruit volunteers and set days and hours of book fairs.

Bake Sale - Chair committee to recruit volunteers, to organize and oversee bake sale, including any publicity needed to advertise this event.

Plant Sales - Chair committee to set date, place orders and co-ordinate delivery of seasonal plant sales.

Student Program Committee - Chair committee to use allocated funds to provide educational and worthwhile assembly programs for the student body.

Scholarship Committee - To chair committee to contact area High Schools for Alumni lists and contact eligible Alumni students. To review applications and award at least two (2), but not to exceed four (4), $1000.00 scholarships to be used toward college tuition. Scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the Executive Board.

C. Committee Chairs/Event Co-ordinators:

All committee chairs and co-ordinators of Belmar PTO events shall keep a list of those members who actively volunteered for the event or committee. The list shall be provided to the Recording Secretary at the end of the event or prior to the election of officers, whichever is earlier.

D. Any elected officer may resign his/her office on submission in writing of his resignation. In such instances the President shall have the power to appoint another member to fill the unexpired term or may call for nomination and election at a membership meeting, whichever method will prove best for the group as a whole.

E. In the event of the resignation of the President, the Vice President will fill the unexpired term. The new President shall have the power to appoint another member to fill the unexpired term or may call for nomination and election at a general membership meeting, whichever method will prove best for the group as a whole.

Article VIII

The Executive Board:

A. Membership - The Executive Board shall consist of all elected officers.

B. Voting Power - Each elected officer shall have one vote on the board.

C. Duties - Administer and effect the purposes of the organization.

D. Expenditures – Where practical, any expenditure will be voted on at a regular membership meeting. However, any expenditure to the amount of $500.00 can be approved by the Executive Board.

Article IX

A. Election - The P.T.O. Executive Board will present its nominated slate at the April Membership meeting. Names for additional candidates for officers shall be solicited from the floor. If any office is contested a majority vote by ballot shall be necessary to elect any officer. Vote for elected officers is held at this April meeting.

B. Eligibility to vote- All Belmar PTO members who have participated in at least three (3) Belmar PTO events during the period of time since the last PTO election are eligible to vote. Participation includes: attending a Belmar PTO meeting; volunteering at a Belmar PTO sponsored event; participating in a Belmar PTO committee; or assisting the Belmar PTO in any other material way. Records of participation in events or committees should be made by each committee chair or co-ordinator of the event.

C. Installation - Duly elected officers shall be installed at the May membership meeting and all records turned over.

Article X

Ammendments :

This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended only by a written notification to the general membership that a proposed by-law change will be voted on by a show of hands at an upcoming general membership meeting.

Article XI

There shall be a copy of the By-Laws made available to each member of the Executive Board. The President shall present By- Laws at the September meeting. Any member can have a copy if they request one.

Article XII

Upon the dissolution of the Belmar P.T.O., all remaining funds shall be given as Alumni Scholarships.

Revision 2007

Belmar PTO Bylaws March 2007