Where the Red Fern Grows
Multiple Choice: circle the letter of the answer that best answers the question.
1. What is the name of the main character?
A. Little Ann
B. Old Dan
C. Billy Coleman
D. Sammy
2. How much money did Billy have to save up to buy his dogs?
A. $200
B. $50
C. $100
D. $55
3. What did Billy’s dad do to keep Billy’s desire for dogs under control?
A. He bought Billy dogs
B. He bought Billy a cat
C. He Killed Billy
D. He got Billy some traps
4. Where did Billy have to go to pick up his dogs?
A. Tahlequah
B. Kentucky
C. Puerto Rico
D. Tennessee
5. What happened when Billy was walking home from picking up his dogs?
A. The dogs ran away
B. He got in a fight
C. He tripped
D. His dad caught him
6. What is the name of the Pritchard’s dog?
A. Old Blue
B. Old Dan
C. Little Ann
D. Sammie
7. What did Rubin say after he fell onto the Ax?
A. “I hate you!”
B. “Take it out of me”
C. “This was your fault”
D. “I’m dying”
8. How did Little Ann die?
A. A mountain lion
B. A gunshot
C. A broken heart
D. A broken clavicle
Comprehension: Answer the questions to the best of your abilities.
9. Compare the deaths of Little Ann and Old Dan.
10. Summarize the Ghost coon hunt.
11. Explain why Billy, his dad, grandpa, the judge, and Billy’s dogs stayed out and hunt while there was a storm.
12. Predict if Billy would stay in school in the city. Why or Why not
13. Explain what Billy’s dogs did for the family. Explain your answer.
14. Describe Billy’s emotions after he had picked up his dogs in the city and he was heading home.
15. Describe Billy’s feelings after both of his dogs died.
16. Restate how Billy got the names for his dogs.
Answer the questions to the best of your abilities
17. Relate to Billy after his dogs died, would you act the same way?
18. What would you do to keep a coon in a tree, other than a scarecrow? Explain if it would work or not.
19. Use the Ozark legend about the screech owls. Apply it to a modern scenario.
20. Establish a connection to Billy, if you were his dad what would you have done when Billy’s dogs died?
21. What would you have done if you were in a coon hunt and it started to storm? Why?
22. Classify in what contents this story is written in. (first, second, and third person) Give examples.
23. Articulate Ronny’s feelings after his brother fell on the ax.
24. Determine what the Author’s message was in this book. Give examples.
Answer the questions to the best of your ability
25. Compare and contrast the characteristics of Little Ann and Old Dan.
Little Ann: ______
Same: ______
Old Dan: ______
26. How is Billy’s dad different from Grandpa? Explain.
27. Prioritize the most important event in the book. What is the most important event in the book? Why?
28. Connect to Billy’s dad. How would you feel when Billy won the hunting championship? Explain.
29. Connect to Billy’s dogs. How would you fell when you came face to face with the mountain lion in the canyon?
30. Connect to Billy’s dogs. If you were in their position in his canyon, would you do the same thing?
31. Discriminate Billy’s family and the Pritchard’s. What is the same and what is different?
32. Connect to Billy’s mom. Would you let your son hunt? Or participate in a championship hunt. Why or why not?
Answer the questions to the best of your abilities.
33. Do you think that the book was good or not? Give examples.
34. Did you expect the ending? Did it appeal to you? Why or why not?
35. What if Billy could not reach little Ann when she fell in the river? What would’ve happened? Explain
36. What if Grandpa didn’t take up the bet with the Pritchard boys? What would’ve happened? Explain.
37. What would have happened to Billy’s family if Billy didn’t get his dogs? Explain.
38. What would’ve happened if Billy’s dogs didn’t win the hunting the championship? Explain.
39. If you were in Billy’s parent’s position, what would you have done with the championship money? Explain.
40. Why did Billy’s family leave behind Sammie? Explain
Answer the questions to the best of your abilities.
41. Did Billy do the right thing by tripping Rubin? Explain.
42. What would you have done if you where in Billy’s spot at the end of the ghost coon hunt. Explain.
43. If your family was moving from the country to the city, how would you feel? Explain.
44. What grade would you give Old Dan and Little Ann during the championship coon hunt? Explain.
45. Decide whether Billy will buy a different pair of dogs when he gets into the city. Explain
46. Summarize the deaths of Billy’s dogs. Explain.
47. Assess Grandpa’s decision to take up the bet with the Pritchard boys .Was it a good decision or a bad one? Explain.
48. Explain why Billy doesn’t want anymore dogs.
49. What will happen in Billy’s knew town. Explain.
50. In the beginning of the book it tells Billy being old and living back in the country. Why do you think he moved back?