BeBe Preschool
… where seeds of early education and
character development are well-planted…
Medical/Dental Emergency Agreement
In case of an emergency medical or dental treatment is necessary for my child, I authorize
911 to be called for assessment and transportation to the hospital if required, at my own expense.
Health Agreement
If a child shows any sign of illness or infections, the child will not be accepted at school. This is for their protection and well being of the other children. Parents must notify school if child will be absent.
· Fever – 100 degree or higher.
· Communicable Infections – A child may return to school when infection symptoms have subsided and child is feeling better. In some instances, a physician’s release may be required.
· Diarrhea – The risk of spreading diarrhea can be serious, as dehydration can lead to hospitalization.
· Vomiting – Recurring, with fever, or with other unusual behavior/symptom.
· Flu, Contagious Cold or Cough - A wet, wheezy cough with mucous secretion (Allergies are exempt)
· Skin Infection – head lice, poison oaks, impetigo, ringworm, chicken pox, measles, rubella, and mumps. (Food allergy rashes are exempt)
· Contagious illness and infections - Pink eye, Strep Throat, Bronchitis, eye/ear infection, etc. Child must be on medication 24 hours and/or not be contagious before returning to school.
· Severe Pain or Discomfort
If a child shows any sign of illness or infections while at school, parents will be requested to pickup within ONE hour. Child must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning to school.
Over the counter drugs, required or subscribed medications shall be administered to the children by parents before arriving to school. Medications can be administered or applied to the children in the day by school and parents must submit a Medication Permission Form.
The State mandates that parents must notify school if their child or member in their family contracts a communicable disease such as chicken pox, hepatitis, measles, etc.
Parents will be informed if the child is exposed to communicable diseases at school.
The State mandates that all children must be immunized in order to attend school. Parents need to provide child’s current immunization record and any updates as the child becomes of age and receives further immunization.
Student Name
Parents/Legal Guardians Name Signature Date