Where Eagles Dare!

Newsletter 9/19/16

This newsletter is on the website already and starting in October that’s where you can always access weekly news. www.stmarystaunton.com .

GO PATS (1-0)

From the Principals Desk

We had an unannounced fire drill on Tuesday which went very well. The TFD was in Thursday for an official visitand we did very well.

St. Mary’s water bottles are on sale for $5.00 in the Main office.

Lots of info in Wednesdays folder, please check.

Remember water is now for sale, the cost is $1.00, thank you.


Parents/guardians should not be in the classrooms during school hours unless a meeting has been previously scheduled. Please understand this disrupts the routine of the students and the flow of the class. Thank you

Parents should not enter or exit the school via the side doors. Please use the front entrance, see Danielle and sign in at the main office upon entering and sign out when leaving. Your cooperation in this safety protocol is much appreciated.

Upcoming Events at a Glance

9/19/16 / Boys Scout Meeting @ 1:00
9/19/16 / Cub Scouts Troop 28 meeting 6.30-7.30 in the auditorium
9/20/16 / Mr. John Robinson will be demonstrating musical instruments for the entire school to possibly take after school lessons and form a band
9/21/16 / Back-To-School Night for all Parents:Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30pm
9/21/16 / JFK Field Trip- No cell phones or electronics, the teachers will take pictures. Please have your child at school by 8:15 am.
9/22/16 / CORI info will be in Wednesday folder. All volunteers, chaperones, etc., have to have a CORI check. If you haven’t had the Diocesan Abuse Training Course it will be offered at CC Library on 9/22 @ 5pm. Sign up forms in Wednesday folder.
10/2/16 / Harvest Fest- back by popular demand Sunday 10/2 at the PACC. 12-4, we will have a TV set up to watch the PATS win!

Back-To-School Night for all Parents:Wednesday, September 21st at 6:30pm

We look forward to welcoming all parents to this annual event so that our administration and teachers can share important information about school and classroom policies, routines and expectations. We ask that at least one parent from each family attend this important informational night. We will start the in the St. Mary's auditorium and then there will be classroom sessions presented to allow parents to get to each teacher's presentation.

Nurses News

PreK-3 is a peanut and sunflower free classroom.
1st Grade is a peanut free classroom. Help keep all our students healthy and safe.


We really could use parent/grandparent/uncle/aunt/friend of the family volunteers during the 11:30-12:30 lunch and recess hour and any other time. Please call Debbie Smith at . Thank you!!!

From Mrs. Tapis

Monday, September 19, 2016will be opening school year Mass. Mass will be celebrated at10am. All are invited. The fifth graders will be doing the readings during the Mass.


Please check our website weekly for our newsletter. Remember we have a Facebook page, it is very important that you share our information with all your FB friends.

Healthy Snack Idea from PE: It is always great to eat seasonally and locally. Since apples are in season right now, here is another fun snack idea using this delicious and healthy fruit. Enjoy!

Apple Donuts


·  Large apple

·  Spread (peanut butter, hazelnut butter, sun butter, or cream cheese)

·  Toppings (sprinkles, chopped nuts, or mini chocolate chips)

·  Lemon juice


·  Slice the apple into ¼ inch thick slices, cutting across the round center of the apple (instead of cutting through the core)

·  Use an apple corer or mini icing tip to slice the core from the center of each slice so they are in a round shape like a donut

·  Squeeze a bit of lemon juice on the apple slices and gently pat them dry. You want them to be as dry as possible in order to “frost” the donuts

·  Add a thin layer of the spread to each slice

·  Sprinkle with toppings

Revue, Like & Share

It would be great for our community if when you looked at things on our Fb page or Google search St. Mary’s you would share our page and ask your friends to do the same. When you see an opportunity to review, like and share, please do so, thanks.

Thank you

Your St. Mary’s Family