When The Lord Says ‘Go’ And You Say ‘No’

Jonah 1


A Lincoln was president of the US during its greatest test as a republic the civil war

PrhpsthbggstprobLnclnhd was finding a general who would do what he wanted

Winfeld Scott >McClernand>McClellan [I would like to borrow the army] >Pope>McClellan [he is an admirablenginr w a spcltlnt for a stationary engine] >Burnside>Hooker> Meade>Grant [I need this man he fights]

Today we resume our minor prophet series with the book of Jonah.

Context of minor prophets always important – 8th c BC from Gath Hepher 2 Kn14:25

The Lord didn’t ask Jonah, He told him to go and Jonah said no

This is a stryabtgttng a prophet who dsn’twnt2do whtth Lord wants him 2do 2do it.

When The Lord Says ‘Go’ And You Say ‘NO’ …

I. … You May Try To Avoid Going 1-3

A. The Lord tells Jonah to ‘Go’ to Nineveh 1,2

Jonah the son of Ammittai from Gath Hepher 2Kn 14:25

Word of the Lord to Jonah

‘arise go to Nineveh...cry out against it for their wickedness B4 Me’

Nineveh – capital of Assyria, we know a lot about Assyrians

Carved in stone some of their brutality, atrocities

B. Jonah says ‘no’ by trying to avoid Nineveh by going to Tarshish 3

Jonah rises, goes 2Joppa to get passage to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord

Map shows Tarshish is the opposite direction of Nineveh – running away

Jonah saying ‘no’ by avoiding Nineveh and going opposite direction

1. God cares for the wicked – we need to care as well

2. God may ask U to go somewhere /do something U don’t want to

3. when U know what God wants U to do, say Yes Lord Lk 6:46-49, nvr ‘no’

4. running away never solves a problem, may make it worse

II. … The Lord Will Find You 4-10

A. The Lord sends a great wind on the sea i.e a big storm, very tempestuous!!! 4

Jonah is found and Jonah is stopped

B. The Crew 5-10

Afraid – very big storm at seaDumps the cargo

But Jonah gone below and fallen asleep, men struggling survive, Jonah sleeping!

Captain calls on Jonah to help by appealing to his ‘god’

Casts lots to see who responsible, lot falls on Jonah!!! – no surprise here, ask Q

Jonah explains who he is and that He is fleeing presence of the Lord

Makes it sound as though running away because He fears the Lord

1. U can’t run away from God, He will find you, others will know, God used them

2. Jonah’s anger failed 2let him act cnsistnt w one who feared th LordMt10:27,28

III. …Others May Be Affected By Your Actions 11-16

A. The Crew – what shall we do?

This storm not about them, they are in it only because of Jonah’s actions

Pray to the Lord, try to return to land, throw J into the sea, feared Lord

B. Jonah tells them what to do – throw me into the sea

He admits the storm is because of him

Willing to die so as to not go to Nineveh, he could also have said I will go.

1. Your actions against God, rarely affect just yourself, affects your family

U cn’t dowhtvr U wnt w/o affctinothrs

2.no matter how bad we see things we must trust the Lord Is 41:10

3. desperate situation and desperate actions people will believe