When SiteBuilder starts you will be given a number of ways to work with the program, you will start assuming that you do not have a web site. In the program click on Create a New Site found on the list at the left of the program window.
You will be presented with an explanation page in the left pane of the program window.
Click Start
The name of your web site will be CIS110WebSite (NOTE: The name of the web site is all one word, this is a convention use by Internet Web servers.
At the bottom of the information you will see
Click on the Change Location button, the following will appear;
Click on the down arrow nest to the Look in box and from the list choose your USB Drive.
Click on the New Folder button
A New Folder will appear in the Drive window ready to have the name changed.
Type WebSitForClass (this must be all one word).
Click Next, the Start with pane will appear next, leave A Templet selected and click on Next.
On the Select a template page you will see that there 410 templates available to design your Web site. If you click on the down arrow next to Templet catagories
You will see sub-categories to choose from.
At the bottom of this pane you will see a button that allows you to view the template full size. When you click on this button you may get a warning that the template has not been downloaded yet,
click OK, this will download the template and show you an enlarged version.
After looking at the enlarged template close the window by clicking on the close button.
Once you have found the template you would like to use and click Next.
The Select the page(s) you want to create now pane appears.
You can select or deselect any pages you want the program to make for you, except for the home page. If you want to use any of the pages listed make sure that there is a check in the box next to that page.
Also make sure that Link pages together with a navigation bar is selected.
The Congratulation pane will appear and SiteBuilder will create all of the pages for your Web site on your USD drive.
Adding Pages to Your Site
In the Help and Quick Links pane on the left side of the SiteBuilder window at the bottom of the Quick Links tab you will see Add a Template Page to My Site. Click on that link. The Add New Page dialog box will appear.
Make sure that you select the same template you have used for the rest of the pages. and then click Add Page
The new page will appear with the word Untitled in the tab at the top. The first thing you must do is save the page using the Save Page As command from the file menu.
Next you need to update the navigation so that you can access this page from the rest of the pages in the site.
In the center of the navigation bar you will see a command that says Double-click to create a Navigation Bar
Double click in the square, the following dialog box will appear.
One at a time select all of the pages in the Available Pages pane and move the to the Navigation Bar Buttons pane by clicking on the arrow pointing toward the Navigation Bar Buttons pane. When you have finished the two windows should look similar to the one below.
At this point you can Change the Display text used in the navigation bar by highlighting the text and typing a new name.
Next in the blank next to Navigation Bar Name type navbar
Click on OK You will see the following dialog box
Click the Yes button, you will then see the following dialog box
Make sure Add to current page is selected and click OK. It may take a few minutes and then the following dialog box will appear
Click OK. After a short while the navigation bar will appear. If you look at your other pages the navigation bar will have your new page.
One last step, go to the file menu and click on Save All Pages.