**Links for Fliers can be found at the very end of the
newsletter under the "Community Events" section.**
Save the Date
Sunday, February 26th- Oki Momo Asian Grill Fundraiser-
Wednesday, March 1st- PTA Meeting 5:30 pm- Staff Lounge
Monday, March 6th - Friday. March 10th-Parent/Teacher Conferences-Book FairALL STUDENTS OUT AT 1PM
Monday, March 6th- Kindergarten and Open Enrollment Begin
Wednesday, March 8th- CPK Day
Friday, March 17th- Asset Assembly featuring 1st Grade
Wednesday, March 22nd- SSC Meeting
Friday, March 31st- PTA Art and Auction
Thank You and Farewell to our Instructional Coach
At the February 21st meeting, our School Board approved reductions for the 2017-2018 school year. One of the approved reductions involved the elimination of Elementary Instructional Coach positions. Kayla Campa has been our instructional coach over the past three years. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Kayla for all she has done for our school. She has definitely left her positive imprint on our school community. Over the past few years our District has formally adopted new instructional standards and at least four new curricular programs. Each of these changes has necessitated an immense shift in teacher knowledge and practice. With Kayla’s leadership, guidance, and compassion, we have successfully navigated those turbulent waters together. Our journey would have been much more difficult without her support. Although we will lose Kayla’s position as coach next year, we are lucky to keep Kayla the person next year. She is planning on staying on with us as a full-time classroom teacher. As part of Kayla’s full-time job this year, she also works to support our English Language (EL) students and families. We will welcome someone else to fill that position starting next year since Kayla will be stepping back into the classroom. Until then, Kayla will continue in her role as instructional coach and EL teacher for the remainder of this year.
Mr. Martin
*Each week we try to feature activities parents can do with students at home to extend their learning.
- Read about honey bees, our school mascot. How are you similar to and different from a honey bee?
- When shopping with your family, use your subtraction skills to make change.
Parent Teacher Conferences will beMarch 6th through March 10th. Please make notethatall of these days will be early dismissal days for students and make sure to have students picked up at1PM every day this week.
Notices will be sent home confirming conference appointment times this Monday, February 27th. If you cannot make it to your scheduled appointment time please contact your child's teacher or the school office.
Middle School and High School Enrollment
6th graders going into middle school and 8th graders going into high school, must complete an Open Enrollment Form in March if youwant to transfer to the opposite middle school or high school than yourneighborhood school. This year's Open Enrollment period is March 6 - March 31, 2017.
Greetings from Student Council!
Thanks to all of those who dressed up for our last spirit day,
we had fun seeing you in costume!
All March, Student Council is encouraging you to support our 'Pennies for the Pound' fundraiser by bringing in whatever you can and donating it to your class box. The money will go to our local Animal Services shelter. The class that raises the most money will get a popsicle party and a visit from a few friendly animals!!! Ask Mr. Morgan or a Student Council member for details.
Remember, you can make a difference at your school and in your community.
4th graders enjoying engineering activities with Cal Poly students.
Hi all! Concert Music is being passed out so the kids will have PLENTY to practice for the rest of the school year. The band students are really becoming independent musicians and using songs to master rhythms and reading skills. Now we are doing different jobs for each instrument and piecing the different parts together like a puzzle to discover what the music will sound like when put together.
Just a reminder that when we have minimum days,Thursday'sband class meets from1-2 PMafter school andFriday mornings remain the same time.Also, IF a student forgets their music or instrument (it is known to happen once in a while) they can still participate in class so they know what to do when they get home and practice.
Thanks so much for lending me your kids!
Mrs. Galvan
Music Specialist
OKI MOMO PTA Fundraiser
ThisSunday(2/26/17) we hope you will enjoy a meal at Oki Momo!No flyer necessary, 15% of the sales for the entire day will be donated to Sinsheimer PTA.Thank you to theTseng family forsetting up this fundraiser. -
PTA Raffle
Raffle tickets were sent home with your student this week. Please use the envelope provided to return the stubs with the money (cash or check) to the office after you sell your two raffle tickets. Additional tickets are available in the office take as many as you can sell. There will be a "sweet" prize for the first two students who turn in $200 of sold tickets (10 tickets).
Book Fair is Coming- HELPERS NEEDED
Our Book fair is coming up during conference week
March 6th through March 10th and WE NEED HELPERS!!
If you can help with the book fair please contact Mary Kubacki at
Spirit Wear
Spirit wear is available for purchase now at J. Carrol.
The deadline for this order isFriday, March 3, 2017. We do not plan to place another order for the rest of the school year. When selecting delivery method, click on "pick up" - although you will not need to pick it up. Our PTA Volunteers will pick up all of the orders and deliver them to your Sinsheimer student.
If you have spirit wear that your child has outgrown,
please consider donating it to our school. We can pass it on to younger
students that want to show their school spirit.
PTA Treasurer Help
Our PTA Treasurer, Amanda Haendler, has to endure hip surgery in March. We are looking for a volunteer to help with the treasurer duties while Amanda is healing for the remaining of the school year. Primarily this person will make the bank deposits and deliver the checks to and from school. The time commitment will be around an hour per month (March - June). If you are interested in helping please e mail Tara Teitge at k you for considering.
All are welcome to join us at our PTA Meeting onWednesday, March 1st at 5:30pmin the Staff Lounge.
- SLOHS Summer Sports Camp
- SLOHS Summer Sports Camp-Espanol
- SLO Adult School Positive Discipline 3-6 thru 4-3
- SLO Adult School Positive Discipline 3-6 thru 4-3/Espanol
- LOMS- The Wonderfully Wicked Oz- 3-9 thru 3-11
- SLO Parks and Rec- Leprechaun Lost - March 16
- Cal Poly EPIC Summer Camp 2017
- Cal Poly EPIC Summer Camp 2017-Espanol
- WOODS Spring Break Animal Camp - 4-17 thru 4-21
- WOODS Youth Volunteer Program 2017
- Science Alive at SLO LIbrary - Feb and March 2017
- SLO City Parks Rock Around SLO
- SLO City Parks Rock Around SLO- Espanol
- Media Smart Kids-Teen Panel Parent Night LOMS 2-28-17
- Media Smart Kids-Teen Panel Parent Night LOMS Espanol2-28-17
- Elite Hoop Skills Cuesta College 2-13 thru 3-8 3rd Grade and up
- Elite Hoop Skills Cuesta College 2-13 thru 3-8 3rd Grade and up-Espanol
- 805 Youth La Crosse
- City of SLO- Kidz Love Soccer Classes
- SLO Youth Baseball 2017- Register NOW!
- SLO Youth Baseball 2017- Espanol - Register NOW!
- Cal PolyNext Level Flag Football
- Meathead Wrestling Club 2016
- YMCA Preschool Info- Los Ranchos School
- YMCA Preschool Info- Los Ranchos School-Espanol
- PAPAS -Free Parenting Groups- CAPSLO
- PAPAS -Free Parenting Groups- CAPSLO-Espanol
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of SLO
- D.M. International Tennis Academy-English
- D.M. International Tennis Academy- Espanol
- Parent Participation
- SLO Museum of Art Classes
- SLO Museum of Art Classes- Espanol