Essay Tips

When completing your essay or personal statement, the following are some points to remember:

  • Answer the whole question—speak directly to the topic. Be sure to follow directions as to length and format. When you cut and paste an essay into an online application, keep suggested length in mind. Although you may be able to attach a too-long essay, the finished product may be cut off when it reaches the admissions office. For example, the University of California’s 600-word essay will be truncated at 630 words.
  • Write about something important to you. Keep the scale small, telling a story that only you can tell. Think of those things you feel most strongly about, something you love or could talk about forever, and turn this into the subject of your essay.
  • The essay should reveal you. Rather than listing the accomplishments that appear elsewhere in your application, let your character and personality shine through.
  • Use language with which you’re comfortable. The reader should clearly hear the student’s voice.
  • Readers look for persuasive essays. An offbeat or unique point of view about the question posed will make for an interesting essay.

Selective colleges put a great deal of emphasis on the essay since so many of their classes require a significant amount of writing. A well-written essay can tip the admission decision in the applicant’s favor; a poorly executed essay can do the reverse. For most seniors, the essay is truly the only part of the application process where you still can affect the outcome.

If you’re having trouble getting started, try brainstorming some ideas with parents or peers. Consider your strong points, successes, or weaknesses, and talk about them. Think about your skills and the ways in which you have contributed to school or community life. Describe the ways your life experiences have shaped you and made you the person you are today. Just as you are searching for a good college match, the colleges look to your essay to determine how well you would fit in with the culture at their institution and which unique qualities you could bring to their campus.
