Section 1 of 4. LEA Information
ESC Region: 16
County District Number 242903
LEA Name: Wheeler
Superintendent: Bryan Markham
Address: PO Box 1010
City, State Zip: Wheeler, TX 79096
Phone: (806) 826-5241
Fax: (806) 826-3118
Does your LEA file E-rate? Yes
If yes, please answer the following three questions:
1.)What is your Billed Entity Number? (enter numeric value) 141883
2.)Is your LEA filing for Category 1 services this funding year? (yes/no) No
3.)Is your LEA filing for Category 2 services this funding year? (yes/no) No
Section 2 of 4: Contact Information
Please enter your LEA’s technology coordinator’s contact information in case TEA needs to contact them about the plan.
Name: Cecil Thomas
Phone: (806) 683-7152
Section 3 of 4: Demographics
Total Student Enrollment: 463
LEA Size: AA
Percent Economically Disadvantaged: 54
Number of Campuses: 1
FCC Broadband targets: The E-rate bandwidth targets for Internet access for schools is at least 100kbps per user (students and staff) in the short term and 1Mbps Internet access per user in the longer term.
Number of campuses with high-speed broadband Internet access that meets the current FCC target: 1
Percentage of campuses with high-speed broadband Internet access that meets the current FCC target: 100
Computing device/Student Ratio (include computers and tablets, but not cell phones): 1:1 for Grades 3-12; 1:2 for grades 1 & 2
Computing device/Teacher Ratio (include computers and tablets, but not cell phones): 1:1
Number of classrooms with WiFi access: 41
Percentage of classrooms with WiFi access: 100%
Projected data for the 2018–2019 school year.
Technology expenditures:$267,264
Technology expenditure per pupil: $581
Section 4 of 4: Plan Introduction
This technology plan covers the period starting on July 1, 2018, and ending on June 30, 2019, which aligns with the E-rate funding cycle.
Assessment Process
Describe the process used to determine the LEA technology needs that will be addressed in this plan.
The Wheeler Advisory Council (WAC) serves as the technology planning committee for Wheeler ISD. The Council is comprised of teachers, parents, administrators, and community members. The needs of the district are compounded quarterly through the development of the comprehensive needs assessment of the district. Members gather information from the staff and community through surveys that provide direction with regard to future planning. Additional information is gathered through the yearly STAAR scores to determine the role technology may play in enhancing student achievement.Current Conditions
Describe the current conditions for the LEA and campuses targeted in this plan, including telecommunications services, hardware, software, and other services.
Wheeler ISD is connected to the Internet via a 250 mbs fiber line that enters the district through our server room located in the campus library. Grades PK-12 are all located under one roof allowing for the dissemination of the internet more readily available throughout the district. The district employs 30 wireless access points that provide wireless internet to all classrooms along with 212 network drops that provide direct connections to our internet service through a central switch. The technology equipment room, located within our library, houses the 5 primary servers that are maintained by our technology coordinator with assistance from ESC 16 staff.Computer labs are located at on both ends of the building. One provides for students in grades PK-8 and the other provides for students in grades 9-12. Wheeler ISD has a 1:1 MacBook initiative in place for students in grades 9-12 along with a 1:1 IPad initiative for students in grades 3-8. Additional MacBook carts are available for students in lower grades.
WISD utilizes a portable videoconference unit that is available for use in any area within the building.
There are two multi-function copier/printer/scanners available for teachers and staff through a lease program with Ricoh. Both machines are networked and accessible via the Wifi and LAN. WISD also has multi-function copier/printer/scanner machines in the three administrative offices.
WISD utilizes TXEIS for business and student records. This software allows teachers to submit daily attendance and enter grades. Teachers, parents, and students also have a web interface that allows them to access the system at any time from our website.
Our district has the library and cafeteria both networked back to the main server. The library utilizes Follett software to maintain its database of information and the cafeteria utilizes System Design software to manage its information.
DMAC is used by both campuses to disaggregate STAAR/EOC data, build assessments, implement TTESS/TPESS, and track progress. Students participate in a wide variety of software including, but not limited to--Study Island, Rocket Math, Accelerated Reader, IStation and IReady. OdysseyWare is also utilized for credit recovery.
The District allows students to take dual credit courses via the web through Clarendon College.
Teachers district-wide have access to Discovery Learning.
The District provides several sources of internal communication, including but not limited to, an internal messaging system as well as email service provided through our ESC. Our district website, hosted by Gabbart Communications, provides a mode of communication for parents and the community through the use of ENotes. Our district also allows parents the opportunity to receive grade reports and attendance through our parent portal.
Wheeler Junior High and High School:
One computer lab is networked with 20 iMacs used for Business Information Systems, Desktop Publishing, Graphic Design, Animation, Multimedia, and Yearbook. A Macbook and iMac are assigned to every teacher and Macbooks are assigned to students in grades 9-12. Grades 7 & 8 are provided an iPad throughout the day but are not available for take home. Each classroom is supplied with both an ActivBoard and a printer.
Thomas Helton Elementary:
One computer lab is networked with 20 iMacs used for group learning throughout the day. All teachers are supplied with a Macbook and an iMac along with an ActivBoard and printer. Grades PK-2 share iPad Mini carts for use within the classroom. Grades 3-6 utilize an iPad Mini cart for each grade.
The District as a whole has a security surveillance system in place throughout the building and around the perimeter as well. Cameras are networked and available for viewing in all three administrative offices.
Identified Needs
Summarize the technology needs and issues identified by the assessment process.
1. Replace iMacs in Elementary lab following schedule2. Continue replacement plan of teacher iMacs following schedule
3. Internet Filter Service—Renewal
4. Purchase of routers, servers and other hardware as needed
5. Continue replacement of student Macbooks and iPads following schedule
6. Consider Chromebooks for 3-8 students
Alignment to Goals from District Improvement Plan
Each goal must have an objective and Strategy. Please indicate how the objective aligns with goals from the district improvement plan. Use additional lines as needed
Goal Statement / Objective Statement / Alignment to Goals from District Improvement Plan / Budget for this ObjectiveContinue utilization of TEKS to align curriculum in all applicable subject areas. / Curriculum alignment/TEKS utilization utilized to provide “Best Practices” instruction for students / The District will utilize software including DMAC, IReady, and Study Island for curriculum alignment. / $12,949.00
Continue accelerated reading programs. / Accelerated Reading will be utilized to enhance learning and differentiate instruction for all reading students in grades 1-8. / The District will effectively integrate Accelerated Reading software into the reading curriculum for grades 1-8. / $3,950.00
Implement emergency management system / Utilize security system to ensure safety of all students and staff / The District will utilize security surveillance cameras, and Raptor software connected to all entries to provide a safe environment for student learning. / $495.00
Parent portal via TxEIS and the school website will allow parents to view grades, assignments, absences, and allow for message communication. / Provide a means of communication between stakeholders / The District will utilize the TxEIS software system along with the school website provided by Gabbart Communications to allow for communication between parents and teachers. / $9,273.00
Improve student learning by providing career and technology information that is relevant in today’s marketplace / Provide the latest technology software for student learning with regard to technology instruction / The District will utilize Adobe and Java software that provides a relevant means to instructing students for use in today’s technological world / $4,920
All staff will receive TTESS training prior to the first day of instruction. / Certified staff will be trained as to what performance measures will be assessed in the classroom / The District will utilize DMAC software that provides all materials and processes for teacher evaluation. / $1,767
Continue implementation of Study Island and IReady for grades 1-6 / Provide accelerated instruction as well as response to intervention for students / The District will utilize Study Island and IReady software in order to provide remediation as well as preparation for state mandated testing. / $11,182
Evaluation Process
Describe the process that will be used to monitor and document progress made in the implementation of the plan, including how frequently the plan will be evaluated and updated, who is responsible for evaluating the plan, and how the findings of the evaluation will be communicated and distributed.
As technology progresses, Wheeler ISD will continue to analyze and modify our methods of evaluation. The Technology Coordinator, in conjunction with the administrative staff, Wheeler Advisory Council, and the general staff, will be the driving force for all technology changes and updates. Every year, the committee will evaluate the existing plan and its overall effectiveness. The district will make every attempt to make the necessary changes and updates as needed and comply with TEA requirements. The plan will be presented to the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees for approval.Evaluation Methods
Describe the accountability methods and measures that will be used to evaluate the extent to which activities are effective in:
- Integrating technology into curriculum and instruction
- Increasing the ability of teachers to teach
- Enabling students to meet challenging state academic standards
- Acquiring and deploying technologies and telecommunication services
- Meeting timelines for implementation
The District will utilize the following means to evaluate effectiveness of technology—
Technology staff will interview teachers, principals, and administrative staff at least once per year.
Staff surveys conducted once per year with emphasis on technology integration
Principals’ evaluation of lesson plans and walk-through documentation
Feedback provided by staff and students about newly-deployed technology
Online software records will be evaluated to determine effectiveness of online resources being used
STAAR results will be used to evaluate future needs for new technology and telecommunication services
Yearly review and evaluation timelines for implementation