
  1. What were the causes for WWI? (p. 373)
  2. How do American women achieve the right to vote following WWI? (p. 394)
  3. Why did the Allies accept only one of Wilson’s “Fourteen Points”? (p. 399)
  4. What was the purpose of the League of Nations and who opposed it? (p. 399)
  5. Why did American move toward isolationism following WWI?(p. 412)
  6. How did the Sacco and Vanzetti case reflect the nativist attitudes prevalent in the US during the Red Scare of the 1920’s?(p. 413)
  7. Why did union membership decline in the 1920’s? (p. 418)
  8. How did the Teapot Dome Scandal contribute to Harding’s reputation as president? (p. 421)
  9. How did the automobile change American life? (p. 423)
  10. What role did mass advertising play in the American economy in the 1920’s? (p. 425)
  11. How did the installment plan (buying on credit) fuel a superficial prosperity? (p. 426)
  12. What were some of the cause and effects of Prohibition? (p. 436)

  1. What main issue did the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 address? (p. 438)
  2. What ideals did the Harlem Renaissance writers promote?(p. 454)
  3. Where was jazz music born and how did it spread across America? (p. 456)
  4. How did popular perceptions of prosperity influence the election of 1928?(p. 466)
  5. How did the Stock Market Crash help cause the Great Depression? (p. 467)
  6. What were the factors that caused the Great Depression? (p. 471)
  7. Why did farm families leave their land during the Great Depression? ( p. 473)
  8. From what long-lasting psychological consequence did Depression survivors suffer? (p. 477)
  9. What happened to the Bonus Army? (p. 482)
  10. What was the New Deal? (p. 489)
  11. What did FDR do during the First Hundred Days? (p. 489)
  12. Which New Deal programs were created to provide relief for farmers and workers?(p. 491)
  13. What did liberal and conservative critics say about the New Deal? (p. 492)
  14. What was the Second New Deal? (p. 495)
  15. How did the New Deal help labor?(p. 499)
  16. What were the key components of the New Deal Coalition? (p. 507)
  17. How is the New Deal viewed today? (p. 515)
  18. In what countries did totalitarian governments come to power? (p. 528)
  19. What type of foreign policy did the United States adopt after WWI? (p. 534)
  20. How did Britain and France respond to Hitler’s actions? (p. 538)
  21. How did FDR help the allies? (p. 552)
  22. What event causedAmerica’s entry into WWII? (p. 555)
  23. What was D-Day? (p. 574)
  24. Who were the military leaders for the Allies in Europe and the Pacific? (p. 574 & 583)
  25. Why did the Allies believe Okinawa was a foretaste of an invasion of Japan? (p. 583)
  26. When and where was the atomic bomb used and who authorized it? (p. 583)
  27. How were American minority groups treated at home and in the military? (p. 592)
  28. Why were Japanese Americans placed in internment camps? (p. 594)
  29. What was the Truman Doctrine?(p. 606)
  30. What was the Marshall Plan? (p. 606)
  31. How did the Allies get supplies to West Berlin? (p. 607)
  32. Why was the NATO alliance formed? (p. 608)
  33. Why did the United States, with the approval of the United Nations, go to the aid of South Korea? (p. 611)
  34. What was controversial about McCarthy’s tactics? (p. 620)
  35. What was the policy of brinksmanship? (p. 623)
  36. What was the Eisenhower Doctrine? (p. 625)