What the World Needs Now

What the World Needs Now


PROVERBS 29: 1-27

INTRODUCTION: This is the last in a series of sermons from the Wisdom Literature. What does the world need? We need:

I. Morality inthe Land (v.1-7)

A. Look at Our Sinfulness (v.1-2): Rebellion leads to ruin. The outcome of an unteachable spirit is destruction. When lawlessness abounds people suffer and the nation is on its way down.

B. Look at Our Sensuality (v.3): See Ps. 51:10; I Tim. 5:22; I Cor. 6:13FF.

C. Look at Our Seduction (v.4-6): Money (v.4). Mouth (v.5). Moral (v.6). Wickedness is infectious. We think wickedness will bring us freedom. We think righteousness is restrictive. The very opposite is true.

D. Look at Our Selfishness (v.7): We need to become more like the Good Samaritan.

II. Propriety inthe Court (v.8-11)

This is a courtroom setting. The imperative is to put wise people on the bench. We need judges who will be:

A. Tough On Crime: Murder (v.8). Fools (v.9, 11). Bloodthirsty (v.10). We have people who disdain the law, defy God and disrupt social order. These are scornful people who try to turn society upside down. A good judge sees this, restores order and avenges those who suffer injustice.

B. Tempered with Compassion (v.7)

C. Tamed and Under Control

III. Integrity inthe Government (v.12-14)

We need government officials who have:

A. Two Good Ears (v.12): Injustice at the highest level will spread to those below.

B. Two Good Eyes (v.13): They need to see the poor and oppressed both have value.

C. One Good Heart (v.14): A just reign is a secure reign.

IV. Authority in the Home (v.15-18)

Look at:

A. The Tragedy (v.15): “Rod” = physical punishment.

B. The Trend (v.16): Why would wickedness thrive? See v.15.

C. The Truth (v.17-18): “Discipline” = reproof; spoken correction. We need to discipline ourselves so we can discipline our children.

V. Clarity in the Workplace (v.19-22)

Here is a picture or one who:

A. Won’t Do His Duty (v.19): He drags his feet. He botches the job. He lacks motivation.

B. Has No Discipline: He is unreliable.

C. Brings Disorder: People who are quick to speak and slow to restrain an angry temper are all but hopeless cases. They will cause problems wherever they go.

VI. Humility in the Heart (v.23, 25)


A. The Consequences of Pride (v.23): It is destructive. Look at Satan. Ask Adam and Eve. Inquire of Cain. Either humility will honor you or pride will humiliate you.

B. The Consequences of Trust: “Safe” = set you on high, out of reach of those who would seek to control and destroy you.

CONCLUSION: See v. 27. We are traveling one of two roads. Our path will lead us to our final destination.