What is it?

Straight Talk is a national program which brings together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to strengthen their skills to bring about change. The program includes a four day summit in Canberra. The last National summit was held in September 2011 and the next will be March 2013. The regional gatherings provide women with the opportunity to come together with others from their region to develop their advocacy skills, build relationships with each other and with decision makers where possible, and to explore ways of being more effective in the changes we are making.

What’s the purpose?

Straight Talk aims to:

·  Strengthen the skills of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to bring about change;

·  Increase the capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to access their political representatives;

·  Raise the awareness and understanding of decision makers of the issues confronting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, and their communities.

·  Provide opportunities to network, share and learn from each other

How do I particpate?

Applications are open to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women currently based in the Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area. We will look to include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women who represent the strength and diversity of their communities, including women from all ages, family types and education and employment levels. Participants do not need previous political experience or an understanding of Parliament. However participants should be active in making change.

The regional gathering will be held on Thursday Island from Wednesday evening the 22nd August and finish Friday evening the 24th August 2012.

Please complete the following application form and email to or by fax to 03 9347 1495. Call Karrina 03 9289 9482 if you have any questions.

Applications close Friday 20th July 2012

Please advise as soon as possible if you need to withdraw your application so other women can be invited. Thanks!

Travel and accommodation arrangements:

Oxfam will the cover travel, accommodation, (accommodation will be twin share), meals and gathering registration.

We will contact you to talk through travel and accommodation arrangements. Please fill in the information below in Section 4 to help with this.

Please note all information provided in this form is confidential.
Please provide your name as it appears on your driver’s licence, passport or other photo identification. This information is needed to book your travel.
Last/family name: / First/given name(s):
If the name you would like to be called by is different from the name given above, please write your preferred name here:
Email address:
Home phone number: / Mobile phone number:
What is the best time of day to contact you?
Postal address:
State: / Postcode:
Please provide details of the people you wish us to contact in case of an emergency:
Name Contact 1: / Phone: / Phone other:
Name Contact 2: / Phone: / Phone other:
Please advise of any medical conditions that we need to be aware of or mobility issues etc:
Do you have any specific dietary requirements?
Are you able and willing to travel to Thursday Island for Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th of August arriving Wednesday afternoon the 22nd and leaving Saturday morning the 25th depending on travel time/arrangements.
Yes / No
How would you travel?
If you are based on Thursday Island do you need accommodation?
Do you identify as being?
Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander / Both
Language group/nation (optional):
Please indicate your age group:
18-25 / 26-34 / 35-44 / 45-54 / 55-64 / Over 65
Are you currently employed?
Yes, full time / Yes, part time / No
What is your occupation?
What is the level of education you have completed?
Primary / Secondary / TAFE / University
Please describe your field of study:
1.  What are you hoping to get out of participating in Straight Talk?
2.  Are you working on a particular issue in your workplace or community?
3.  What are some of the changes you would like to see in your community?
How would you describe your understanding of the Australian political system and Australian politics?
Good / Medium / Low / No understanding
Have you been in touch with any politicians?
Yes / No
If yes, what were you trying to achieve. Was it a positive or negative experience? Why?
Have you been to Straight Talk?
Have you been to other forums, conferences or gatherings in the past 12 months,
if so which ones?
How did you hear about Straight Talk?