“Now there were six stone water jars there for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or three gallons”(John 2:1-11)

There were several stone water jars in the house at Cana, meant to be used for washing. These were good-sized jars. They were probably nearly waist high. Filling them up with water would take some time. But once they were filled, the needs of the household would be taken care of for hours or days—even if there was a wedding going on with lots of people. Jars like that were worth something—humble, but very useful. And that’s a pretty good description of us, too, isn’t it? Humble but useful—at least, we hope so! We’re only stone jars—not gold or silver or anything with jewels all over it—not even copper or bronze. But full of water (after a lot of work) they’re useful things to have around.

No doubt those stone jars could have served their useful lifetime without anybody paying much attention to them. But then Jesus got involved. “Go fill those jars up with water,” He says to the servants. Fine, they do it. That’s nothing unusual. But then He shocks them. “Now dip some of it out and put it in a cup and take it to the master of

ceremonies.” Say what? Nobody drinks washing water! But they did it, and you

know the rest of the story: the washing water had become the best wine.

What a shock to the bridegroom! He know there wasn’t supposed to be wine

in those jars. And what a shock to us when Jesus takes the blah, boring water of our everyday lives and turns it into the wine of God’s grace and mercy, passed through us to others who need it. “That’s not what we were made to carry!” we might protest. “That’s too good for us!” And so it is. But Jesus gives us the high privilege of being carriers of His love to others. During this time of Lent, pour out that love and mercy to the people around you—the love and mercy Jesus has showed you, even from the cross.

Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, and use me to Your Glory. Amen.


The text for this week’s message is the Epistle lesson found in 1Corinthians 1:18-31. The idea is the theme of Lent and the Cross with the implications that knowledge, secular or theological, may make an individual wise or smart. But it is God’s plan of salvation found in the death and resurrection of our Savior. This week’s sermon by Pastor Ed Schultze is titled, "So Whose The Smart Guy Around Here?” The Lord’s Supper will be included in the liturgy of the 10:30 a.m. Worship.

CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITELog on to sjlspokane.org for more information about our community at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Click the link: Latest Sunday Sermon for a video of the latest Sermon.


Karen is missing 2 copies of the information packet for Pastor Greg Zillinger that was borrowed on Sunday morning. Please return them to her ASAP. Thanks.


By unanimous vote from our Voters Assembly Call Service Meeting, we will be extending a Call to Pastor Greg Zillinger. Please keep him in your prayers during this time of decision for him and for us while we are waiting to hear back from him.

QUILTERS GROUP will meet on Thursday, March 1st at 10 a.m. up in the House as usual.


The Soup Suppers during Lent will begin at 5:45 p.m. with the devotion starting at 6:15 p.m.. There is a signup on the kiosk in the Narthex for soup, desserts, crackers & breads, etc.Choir rehearsal will begin at approximately

7 p.m. after the Devotion time.


Your next meeting will be on Monday, March 5th at 11:30 a.m. Important decisions will be finalized about the Easter season that day.

WOMEN’S MONDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY. The ladies will continue the study of Esther on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. All ladies are welcome to come join this group.

JIM SMITH’S ADULT BIBLE STUDY CLASS meets each Sunday during the 9:30 hour. They are studying the book 30 Life Principles: a Study for Growing in Knowledge and Understanding of God.


Please contact Marcia Graham at

509-998-3645 or the church office if you would like to be on the Church Greeters team. We need someone to greet people before the 8:30 and 10:30 services.


With regret we must report that our Instructor Carol’s Mom recently passed away in Phoenix, Arizona. Carol will inform us when she’s back and ready to restart the classes


The Altar Circle is requesting help in cleaning our sanctuary on March 6th at 10:00 a.m. Please bring buckets,rags, mops, if possible. Don’t forget to bring your willing hands and hearts. The more helpers, the sooner we can finish the job. Men are welcome to attend as well, of course. Find an Altar Circle member to volunteer.

BUILDING FUND IS RUNNING LOW. The Building Fund is a designated fund used to make payments on our mortgage. We currently owe around $300,000 and our monthly payments are $3,338. When we do not have enough donations into our Building Fund, then we are forced to take money out of the General Fund. Please prayerfully think about increasing your donations to the Building Fund.


Will be held April 21, 2018. More details to follow.


(Formerly the YOKE’S) BIBLE STUDY. The Tuesday morning Bible Study called the CHAPS BIBLE STUDY. We start at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. All are welcome. ~ Marv Faris

MAIL BOX REMINDER. There are still several people that HAVE NOT gotten their mail out of their mailboxes for a while. The only way you can get a new church directory is to get yours left in your mailbox, Please check your church mail box located in the back hallway.


Are on a table near the Fellowship Hall. If you have an announcement or prayer that you want included in the Sunday Announcements you can fill out a card and place it in the Announcements Box Request, you can fill

“And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” 1Corinthians 30-31


Please notify the church office or fill out a request form and place in the box in narthex to have your prayer needs listed, changed, or removed from the list.

…Marilyn Moore, friend of Elaine Staack, needs prayers of healing after breaking her hip recently.

…Al Williams, friend of Karen Schatz, healing prayers after long illness.

…Matthew Gaskins, son on Tonya Gaskins, healing prayers after a bad fall.

Diana Gilbert (Schaeffler), healing prayers after bout at the ER.

…Susan Sundelius, healing prayers for legs and feet.

… Eleanor Holt, returned home from Touchmark, prayers for healing.

…Kathy Mcbeth, friend of Carol Sunwold for safe travels and peace for her ailing father.

…Al Windler, healing prayers after his recent heart procedure.

...Dale Miller, who is dealing with severe headache pain. Prayers that the doctors will be able to give him comfort from them.

…Pearl Myers, for improved health.

…Jack Hollis who is recovering at home after recently having a stroke

…Charlotte Yencho, sister of Mel Beam. Pray for healing from cancer.

…Nadiya, friend of Carole Nesbitt, healing prayer and comfort during chemo treatment.

…Alice Niemeier, prayers for improved health.

…Sharon Perrigo, for improved health.

...Don Mangis with hisdiagnosis of cancer.

…Dianne Hoese, sister of Myron Molnau, is continuing her chemo & will be doing it for five months. Prayers for a full recovery.

…AntoneGerontis, nephew of Carole Nesbitt, dealing with some very serious health issues.

...Judy Mapp, friend of CarreneRoseveare, she is recovering from surgery, pray for wisdom of the doctors regarding the findings, and peace for her during the wait on results.

… Darlene Malone, Sally Grunewald, Carol Sunwold’s family, healing prayers for cancer.

…CarreneRoseveare, continued healing & comfort from our Lord.

March 4, 2018 – March 11, 2018
SUNDAY / Third Sunday in Lent
Lutheran Hour on KTBI 810 AM, KTRW 630 AM, or KSPO 106.5 FM
Worship Service ……...…………………………………………………
Sunday School, Bible Study, & Fellowship……………………………
Worship Service w/ Communion …………….……………………….. / 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
MONDAY / Women’s Bible Study……………………………………………………
Worship-Music Meeting…………………………………………………
Girl Scout Meeting………………………………………………………. / 9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
TUESDAY / Chaps Bible Study………………………………………………………. / 9:30 a.m.
WEDNESDAY / Lent Soup Supper & Devotions………………………………………..
Choir Rehearsal…………………………………………………………. / 5:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
SUNDAY / Fourth Sunday in Lent
Lutheran Hour on KTBI 810 AM, KTRW 630 AM, or KSPO 106.5 FM
Worship Service w/ Communion ………………………………………
Sunday School, Bible Study, & Fellowship……………………………
Worship Service …………….…………………………………………... / 8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.







March 11"Condemned Already"Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus Some things just work better in the dark. You know, things like watching for shooting stars and getting a good night's sleep or dreaming about the future. People love the darkness for a lot of reasons, and not all of them are good.(John 3:19-21)