What’s Happening News
March 15, 2016
WIOA (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act) by June O’Dell:
*The Youth Action Network next meeting will be May 16, 2016; at 10:00 a.m. at the WDB office.
Noranda Resource Fair:
The next Resource Fair will be held Friday, April, 1, 2016 in Sikeston on the Three Rivers campus for those laid-off from Noranda Company. We are expecting around 50-55 vendors and 300-400 people.
This resource fair will offer the same services as the last Resource Fair:
· Job Centers set-up on-site to assist customers in registering on the jobs.mo.gov data system
· Employers
· Educational opportunities and service providers
The first Resource Fair was a huge success and the participants were very appreciative of the event and the resources made available to them. With the increase in numbers, the Southeast Region has pulled together with strong partnerships to service the Noranda people, and will continue. Job Center staff from Cape Girardeau, Park Hills and Poplar Bluff has come to help at the Sikeston Job Center.
SE Missouri Transitional Skills Initiative:
Transitional Skills Initiative is an opportunity through the state, as a pilot, to develop workshop curricula for a target audience/population. This is a 2 - 4 week program where customers receive skillful coaching in cutting-edge job search skills, success strategies and the latest tools to successfully find employment. The project includes life management skills and access to resources to assist in problem-prevention, resolution and employment retention. The project also offers strategic planning and support for career advancement opportunities.
The Subject Matter Expert, Ben Kushner, would like to host a webinar for the WDB to view, have input into the training and participation and buy-in for the project. When THE program has been completed we would like to offer businesses a chance to interview, possibility finding employees, with an opportunity for on-job-training (OJT) funding. I will be sending out the information concerning the webinar. I would like for you all to join, exercise buy-in, because this is helping you as the employers close those “skill gaps”.
Alliance for Equal Access committee:
The first meeting was held on February 4th. The committee voted to implement EmployAbility Summits in our region, beginning with implementation with Cape Girardeau County. More information to follow.
WIOA Compliance Update:
The Southeast Region will receive our annual Continuous Improvement Review (CIR) March 14th-March 17th. This is an annual review in which The Division of Workforce Development (DWD) reviews participant’s files on site for compliance with federal and state policy. The Workforce Development Board (WDB) programs that will be reviewed include WIOA Adult, WIOA Dislocated Worker, Dislocated Worker Grants and WIOA Youth.
WDB compliance staff will be conducting our local sub-state monitoring in April 2016. This local monitoring is required by DWD policy but also gives compliance staff the chance to report out on how the region is doing.
The week of March 7th Gretchen Morse will be in Jefferson City to attend the next meeting, along with DWD state staff, on the new statewide case management and public systems. This is a great opportunity for the state and all the regions as these new systems will allow advanced case management, enhanced tracking of customer services, and improved job seeker matching with employers.
2016 MAWD Conference:
The MAWD Conference is May 11-13 at Lodge of the Four Seasons, Lake Ozark, MO. Missouri’s Got Talent is the theme for this year’s conference. Topics under development include EO, team building, stress management, mobile apps and social media for workforce, TANF integration, hardest to service, ex-offender re-entry, career pathways, sector partnerships and others. A note just for fun: there will be a talent show, so if anyone has a talent they would like to share, let me know. If you are interested in attending this conference mark your calendars and let me know.
WIOA Youth Program Up-dates-February 2016:
Bollinger County - Cindy Baker
Bollinger County WIOA Youth Program has 4 active enrollments, 2 exits in the month of February and 0 new enrollments. We have 1 youth in the process of enrolling into the program. The Bollinger County Youth office has reached out to the County Schools and other agencies to present the WIAO Youth Program and is excited with the positive connection in serving the youth of Bollinger County.
AEL classes are going well in Bollinger County with 8 enrolled in night classes. We will be presenting the WIOA youth program to the AEL class on March 1, 2016. One young man has expressed an interest in the program from the current AEL Class.
Total Enrolled: 4
Enrolled This Month: 0
Total Exited: 2
Cape County - Christina Gonzales
Cape County has 13 youth participating in the WIOA Program and 1 youth gathering her papers to enroll. There are 2 more students starting their HSE classes this month and 4 waiting to TABE test for classes. 1 youth has decided to co-enroll in Job Corps and is gathering all his necessary paper work. 4 youth are preparing to take their permit test in March and 4 are studying hard for their HiSet test in March. 1 unemployed youth started a new job this month.
Our first workshop was “Buying Wisely” (2 youth). We learned the difference between a need and a want, how to price shop, how to look at product value and ways to spot a scam. The second workshop is “Setting and Reaching Goals” and it will be on February 26th. They will learn the importance of setting goals, how to break them down into smaller steps and what it takes to achieve them. Cape County’s youth have worked very hard this month overcoming barriers, reaching goals and taking on adult responsibilities.
Total Enrolled: 13
Enrolled This Month: 0
Total Exited: 0
Total in Follow-Up: 5
Dunklin County - Sheila Fisher
Dunklin County Office has moved to the Kennett Job Center and enrollments have been slow. Dunklin County has 3 WIOA youth; 0 new enrollments, 0 Exits; and 9 youth in Follow Up. We have one youth that we are working with for possible enrollment by end of the month or first of the next. We are working with students regarding interest in the new WIOA program. Our focus has been working with youth, employers and Vocational Rehabilitation with possible enrollments. Workshops that were offered to youth this month: CRC (Work Readiness); The Right Job; and Monthly Meeting.
We continue outreach in Dunklin County to ensure the WIOA Youth Program information is available to all Youth. One good resource is the Bootheel One Stop Resource Team meeting held at the Career Center monthly. The WIOA Youth Program has a great opportunity to partner with other agencies to assist the youth in our County.
Total Enrolled: 3
Enrolled This Month: 0
Total Exits: 0
Total in Follow-up: 9
Iron County – Linda Bohannon
The month of February has ended with some prospective enrollments in Iron County. We have 2 youth interested in the WIOA Youth program, and an additional youth referred to the local HSE classes interested in the program at a later date. Currently, Iron County has 1 active youth, 5 youth in follow up, 0 exits, and 0 new enrollments. We have been busy assisting all youth who are in follow-up status. One Youth is in his second semester of automotive school, and is working part-time for an auto parts store. His goal is to become a skilled mechanic and, from all indications, he is on a career path to success!
Additionally, we continue to make contacts in the community and share information about the WIOA Youth Program with various partner agencies and organizations, which has allowed us to learn more about the different programs offered in the area, as well as how our youth program can partner with the agencies to assist youth in their career path. We continue to assist adults in the community with job applications, resumes, job searches, and information about the Adult Education classes.
Total Enrolled: 1
Total Exited: 0
Total in Follow-Up: 5
Madison County – Sharrie Berowski
For February, Madison County began with: 4 WIOA youth and 12 follow-up. Activity in February included 1 youth enrollment and 3 WIOA Follow-up Enrollments. Youth had the opportunity to participate in one workshop and the monthly meeting. 1 youth applied, was interviewed and accepted as a Scholars@Work employee. LIFE, Inc was a community partner participant in the interview.
We continue to meet with Youth interested in the WIOA Youth program. There are 4 youth expressing interest in the program.
We have connected with several resource agencies in Madison County and look forward to partnering with them to create a program to meet the needs of the youth to succeed in their Career Path. The University of Missouri Extension office is partnering with the WIOA Youth Program to conduct a financial literacy class and a healthy foods and nutrition class. These classes will be open to participants in the MWA program as well. Class dates have not yet been determined.
Total Enrolled: 5
Enrolled This Month: 1
Total Exited: 0
Total in Follow-up: 9
Mississippi County - Tiffany Penrod
Mississippi County Youth Program has 5 active and 1 new enrollment youth in the WIA/WIOA Youth Program. January was a great month for the youth in Mississippi County. We have hard working youth that are working to reach their goals.
Our new enrollment for the month of January is a high school drop-out that has shown dedication and drive to obtain his HSE credential. Since enrolling at the beginning of February, he has successfully achieved that goal and has passed the HiSet test. His next long term goal is to find training with landscaping and grounds keeping in hopes to find fulltime employment. Currently, there are 2 youth working with the Work Readiness Modules to advance their job readiness skills and to dig deeper into the career paths they are passionate about. We are working with other resources around the county to expand our educational workshops for our youth to become better educated in job readiness, soft skills, and life skills.
We are looking forward with great anticipation in partnering with local agencies that see the need for the new WIOA program in Mississippi County. We believe there will a positive impact on our county and will help youth obtain the work experience and credentials needed to be successful. We have been in contact with local youth, making sure our services are a perfect fit for them to successfully reach their career goals.
Total Enrolled: 5
Enrolled This Month: 1
Total Exited: 0
New Madrid County – James Hollywood
The AEL site in New Madrid is up and running. Monday, February 29th will be the first day of class. There are 6 students scheduled to begin classes Monday. During the month of February we had two workshops “Understanding My Workplace Values” and “Managing Conflict at Work”. In the upcoming month New Madrid County Youth will be teaming up with several agencies and organizations in the area. New Madrid Family Resource Center will be offering “Employment Classes” every Monday night, parenting classes, 4-H from the Cooperative Extension System, and also a Darkness to Light workshop. The county is also hosting a free hearing check and a county book fair. On March 1st DAEOC will be offering a leadership development course that is split up into five weeks of workshops. Youth completing the course will receive $120 stipend paid by DAEOC. MERS Goodwill will also be teaming up with the Resource Center on March 22nd in having a Career Night for the youth.
As you can see this upcoming month is packed with several events and workshops. In the upcoming month New Madrid County youth are seeking to enroll several youth in the first week of March and work on having clients complete their work readiness courses. The month of March is going to be an exciting month for New Madrid Youth.
Total Enrolled: 8
Enrolled This Month: 1
Total Exited: 0
Pemiscot County - James Hollywood
Pemiscot County had an exciting month of February. We had 2 clients begin employment this month and 3 are enrolled in HSE classes in Caruthersville. In the upcoming month clients will be working on completing Career Readiness classes and enrolling new youth in the WIOA Youth Program. Pemiscot County youth are going to participate in a workshop presented by the Missouri Extension Center on nutritional and food safety.
Also the youth in Pemiscot County will be able to attend a 5 week leadership development course, which is being hosted by DAEOC. These classes will start March 1st and those that complete the course would be entitled to a $120 stipend paid by DAEOC. Several youth in the program are benefiting from other agencies that we partner with such as Vocational Rehab, MBRC, DAEOC, Lincoln University and the Pemiscot Initiative Network. The month of March is looking to be an active month for the youth in Pemiscot.
Total Enrolled: 10
Enrolled This Month: 0
Total Exited: 0
Total In Follow-up: 5
Perry County – Cindy Baker
Perry County Youth Program has 4 active enrollments, 2 new enrollments and 1 WIOA follow up enrollment. We currently have 2 enrollments in the processing stage. Things are really starting to happen in Perry County and we are very excited to welcome our 2 new enrollments. They are attending Career Readiness classes and have begun goal setting to a Career Path and a great future. Both youth are attending AEL Classes and doing quite well. The AEL Instructor anticipates they will be ready for HiSet Testing in the very near future.