What Made A Revolution: A CyberHunt


Have fun on this CyberHunt as you learn about important events that led up to the Revolutionary War!

  1. The French and Indian War was fought between the English (British) and the French with the help of the American Indians. The two sides were fighting over land in the Ohio River Valley. In what part of Virginia did fighting take place during this war?
  1. After the French and Indian War, why did England decide to collect money from the colonists in the form of taxes?
  1. The Stamp Act was passed by England’s Parliament in 1765 and required colonists to pay a tax for a certain stamp that had to be on certain items. List at least 5 items that were required to have the stamp.
  1. The colonists were angered by the Stamp Act. Many called it “taxation without representation.” What is meant by that phrase?
  1. What famous Virginian spoke out against the Stamp Act and “taxation without representation”, AND where did he give his famous speech ending with “. . . give me liberty or give me death.”?
  1. The colonists showed England that they opposed the Stamp Act in several ways. List at least 2 ways the colonists showed their opposition to the Stamp Act.
  1. The Stamp Act was eventually repealed (That means taken away.). However, King George decided to have Parliament pass another act in 1767 known as the Townshend Acts. These acts placed a tax on certain goods that colonists imported from England. List the 5 items taxed by the Townshend Acts.
  1. The colonists decided to fight the Townshend Acts by boycotting English goods. What does boycott mean?
  1. In 1770, Parliament repealed all of the Townshend Acts EXCEPT the one that placed a tax on what item?

10. How did colonists protest the one item that was still taxed after the other Townshend Acts were repealed?

11. The protest in #10 greatly angered the King of England. For the next few years, he continued to pass laws which made the colonists angrier and angrier and wish for independence from England. Finally, the famous document known as the Declaration of Independence was written. Find out WHEN this important document was written and WHERE it was written.

12. WHO was the first signer of the Declaration of Independence, HOW did he sign it, and WHY did he sign that way?

13. Though the Declaration of Independence was written by a large group of men, who was actually the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

Now that you have learned about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War, you are ready to learn more about the Declaration of Independence in your next lesson. I hope you had fun and learned lots!