
Round 1

  1. What letter represents the number 500 in Roman Numerals?
  1. Apart from being rivers what do Thames, Shannon, Forth, Tyne & Humber have in common?
  1. Who wrote The Jungle Book?
  1. What was the final score in the 1999 football match between England and Luxemburg?
  1. Who was the first woman to read the Nine O’clock News on BBC TV?
  1. Who played the title role in the film Shirley Valentine?
  1. What does an oologist (Pronounced oo-all-o-gist) collect or study?
  1. Who had hits with I Am a Rock and The Boxer?
  1. Name the four states in the USA that start with the letter A?
  1. Haiti was the second country in the Americas to achieve freedom from colonial rule, what was the first?
  1. D
  2. Sea/fishing areas (for weather forecasts)
  3. Rudyard Kipling
  4. England won 6-0
  5. Angela Rippon
  6. Pauline Collins
  7. Birds eggs
  8. Simon & Garfunkel
  9. Alabama; Arizona: Arkansas; Alaska
  10. United States of America

Round 2

  1. What group released the album 10 in 1997?
  1. The founder of the Mongol Empire took a name that translates as Emperor of all, what is the name?
  1. What type of animal is an Australian talking about when he refers to a jumbuck?
  1. Why was Elm Street in the news in 1963?
  1. Who, in 1943, wrote the book The Gremlins, which was later turned into a successful film?
  1. Which European capital city is heated by volcanic springs?
  1. Where would you find a fontanelle?
  1. Where will the 2004 Olympic games be held?
  1. Frodo Baggins was the first what to enter Britain under a new scheme?
  1. On what day of the week did the Second World War begin?
  1. Wet, Wet, Wet
  2. Genghis Khan
  3. Sheep
  4. Where JF Kennedy was shot
  5. Roald Dahl
  6. Reykjavik
  7. Head
  8. Athens
  9. Pet (using a pet passport) (a dog)
  10. Sunday [3rd September, 1939]

Round 3

  1. Which sports personality was named the Sports Personality of the 20th Century?
  1. The name of the national airline of Poland has a biblical connection, what is it called?
  1. Which famous water gate lies beneath St Thomas's Tower in the Tower of London?
  1. Who had a top fifty entry in 1967 with When I'm Sixty-four?
  1. Name the patron saints of the four countries in the British Isles?
  1. The Pillars of Hercules stands either side of which stretch of water?
  1. What industrial injury does doing the same task repeatedly cause?
  1. Which member of the Royal Family died of typhoid fever at Windsor Castle in December 1861?
  1. Who was the director of the film Gregory's Girl?
  1. In the word Quango what do the letters QU stand for?
  1. Mohammed Ali
  2. Lot
  3. Traitor's Gate
  4. Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen
  5. Saints Andrew, David, George, Patrick
  6. Straits of Gibraltar
  7. Repetitive Strain Injury
  8. Prince Albert
  9. Bill Forsyth
  10. Quasi

Round 4

  1. Who succeeded Hitler as the Fuhrer in 1945?
  1. Who starred in the film A Night in Casablanca?
  1. In space what galaxy is nearest to our own?
  1. What is the capital of the Bahamas?
  1. In football who plays their home games at Selhurst Park?
  1. Who wrote the book The Time Machine?
  1. A plot to steal a pear-shaped diamond from the Millennium Dome was foiled but who owned the diamond?
  1. In what year did decimalisation of British currency take place?
  1. Who was the British actor who won an Oscar for his part in The Bridge over the River Kwai?
  1. In the music world how are Jim, Andrea, Caroline and Sharon collectively known?
  1. Karl Donitz
  2. The Marx Brothers
  3. Andromeda
  4. Nassau
  5. Crystal Palace
  6. HG Wells
  7. De Beers
  8. 1971
  9. Sir Alec Guinness
  10. The Corrs

Round 5

  1. What nationality is the actor Donald Sutherland?
  1. Who had a hit with Classical Gas?
  1. Tsar Kolokol (Pronounced col-o-col) in Moscow is the world's largest what?
  1. What is the name of Prince Edward's production company?
  1. What was the Wright Bothers’ first plane called?
  1. What sea would you cross to travel from Shanghai to Korea?
  1. In the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter R?
  1. In which decade did Leeds first win the FA cup?
  1. Which species is the largest of the bear family?
  1. What duo had a number one hit with Whispering Grass in 1975?
  1. Canadian
  2. Mason Williams
  3. Bell
  4. Ardent
  5. Flyer
  6. Yellow Sea
  7. Romeo
  8. 1970's
  9. Polar Bear
  10. Windsor Davies and Don Estelle

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