LaName of Owner(s)

DATE / Name of Owner(s)
Mission Statement for your business. (Start With Why) Describe what your company does best and why in 2-3 sentences.

1.1Business Opportunity

What is your business opportunity

Describe the problem or unmet need your business trying solve

How does your business Solve the problem or unmet need

1.2The type of business you are starting.

1.3 The business ownership

Which business ownership type did you select for your business? Sole proprietor, Partnership, LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp) Describe in detail Why you chose this business ownership structure.

Why did you select this type of business ownership? Why does it make the most sense for your business?


Describe where you see your company in the next five years, in 2-3 sentences.

1.5Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility is often described as “doing well by doing good” In addition to making a profit entrepreneurs need to consider how they support social good.

How is your business socially responsible? Be specific.

How do you plan to give back to a social cause with either your time and/or your money?


What are your personal qualifications to run this particular business? (experience, certification, classes, skills) To complete this section, refer to your strengths from your SWOT.

What additional qualifications would your team need to have?

3.1The Definition of one unit of sale

What is one unit of sale? Remember that unit of sale is what the customer actually buys from you, so it should be clear and easy to describe.


List all the steps it takes to get your product or service to your customer.

Be specific and create a table with your steps.

3.3 Variable expenses

List all the variable expenses, materials, and labor, related to your unit of sale.

3.4 Economics of one Unit

Create a chart to highlight your contribution margin. Please discuss how you plan to increase your contribution margin over time.


List all the Fixed expenses for one month related to your unit of sale.


Please insert an income statement for your business.


List all the start-up expenses associated with starting your new venture.

What are your start-up expenditures? What are your cash reserves? Insert your table from your workbook

3.8 Financial Ratios

Insert your table from your workbook

Helpful videos

  1. Fixed and Variable Cost -

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