Report of the United Methodist Church GBHEM Seminary Indebtedness Task Force March 31, 2014

What is the Seminary Indebtedness Task Force?

The Seminary Indebtedness Task Force is a subset of the GBHEM Young Clergy Initiative formed aftertheUnited Methodist ChurchGeneral Conference passed Petition 20868(detailed below). The task force consists of staff from the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (an agency of the church) and is charged with creating a denominational plan to reduce and eliminate seminary debt for certified candidates for ordained ministry. A final report is to be presented to the Council of Bishops and the Connectional Table in 2015 and submitted to the 2016 General Conference.

General Conference 2012 Legislation Petition 20868:

Clergy Indebtedness Task Force (20868-MH-Non-Dis)

The Church Systems Task Force recommends that the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry convene a task forceto address financial assistance and seminary indebtedness for seminary students by:

  • addressing both Resolution 218 (Financial Help for Seminary Students) and Resolution 233 (Seminary Student Indebtedness) from General Conference 2004;
  • developing a denominational plan to reduce or eliminate seminary debt for certified candidates intending to enter ordained ministry;
  • including persons with diverse backgrounds and expertise to develop funding sources;
  • preparing a report and recommendations for presentation to the Connectional Table and Council of Bishops no later than 2015; and
  • submitting the report to General Conference 2016.


The ever-rising cost of seminary education causes many clergy to hold thousands of dollars of debt, which can lead to health problems. This task force is necessary to address the impact clergy seminary debt may have on the Church. A Strategic Focus Team on Ministry Issues be formed for the 2013-2016 quadrennium as described on pages 1392-1393 in the 2012 version of the Advance Daily Christian Advocate.

Research and Activity to date:

The Seminary Indebtedness Task Force was initiated in January 2013. To date the group has:

  • Spoken with key experts in the area of seminary indebtedness. Conversation partners and experts who are providing valuable research and assistance: John Wimmer, Director of Sustaining Pastoral Excellence, Lilly Endowment; Jonathan Strandjord, Program Director for Seminaries, ELCA ; Sharon Miller, Associate Director, Center for the Study of Theological Education, Auburn Theological Seminary
  • Researched seminary indebtedness from established papers published from Auburn Theological Seminary, Lilly Endowment, and the ELCA.
  • Surveyed UM-related institutions, annual conferences, and seminary scholarship recipients to identify current seminary indebtedness issues and best practices within the UMC.
  • Researchedeffective programs of loan forgiveness and financial educationbeing implemented by annual conferences.
  • Reached out to financial aid and admission representatives at United Methodist Theological Schools and Seminaries to include their perspectives in the denominational plan and research (of which 7 are Lilly Endowment grant recipients).
  • On April 3-4, 2014 the task force will facilitate a Seminary Indebtedness Consultation with 15 leaders throughout the denomination (annual conferences, foundations, seminaries, undergraduate institutions, financial experts) who are knowledgeable and working directly in alleviating clergy indebtedness. This consultation group will help the task force to identify gaps, along with offering new, creative ideas for expanding and collaborating on a future denominational plan.

Respectfully Submitted,GBHEM Seminary Indebtedness Task Force3/31/2014

  • Allyson Collinsworth, Executive Director Office of Loans and Scholarships
  • Meg Lassiat, Director of Candidacy, Mentoring, and Conference Relations
  • Beth Ludlum, Director of Student Faith and Leadership Formation
  • Melanie Overton, Assistant General Secretary for Schools, Colleges, and Universities
  • Mark McCormack, Director of Research