Mix #6

  1. What is the effect of ice melting on the density of the sea water?
  2. How long is one fathom?
  3. How long is one statute mile in nautical miles?
  4. Lamp shells belong to what phylum?
  5. What phylum are acorn worms?
  6. Ribbon worm phyla?
  7. Comb jellies phyla?
  8. Peanut worm phyla?
  9. How many miles are on one time zone on average at the equator?
  10. How long would a corpse last on the ocean bottom?
  11. At about what depth can light no longer penetrate to support coral growth?
  12. What is the term for organisms that live between the grains of sand?
  13. Which of these would not be in the middle tide zone of a rocky shore? (mussel, acorn barnacle, periwinkle)
  14. What is the term for the organ in dolphins that is analogous to the spermaceti organ in sperm whales?
  15. Sea lions or true seals
  16. Includes fur seals
  17. Larger front flippers
  18. Ear flaps missing
  19. Walk easily on land
  20. Which of these is not a deep sea fish? (lantern fish, flounder, anglerfish, hatchet fish)
  21. True of false
  22. Sharks have poor eyesight compared to humans
  23. Sharks kill on average less than 20 humans per year
  24. Some sharks can live in rivers
  25. Squirrel bites are more than 8 times as common as a shark bite in the US
  26. What causes the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico?
  27. What is the covering of a dinoflagellate made of?
  28. Of the 250,000 marine species, what percent inhabit the benthic zone?
  29. What is an individual organism that floats called?
  30. What are organisms that spend their larval life as plankton, but as an adult they are nekton?
  31. What are organisms called that live buried in the sand, shells, or mud?
  32. What contaminant causes Minamata disease?
  33. What organic contaminant used to be used as a liquid coolant and insulation for power transformers, but it led to spontaneous abortions in sea lions and massive shrimp death in Florida?
  34. What is the body of water off the texas coast called that has seasonal fluctuations of salinity from 2 parts per thousand to 100 parts per thousand and temp range of 90F to 41F due to very little exchange with the ocean?
  35. What kind of estuary is at the mouth of the Colombia river?
  36. What kind of estuary is the Chesapeake bay estuary?
  37. What are the two ways that estuaries can be classified?
  38. What US concerns led them to not sign the treaty originally that led to the EEZ within 200 miles of land?
  39. Why does the EEZ go beyond 200 miles on the East coast of the US?
  40. After a flood current, the period of no current as the tide is at its peak and is no longer coming in is called?
  41. What is the point in the ocean where the crests and troughs of the tide wave rotate?
  42. The LIMPET 500 off the coast of Scotland was the first what?
  43. What does NADW stand for?
  44. What does AABW stand for?
  45. What ship was a part of the Deep Sea Drilling Project?
  46. What chemical gives white smokers their white color?
  47. What did the following satellites have for their mission objective?
  48. GeosatSeaWiFSTOPEX/PoseidonJason 1Seasat


  1. Density decreases as salinity decreases
  2. 6 feet
  3. .87 nautical miles
  4. Brachiopoda
  5. Hemichordate
  6. Nemertea
  7. Ctenophore
  8. Sipuncula
  9. 25,000 miles/24 time zones= about 1050 miles
  10. 24 hours/ amphipods would consume it quickly
  11. 150m
  12. Meiofauna
  13. Periwinkle
  14. Melon
  15. Sea lions
  16. Sea lions
  17. True seals
  18. Sea lions
  19. Flounder
  20. False 7x more powerful
  21. True
  22. True bull shark
  23. True
  24. Nutrients flowing down the Mississippi cause oxygen depletion via algal blooms and sinking to the bottom
  25. Cellulose
  26. 98%
  27. Plankter
  28. Meroplankton
  29. Infauna
  30. Mercury
  31. PCBs
  32. Laguna Madre
  33. Salt-wedge estuary
  34. Coastal plain estuary
  35. Origins and the way the salt/fresh water mix
  36. Sea floor mining limitations
  37. If the continental shelf exceeds the 200 mile limit it is extended to 350 miles
  38. High slack water
  39. Amphidromic ooint: no tidal range in this area
  40. First wave power plant
  41. North Atlantic Deep water
  42. Antarctic bottom water
  43. Glomar Challenger
  44. Barium sulfide
  45. Geosatmeasure sea level heights1985
  46. SeaWiFSmeasure ocean color1997
  47. TOPEX/Poseidonmeasure sea level heights1992
  48. Jason 1measure sea level heights2001
  49. Seasatmeasure ocean surface temperature1978