Specialist Children’s Supports

Easy English Version


What is Specialist Children’s Supports?2Support for young children 3

Support for school-aged children4

Working with families4

How we can help5

Specialist support6

Contact 8

What is Specialist Children’s Supports?

Yooralla’s Specialist Children’s Supports can help children with disability with

  • daily tasks
  • learning skills
  • moving around


  • doing things for themselves.

This help can be

  • at home
  • at school


  • in the community.

Specialist Children’s Supports can help children from birth to the end of high school.

This means from ages0to 18.

Support for young children

It is important to support the needs of young children as early as possible.

This is called early intervention. It may include setting goals for your child like

  • moving on their own
  • interacting with other children
  • learning how to eat on their own
  • using equipment
  • building strength
  • managing their feelings and emotions.

Each child’s goals will be different.

Support for school-aged children

Children may still needhelp when they reach school-age.

Their goals may

  • remain the same


  • change.

Support will be based on the child’s goals.

Our service can help children and their teachers at:

  • primary school


  • high school.

Working with families

Specialist Children’s Supports works with families to help children reach their goals.

Families are part of all planning and can make decisions that are right for them.

How we can help

Specialist Children’s Supportscan help your child’s

  • independence
  • learning


  • health.

We can help to prepare your child for

  • kindergarten


  • school.

We can also help with

  • equipment
  • things to do


  • camps.

Specialist support

Our team of specialists can provide therapy for your child.

Specialists are staff who have:

  • training
  • experience


  • qualifications.

Occupational therapy can help you to change the space around your child to make life easier.

Occupational therapists can make sure your child has

  • the right equipment


  • knows how to use it.

Physiotherapy can help your child to move more easily.

Your child may need physiotherapy to

  • get stronger


  • be healthier.

Speech pathology can help your child with

  • communication
  • eating


  • drinking.

Psychology is the way a person thinks, feels and behaves. They can help your child manage difficult

  • thoughts
  • feelings


  • behaviours.

Contact Specialist Children’s Supports

To learn more about our service please contact us by

Phone03 9666 4500


The Easy English on this sheet
was written by Yooralla. October 2016.

Images in this sheet are from

  • Photosymbols.
  • Open Clip Art.

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