What Is LCI

Transworld Systems

Vendor Interface Specifications

Version 3.0



Overview 1

Integration Process Overview 1

What are the typical steps involved in an integration project with Transworld? 1

Required Data – Overview 2

File Specifications 3

Starts Layout (New Debt Sent for Collections) 3

Stops Layout (Updates to Existing Debt in Collections) 4

Transmission and Encryption Options 4

Transmission Modes and Scheduling 4

Scheduling 4

Transmission Modes 4

TSI Process and Workflow 7

Phase 1 to Phase 2 Transfer Options 8

Error Handling and Reporting 8


This document describes the standard TSI interface methodology and is meant for third party solution integration as well as larger individual clients that desire a more robust integration than is offered via our standard Client Portal.

Please reference the following documents that contain additional information.

File Layouts
File Transfer Requirements

Secure Web Mailbox Instructions

OCP Tutorial

We also have the following documents available which describe our internal controls and procedures related to Information Security.

NCO Information Protection

NCO Security Information

NCO Audit Compliance

All of the above referenced documents are available for download here:


Integration Process Overview

Your Transworld Representative will guide you through the integration process every step of the way. Typically, once initial/conceptual discussions have occurred between Sales and IT a TSI Implementation Specialist will be assigned to manage the process and lead the implementation. Details discussed below will be covered in detail at that point.

What are the typical steps involved in an integration project with Transworld?

-  Initial exploratory meeting(s) by sales agent with client or partner

-  Obtain internal Sales DVP approval

-  Project intake form submitted to DVP

-  DVP will forward LCI Project Manager to initiate process

-  Implementation meeting scheduled with LCI Project Manager, Client, DVP and TSI Sales Agent (TSI Sales Agents need to be engaged with all client communication. i.e. present on all scheduled phone meetings with client.

-  Secure FTP site set up for Client

-  Client produces test file(s)

-  Client transfers test files to TSI’s SFTP site

-  Programming

-  Testing/QA

-  Client signoff

-  Automation Set up

-  Go Live

Required Data – Overview

Generally speaking, Transworld requires the following record types from clients wishing to implement our collection services.

1.  New past due accounts to be sent to collections. In our terminology, these records are commonly referred to as ‘starts’.

2.  Updates to previously submitted accounts. In our terminology, these records are commonly referred to as ‘stops’ and can contain balance updates, account recalls, suspends, and paid in full notifications.

Since all funds recovered during our Phase 1 written demand service are sent directly to the client, it is very important that TSI be notified when the client receives payments from debtors.

Our Phase 1 service requires only a current balance update. We do not require or process payment transactions.

Our Phase 2 service currently requires direct payment reporting to be done via our Client Portal. We expect to expand our interface offering to include Phase 2 payment processing in the near future.

Start records typically contain debtor contact information (acct number, name, address, phone and SSN, along with the amount due and date of debt).

Stop records typically contain account number, new balance and a transaction type indicator (adjust balance, PIF, cancel, etc).

File Specifications

Our standard record layout includes the following fields. We can accept additional information as needed on request. Please see Starts_Regular_Layout.xls for additional information. Please see Starts_Insurance_Layout.xls if you are using our Insurance Resolution service.

Starts Layout (New Debt Sent for Collections)

Field / Length / Required / Data / Comments
Client Number / 5 / Y / Client number / TSI will assign each client with a specific client code - this code should be passed in this field
Transmittal Number / 10 / Y / Responsible Party Account Number / Account number assigned to Guarantor/Responsible party - note only 10 characters long
Debtor Name / 30 / Y / Responsible Party Name / Responsible Party - Format LastName, FirstName MI
Attention / 30 / Debtor Name / Debtor Name - Format LastName, FirstName MI
Address / 30 / Y / Responsible Party Address / Responsible party Address
City / 15 / Y / Responsible Party City / Responsible party City
State / 2 / Y / Responsible Party State / Responsible party State
Zip / 5 / Y / Responsible Party Zip / Responsible party Zip - Format NNNNN or NNNNN-NNNN
Debtor Reference / 20 / Y / If account number is longer than 10 character place in Debtor Reference - else, can be left blank
Date of Last Pay / 6 / Date of Last Payment / Date of last payment for Responsible Party - Format MMDDCCYY
Amount Due / 8 / Y / Balance Due / Total Balance due of Responsible Party - Format NNN.NN
Debtor SSN / 9 / Responsible Party SSN / Responsible Party's SSN - Format can be NNNNNNNNN or NNN-NN-NNNN
Debtor Phone / 10 / Responsible Party Phone / Home Phone - Format NNNNNNNNNN or NNN-NNN-NNNN
Secondary Phone / 10 / Responsible Party Secondary Phone / i.e. Work Phone - Format NNNNNNNNNN or NNN-NNN-NNNN
Comments / 256 / Blank / Can be left blank

·  Preferred file format in PIPE delimited (Hex 7 C)

·  Formats can be adjusted per your system functionality, and lengths are not specific to the layout but to what goes into TSI’s system

·  Responsible Party: The person who is responsible for paying amount due

·  Debtor: The person who incurred the debt

·  Responsible Party very often is the Debtor

Stops Layout (Updates to Existing Debt in Collections)

Field / Length / Start / End / Format Spec / Comments
Client Number (Prime) / 5 / 1 / 5 / Prime
Transmittal/Reference Number / 20 / 6 / 25
Transaction Type / 2 / 26 / 27 / PF = Paid in Full (Stop code 5 if Phase 1)
PT = Paid in Full - Thank you (Stop code T if Phase 1, treat as PF for Phase 2)
PP = Partial Payment (Stop code A if Phase 1)
DB = Debit Adjustment (Stop code 7 if Phase 1)
CR = Credit Adjusment (Stop code 7 if Phase 1)
CN = Cancel (Stop code 1 if Phase 1, use Update Notes transaction type for Phase 2)
SS = Suspend (Stop code 2 if Phase 1, use Update Notes transaction type for Phase 2)
Transaction Date / 8 / 28 / 35 / YYYYMMDD
Transaction Amount / 9 / 36 / 44 / Absolute Value (no negatives) will have the decimal point and 2 decimal places
New Balance / 9 / 45 / 53 / Will have the decimal point and 2 decimal places

Transmission and Encryption Options

Transworld supports the following transmission options although secure FTP is the preferred approach.

1.  Secure FTP via SFTP/SSH

2.  Secure FTP via FTPS/SSL

3.  Standard FTP with PGP encryption

4.  Manual HTTP/SSL upload by client via the TSI Client Portal (OCP)

5.  Secure web mail file attachments.

Please see SOP_SSH_FXFER.doc for detailed information about the secure FTP options and configurations available.

Transmission Modes and Scheduling


Transworld is flexible with respect to scheduling and these schedules can be customized to meet you or your client’s needs. We prefer a mutually agreed upon schedule so that we can better monitor and insure quality control, however ad-hoc schedules can be created under certain circumstances. In addition, a regular schedule insures accounts are submitted and updated on a timely basis and this insures the highest results and up to date customer records.

Transmission Modes

There are two basic methodologies available depending on the business case involved.

For partnership situations, TSI prefers to receive files directly from the software partner rather than transmissions from individual client networks. This method works well in ASP models and reduces the complexity and number of setup steps required to implement.

We can also support individual client submissions directly, but each new client will need to be set up with additional credentials in order to automate the file transfer process.

Transworld can also pull files from client or partner servers on request if given the appropriate access.

Client Side Process and Workflow

There are many factors that must be addressed when considering the integration of third party collections into an existing application. This section of the document is not meant to be all inclusive as many variables come in to play depending on specific client circumstances.

However, you’ll want to consider creating the following processes within your application.

1.  Create a client configurable workflow and account selection setup process. This is typically a control screen that allows an end user to set criteria for sending accounts to TSI. This can include:

a.  Minimum and maximum balance

b.  Number of days past due

c.  Number of days since last invoice

d.  Number of invoices sent

e.  Maximum age

f.  Number of days since date of patient responsibility

2.  This set up screen should also facilitate default service options that should be configurable by the client. Some options to consider include:

a.  TSI Client Number. This is required to identify the client to TSI. Client numbers are issued during the sales process. Clients may have more than one client number depending on the services ordered and the number of locations the client may have.

b.  Ability to set default paid in full codes. We offer a Thank You letter service. This can be specified as the default if desired.

c.  Ability to set the intensity of the first demand (diplomatic, intensive, bad check).

d.  Ability to set the transfer mode from automatic to manual. Automatic would refer to the background FTP of data to TSI. Manual would produce a CSV or Excel file that the user could then upload manually via our Client Portal (OCP).

3.  Consider setting up a scheduling process that auto pulls past due accounts on a preset basis for review. End users should also have the ability to run this process on demand.

4.  Create a review process that allows the client to confirm accounts selected should be sent to TSI for collections. This review screen should allow the client to view account details and a process should be created to either opt in or opt out the sending of accounts.

5.  Since TSI will send a series of five demands to each debtor submitted, it is important to consider how you will handle multiple charges. Our recommendation is to consolidate multiple charges into one balance that is sent in with a unique transmittal number. Over time, as new charge age and meet the selection criteria, these charges should be grouped and sent to TSI under a new and unique transmittal number (see file specifications for details).

6.  As noted earlier in this document, all funds recovered during the Phase 1 process will be sent directly to the client. For this reason, your workflow process should flag charges and groups of charges that have been sent to Transworld. You should then track and report any balance adjustments to TSI as payments are applied to the past due accounts in collections. These balance adjustments should be sent to TSI under the original transmittal number that your system originally submitted. Transmittal numbers must be unique to each client submitting.

7.  Your application should also facilitate the ability to recall or cancel accounts. This will allow your client to stop collection activity for any reason.

8.  Consider creating the ability to allow your client to choose whether the accounts should be sent directly to our Phase 2 service, bypassing Phase 1. This enhancement will allow your clients to take advantage of our more aggressive Phase 2 approach where needed.

9.  Consider placing a link to our Client Portal from within your application for client convenience. Our OCP login form is located at: https://service.transworldsystems.com.

10.  Consider allowing the client to override default service codes from the pending screen.

11.  Pending screens should segregate new accounts from payments on previously submitted accounts for ease of review.

12.  If your client is submitting directly from their location, without partner involvement, please include the ability to input connection information. At a minimum, this should include host name, username and password.

TSI Process and Workflow

Transworld Systems accepts files 24x7.

Files received via FTP are processed on a set schedule to ensure we mail letters daily Monday - Saturday, excluding holidays. Our service level agreement insures a 24-48 hour turn around time.

Below are the high level steps involved on our side and these processes run throughout the day.

1.  File received at TSI FTP server.

2.  File automation system moves raw client file to ETL services area.

3.  ETL output is sent for internal validation.

4.  Verified/valid accounts are staged for letter services.

5.  Letters sent typically next day. Our daily cut off is 5 PM Pacific in order to insure next day mailing. Accounts processed after 5 PM will be sent the following day.

Data Validation and Letter Processing

All accounts submitted to our Phase 1 written demands process undergo the following validation steps prior to letters being sent.

1.  Data validation. All fields are first checked to insure they meet our field length specifications. We then validate each data element against the following rule set:

a.  Insert rule set here.

2.  Usage validation. Each account submitted is charged against the client’s purchased quantity to insure the client has available accounts to use.

3.  Order status validation. Each account submitted is verified to ensure the client has an active contract with Transworld Systems. Our contracts are typically two years in length.

4.  Accounts that pass the above validation steps are then sent to our external vendor, Lexis/Nexis, for bankruptcy scrubbing.

5.  Any debt deemed to be covered under an existing bankruptcy filing will be immediately canceled. These accounts will receive no collection activity (letters or otherwise).