What is a Redetermination Meeting? It is a meeting to review information such as test results, adaptive behavior results, etc., as listed below in 1a, and to determine if this student continues to meet eligibility criteria for Special Education, or if additional testing is needed for instructional planning.
All reevaluations require a redetermination of eligibility meeting. In most cases, this requirement will be fulfilled in the course of a regular annual review meeting. A separate meeting is not required, but is permissible.
1. Before this meeting can be held, you mustdo the following:
a)Gather data and any additional information that you would normally obtain when
reviewing an IEP, student’s progress in school and/or considering a reevaluation. Information needed prior to this meeting should include, (but is not limited to) the following:
- A current passed vision and hearing screening (RCS – required annually)
- Mastery status of goals/ objectives (prior IEP)
- Previous psychoeducational testing (from file)
- Standardized test results (last 2-3 years from student’s cumulative school record)
- Curriculum-based assessments (end of level tests, etc.)
- Classroom current functioning
- Speech data (if any)
- Discipline records (if any – VERY IMPORTANT!)
- Current analyzed work samples for each deficit area: reading, math, written expression
- Informal Adaptive behavior (for students functioning within the Mild to Profound
Intellectually Disabled range)
- Any information from related services provided
b)The data you have compiled should be documented and attached to the Redetermination Conference form.
2. After you have completed all of the above, you are ready to call the Special Education office to set up the Redetermination of Eligibility meeting. Invite all participants who would normally be invited to an IEP meeting [parents, teachers, principals, the student (if between the ages of 14 & 21), etc]. A representative from the Central Office must be invited to this meeting.
3. At the meeting and on the basis of the review of information, including parent’s input, the IEP team will identify what additional data, if any, is needed.
a)If the IEP team determines that no additional data is necessary, then the student’s disability category remains the same, and theEligibility Update form is completed and signed and attached to the current eligibility (new eligibility date is three years from theredetermination meeting date). If the parents are present at this meeting, they must sign both the Determination Conference form and the Eligibility Update form. The information should be sent to Gail at the Annex.
*Remember- the student’s new time line for his/her triennial review begins three yearsfrom the date of this meeting.
b)If the parents DO NOT agree with this recommendation and request that further testing be done with their child, then you will have them sign a Consent for Evaluation form and the comprehensive reevaluation will be conducted in a timely manner and at least by the time of the triennial review date(three years from the date of the report on eligibility).
c)If the IEP committee determines that additional testing should be done on this student (either a full or partial assessment), that information should be detailed and specified on the Redetermination Conference form. Parental Consent for Evaluation should be obtained and then forwarded to the Annex with originals of the IEP for processing and scheduling.
d)If the parent is not present at the Redetermination of Eligibility meeting and the IEP committee has determined that no further testing is needed, then it is the responsibility of the special education teacher to inform them of the committee’s recommendation and the parent needs to sign the Determination Conference form—Section 4and it will be filed in the student’s records at the Central Office.
In order to dismiss a student or change his area of disability, a comprehensive assessment (not necessarily psychological evaluation) must be conducted! The IEP team determines what specific data is needed to determine grounds for termination of services.
The redetermination of eligibility meeting must be held no more than one year in advance of the three year cycle. (Six months prior to the end of current eligibility would be the best practice.)
Speech Therapists: This procedure applies to Speech re-evaluations too. The only difference is that a representative from the Central Office does not necessarily need to be involved in the redetermination meetings/decision. Call Daylene if you have questions or need advice.