1st Grade Homework Sheet *** February 23rd-27th Week 24

What I will learn:

Sight words:
  1. about
  2. enjoy
  3. give
  4. surprise
  5. worry
  6. would
  7. long
  8. number
  9. about
  10. animal
  11. another
  12. been
/ Spelling Words:
  1. train
  2. way
  3. tail
  4. play
  5. day
  6. may
  7. rain
  8. gray
  9. mail
  10. afraid
  11. about
  12. would
/ Objectives:
Concept: Realistic fiction
Listening Comprehension: Draw Conclusions
Phonemic Awareness: Segment and blend phonemes
Phonics and Spelling: Long A, spelled ai, ay
Fluency: Expression and Intonation
Conventions: Adjectives
Writing: Process
Science: Day and Night
Social Studies: Physical and Human Characteristics of a Place
Math: Counting Money

My homework for the week:

Monday: Parent Initials

Reading: *Practice sight words. * Read our story, “Mama’s Birthday Present?” pages 20-43 in your Reading Street book. ***Reuse your valentine’s box or make a new one, to look like a wrapped present (same as last week). Inside, make picture cards with words from the story: break, bunuelos, confetti, guitar, piñata, present, tortilla, wonderful, grandpa, promise. Draw the picture on one side and write the word on the other. Practice reading and explaining the meanings of these words. Bring them to add to your box or bring your “present” to school on Friday.
Spelling: * Sort your spelling words. Make 2 columns, and on one side write your spelling words with “ai” and the other side your spelling words with “ai.”
Math:*Complete math page. * Practice making sets of coins that add up to given values. Example: What coins could you use to make 27cents? What is another way to make the same value?

Tuesday: Parent Initials

Reading: *Practice sight words. * Read our story, “Mama’s Birthday Present?” pages 20-43 in your Reading Street book. *Answer comprehension questions on p. 44, orally. Write the answer to question #2 in your journal.
Spelling: *Write sentences with 5 of your spelling words. Do not use “I” in your sentences, and circle the action verb in your sentences.
Math *Complete math page. * Practice comparing 2 numbers and determining how many more or how many less. Example: 9 is less than 12. How much less? 9 is 3 less than 12. 12 is 3 more than 9.

Wednesday: Parent Initials

Reading: *Practice sight words. * Read our story of the week, “Mama’s Birthday Present” pages 20-43, in your Reading Street book. * Which character helps Francisco make the best present? Write sentences telling your opinion of the best present and why you think it is the best.
Spelling: *Pick 5 spelling words and write a letter to a family member using those spelling words. P. 47 in your Reading book has an example of a friendly letter.
Math:*Complete math page. * Find a handful of coins in a purse or piggy bank. Make a graph of each kind of coin. Example: columns for 4 pennies, 3 dimes, 1 quarter, 5 nickels. Then count the total value of the collection of coins. *DUE FRIDAY

Thursday: Parent Initials

Reading:*Practice sight words for test tomorrow. * Read our story of the week, “Where Are My Animal Friends?” pages 190-208 in your Reading Street book.
Spelling: *Give your child a practice spelling test and make sure to sign it.
Math: *Complete math page. *Finish Making Coin Graph from yesterday.


Read for 20 minutes.

Math vocabulary: data, labels, graph, survey, table, title
Each week, your child will have sight words to learn. A list will be sent home on Mondays on the homework schedule. Your child must study these words daily. These words must be read within 3-5 seconds without sounding out the word. A sight word test will be given every Friday.
Each week, your child will have spelling words. A list will be sent on the homework schedule. Students will have spelling assignments Monday through Thursday. The spelling test will be on Friday. The students must write the spelling words as the teacher calls them out orally. Please give your child a practice test on Thursday and make sure to sign it.
PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOL STARTS at 7:45 am AND ENDS at 2:45 pm daily.