Worksheet #1 – “The Burnout Zone”
1)Read over the following scenario: Sally’s Story
Sally is feeling like she is at the end of her rope. She has worked hard while raising her children and caring for her aging parents. To keep herself sane, she has managed to keep somewhat of a social life. But recently she has been feeling down and exhausted. Her never-ending ‘to-do list’ weighs on her. She can never seem to get ahead. When her list gets smaller, more things are added. Her friends, family and coworkers who used to bring her some enjoyment and fulfillment have become irritating. She finds herself ‘comfort-eating’ all the time and feeling as though all her hard work in life isn’t getting her anywhere. She carries all the burden herself, and is not good at asking others for help. She doesn’t know how to de-stress from her condition and recognizes that she is not doing anything to take care of herself. She worries that if something doesn’t change, her health, relationships and work will begin to suffer.
2)Now, look over the metaphors below and circle or highlight the illustration that best captureshow you think Sally is probably feeling as a result of her situation. Be prepared to discuss why you chose this metaphor.
Drowning /
Burning Both Ends /
Frog in Boiling Water
Burnt Match /
Zombie /
Drained Battery
Smashed Pencil Tip /
Fried Egg /
Worksheet #2 – “How Burnout Happens”
Burnoutcan be defined as…
Worksheet # 2 – “How Burnout Happens” continued
There are five common stages we progress through that lead to burnout. Let’s briefly review each of these stages. Take key notes during this short presentation.
Stage: / Key Notes:Worksheet #3 – “How Prone Are You?”
Directions.In the left column, rate each of the prevailing needs listed on a scale of 1 to 5, with “5” indicating that this prevailing need has a strong influence in your life, and “1” indicating that this prevailing need doesn’t have a strong influence in your life. Next, rate the character weaknesses in the right column following the same rating scale, with “5” indicating that this character weakness is prevalent in your life, and “1” indicating that this character weakness isn’t prevalent in your life. When finished scoring both columns, follow the directions in the bottom half of the worksheet to total your score and assess your results.
Worksheet # 3 – “How Prone Are You?”– continued
Use the following guidelines to determine what your score may be indicating. The higher the score, the more attention you may need to pay to the risk of burning out:
6 – 7
You remain mellow and have a healthy detachment from life circumstance. This life approach bullet-proofs you from potential burnout.
8 – 9
You may be under a moderate amount of stress around how you handle your life circumstances. This life approach can lead to a fair chance of burning out.
10 – 12
You encounter a great deal of stress in your life circumstances. The beginning of burnout may already be happening for you.
13 – 15
You may be under a significant and possibly dangerous amount of stress from your life circumstances. Without some changes to your behaviors, attitude, and perspective the potential for you succumbingto burnout is quite high.
Reflect on Your Results:
- Look over those questions you scored as 3 or higher. In what ways can you reduce your stress by shifting how you see yourself and others?
- For each question you scored as 4 or higher, how could you take action to improve your perspective surrounding these elements of who you are.
Don’t let a high score alarm you; just pay attention to it and see what can be changed in how you view life.
Worksheet #4 – “Rituals to Avoid Burnout”
Our energy peaks and drops in every activity we do. Usually when our energy drops, we redouble our efforts, but in the long run this only makes us burnout faster if we don’t perform positive rituals that can help us avoid burnout by renewing our energy reserves. Below, take the next few minutes to assess what you are doing or not doing in your life to manage and renew your physical, mental and emotional energy to avoid burnout.
Read through each item listed below. Using the scale provided, circle or highlight how often you perform each of these activities. Then answer the question that follows.
1)Rituals for Physical Renewal – Learning to rest effectively
Your physical energy is controlled by how strong your body is and how well it functions to generate and utilize energy. We are not like machines that can work endlessly; instead, we work best in pulses.
Take time for a creative outlet or hobby / Always / Sometimes / NeverPerform some form of exercise for at least a half hour each day / Always / Sometimes / Never
Get adequate sleep each night / Always / Sometimes / Never
Manage a healthy weight and avoid eating food that isn’t healthy / Always / Sometimes / Never
Eat a healthy, balanced diet / Always / Sometimes / Never
Pay attention to your body symptoms telling you things are off in your life / Always / Sometimes / Never
Take real breaks – not fiddle with your phone or computer – but do something like take a walk / Always / Sometimes / Never
Reflection:If you assessed yourself low in any of these rituals, what are you willing to do to strengthen your body in order to increase your physical energy?
Worksheet # 4 – “Rituals to Avoid Burnout” - continued
2)Rituals for Mental Renewal – Being mindful of your thoughts
Your mental energy is determined by how you use your mind. To manage your mental energy is to recognize that everything you think and unconsciously expose your mind to affects your energy level.
Take time to reflect, meditate or pray / Always / Sometimes / NeverNurture your self-esteem with positive affirmations / Always / Sometimes / Never
Manage negative thoughts, especially those that play like a broken record / Always / Sometimes / Never
Say ‘No’ to excessive demands placed on you by others / Always / Sometimes / Never
Set realistic goals – both short and long-term / Always / Sometimes / Never
Take mental breaks and honor your true values / Always / Sometimes / Never
Keep your mind engaged and focused on what needs to get done / Always / Sometimes / Never
Reflection:If you assessed yourself low in any of these rituals, what are you willing to do to strengthen your mind and manage your thinking in order to increase your mental energy?
Worksheet # 4 – “Rituals to Avoid Burnout” - continued
3)Rituals for Emotional Renewal – Allowing your emotions to guide you
Your emotional energy is one of the strongest of your energy reserves. When you are passionate, everything becomes play. Yet we often mistakenly place less importance on emotions. If managed well, emotions inspire higher and more meaningful actions within us.
Take time to do what you like or something fun or enjoyable / Always / Sometimes / NeverCommunicate cares, concerns, problems, struggles and needs with others who are close / Always / Sometimes / Never
Deal with anger and frustration without repressing or taking out on others / Always / Sometimes / Never
Pay attention to emotional symptoms telling you things are off in your life / Always / Sometimes / Never
Practice forgiveness of others that have hurt you / Always / Sometimes / Never
Deal with old hurts and ‘baggage’ from your past / Always / Sometimes / Never
Spend time with people who care about you / Always / Sometimes / Never
Reflection:If you assessed yourself low in any of these rituals, what are you willing to do to strengthen what you are passionate about in order to increase your emotional energy?
Worksheet # 5 – “Emerging New Again”
- In this first leaf, write down the most valuable idea you are taking away from this training.
/ The most valuable idea I am taking away from this training is…
- Next, refer back to Worksheet #4, and pick one physical, mental and emotional renewal ritual from those listed that you will commit to performing as often as is necessary in the coming days and weeks ahead to ensure you maintain sufficient energy reserves to avoid burnout. Write each chosen ritual in the leaves below.
Physical Ritual:
/ Mental Ritual:
/ Emotional Ritual: