September 2014

I was pleased to be able to attend my first meeting of the European Methodist Council from13 to 15 September 2014at the Emmaus Centre, near Dublin Airport. Here the EMC officers and representatives from the British and Irish Methodist Churches, autonomous churches in Portugal and Italy, and churches from continental Europe as part of the United Methodist Church family gathered to worship together, share fellowship and deliberate together in a packed agenda.

Its joint meeting on the Saturday with ECOM (European Council on Mission) heard reflections from Dr HermenShastri from Malaysia on the WCC paper Together TowardsLife: Mission and Evangelism in a Changing Landscape. We worked in small groups on the various aspects of this report. The discussion was summarised by Bishop Christian Alsted of Norway and is appended. The following challenges were given to us to take back to our local churches:

What have we learned? What do I/we take back? What will I/we implement?

  • Ask the question in the mission boards/conference/local church: What is God doing in this place – and how can I/we join?
  • We can take concrete steps to move out of a centre-periphery mind-set – and begin to build genuine relationships and community based equity.
  • In a multi ethnic and multi religious world the Christian community needs to focus on what unites us and strengthens our mission. If unity in mission is the basis of all unity among Christians, what will help us to be in mission together?
  • Is it possible to share our faith in a spirit of dialogue”: “an attitude of respect and friendship” that entails not only proclamation of our deepest convictions, but also listening to others, and being challenged and enriched by others. And leave it to the Holy Spirit to decide on the outcome.

Reading from the affirmations – paragraph 112

The Triune God invites the whole creation to the Feast of Life, through Jesus Christ who came “that they may have life, and mayhave it in all its fullness” (John 10:10, REB), through the Holy Spirit who affirms the vision of the reign of God, “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth!” (Isaiah 65:17, KJV). We commit ourselves together in humility and hope to the mission of God, who recreates all and reconciles all. And we pray, “God of Life, lead us into justice and peace!”

On the Sunday we worshipped with the congregation at Abbey Methodist Church and had a lively time led by a worship band with plenty of participation from members of this multi-cultural church drawing from peoples of many nations who have found a home in Dublin. Bishop Patrick Streiff of Switzerland, outgoing Co-Chair of EMC, preached. The church offered us lunch as part of its generous hospitality. Then the rest of a sunny and warm afternoon was given over to an exploration of the delights of this lovely city, including the squares and parks, Trinity College (Gillian Kingston had arranged for us to see the Book of Kells) and the riverside. I visited the two Anglican cathedrals and found that a former student from my Oxford teaching days was the canon in residence at evensong!

After tea, we started the business of the EMC which continued all the next day. Among important items of business on the first morning was a report from Bishop Eduard Khegay from Eurasia on the sad situation in the Ukraine where some churches’ members have been killed and dispersed in the violence and disruption there in recent months. We spent some time in prayer remembering the particular needs of this region. Our own President of OPCEMI, Alessandra Trotta, presented a report on work with the victims of human trafficking in Mare Nostrum, through Mediterranean Hope, just as we heard of the deaths of 500 people in a boat off Malta. The work on Lampedusa and at Scicli was commended for prayer and support.

We also heard of progress in some areas, notably Sweden, in covenanting with other Protestant churches together. EMC recognized that it should make recognition of being one European Methodist family as a priority for mission, especially working towards mutual recognition of ministries as more pastors moved across national frontiers to work. The organization of a Europe-wide event to celebrate our being together was discussed. Despite the constraints, it was decided to aim for a meeting 19-22 May 2018 in Germany. Reports were also received on progress in the covenant conversations in England (slow) and Ireland (rather more quickly).

The European Methodist Youth Council reported on their forthcoming conference at Ecumene, at which there will be young people from Portugal who are staying with us for a night along with the Secretary of EMC. The World Federation of Methodist Women reported on their 75th anniversary and the success of their recent European seminar at Pomezia (and visit to PSA on the Sunday!). Much thought was given to how Methodists might join in the celebration of the birth of the Protestant Reformation in 1517 with events in 2017 including a European Reformation Roadshow. We ought to give thought as to how we could celebrate this in Rome, not to excite and reopen old wounds but to seek to demonstrate how far we have come in relations with the Roman Catholic Church, particularly on the joint statement agreed on Justification.

And last but not least the Methodist Ecumenical Office Rome, based at Ponte Sant`Angelo, was formally endorsed by the EMC and its Executive empowered to nominate two representatives to a Reference Group to be formed, comprising stakeholders (the British Methodist Church, OPCEMI and the Tavola Valdese, the World Methodist Council and now EMC) who could receive regular reports from the Director and advise on further developments with an occasional meeting at PSA.

So concluded the annual meeting of the EMC, serving to remind us that as Methodist we are interconnected, across different traditions and nations, as one European Methodist family witnessing in many vibrant ways in evangelism and social action as small and large churches within society. We were challenged to be faithful and responsible disciples in times of economic pressure and to respond to the challenges of migration, of youth unemployment, and of other opportunities to proclaim the gospel for the present age.

Next year in September 2015 the EMC will meet in Ruse, Bulgaria, preceded by a historical conference looking at the contribution of women in evangelization.

Every blessing,

Pastor Tim