DNA ‘Did Not Attend’ POLICY


Most of our patients know that it can sometimes be difficult to get a routine appointment with a doctor or nurse. In the course of events where demand is unpredictable, it cannot easily be remedied.

The MAIN reason for difficulty in booking a routine appointment is the problem of missed appointments, “Did Not Attend”. We all accept that people can forget appointments.

A DNA is another patient’s denied appointment.

DNA’s are:

· An increase in the waiting time for appointments

· Frustration for both staff and patients

· A waste of resources


The clinical system will automatically code a DNA when an appointment is not attended and record this within the patients record. We can then count the number of DNAs recorded against that person (and the practice).

The Patient Participation group have been consulted on this policy and they fully support our proposal.

Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis however, in future if a DNA occurs, a letter will be sent to the patient detailing the appointment that was missed and requesting that the patient both contact us with the reason for their non-attendance and agree to take care to avoid a re-occurrence.

If a patient regularly DNAs appointments, further letters will be sent with notification that if further appointments are missed then the patient may be at risk of de-registration.

If a patient continues to DNA appointments even after receiving letters the Medical Centre may write to the patient and advise Patient Services (Serco) at the same time, that the patient is to be de-registered without further notice.

Avoid becoming a DNA – Notify the Medical Centre

If you cannot attend or no longer need an appointment please ring us beforehand.

Mistakes happen and the Surgery knows appointments can be forgotten.

The preference, of course, is for us to know in advance so we can offer the appointment(s) to others.

14.10.14 / AP