What Does It Mean to Get a….


-impressive voice- this may appear via vocabulary, integration of outside ideas, mature analysis, creative introductions, use of rhetorical devices

-clear and compelling thesis statement- the thesis answers all aspects of the prompt but shows a complex understanding of the issue, the thesis does not simplify the issue

-mature argument lacking in typical fallacies- the claims reflect the complexity of the issue, the claims are well developed, analysis of claims connects directly to the thesis

-no more than one grammatical error

-sophisticated sentence structure- student uses a variety of sentence types and punctuation compliments sentence structure

-evidence is well developed and understandable, evidence is especially unique and presents a mature perspective of the issue at hand, evidence is varied


-impressive voice- see 9- may not demonstrate voice in as many areas or with as much strength

-clear and compelling thesis that answers all aspects of the prompt, shows a complex understanding of the issue, does not simplify the issue, thesis may be impressive but does not have the maturity and unique aspects that a 9 thesis offers.

-evidence and analysis are above and beyond grade and expectation level- the evidence may not be as mature, evidence is well developed and understandable, examples are unique and present a mature perspective on the issue at hand, evidence is varied

-writer has control of conventions and language, sentence structure and punctuation are varied and engage the reader, rhetorical devices add to the argument and give the piece a unique voice

-argument is lacking in fallacies, claims reflect the complexity of the issue, claims are well developed and analysis of claims connects directly to the thesis. 8 arguments may lack some aspects listed above- may not contain all qualities of a 9 argument


-Thesis is mature yet lacks the complexity of the 8/9 thesis

-language is more than adequate- it is not impressive like language and sentence structure in essays scoring an 8/9 but it is effective in conveying the argument

-writer shows a deeper understanding of language although sentence structure and conventions are much more standard and lack sophistication

-writer creates a mature argument but it lacks the complexity of an 8/9 argument, writer avoids most fallacies, answers all aspects of the prompt, argument is mature yet eloquence is not reflected in the same manner as an 8 or 9 essay

-writer shows an attempt at a unique voice- see above

-evidence is concrete and relevant, may not be as unique or developed as 8/9 evidence but the writer makes an effort to fully support claims with relevant and timely evidence


-essay is well organized, may tend to follow the traditional five paragraph essay structure but essay remains easy to follow

-thesis is clear and answers all aspects of the prompt

-writer shows understanding of conventions but usage is not sophisticated

-some fallacies appear but argument remains strong, argument is well supported with examples but the variety and complexity of examples is not present

-writer attempts to control voice but attempts may be inconsistent at times

-sentence structure is standard yet engaging and easy to follow


-structure may be inconsistent but thesis is evident

-language is conventional yet effective

-shows some conventions issues

-fallacies distract from argument at times and argument is simplified

-attempts to answer all aspects of the prompt, some aspects of the essay may lack development or clarity

-evidence is concrete and appropriate yet standard and very one dimensional


- resembles an essay but lacks consistent claims to support thesis

-thesis is evident but does not set up a strong argument, some aspects of the prompt may not be fully addressed

-conventions distract from reading

-evidence exists but at times may be superficial or repeat evidence provided in the prompt

-argument lacks development and issue is over simplified


-misses the promptor the writer creates a one sided argument

-weak or little analysis and evidence

-thesis is weak and does not set the writer up for a strong argument

-little support, many fallacies

-connections are difficult to understand

-conventions may affect reader’s understanding of argument


-resembles an essay but contains very little thinking

-misses the prompt

-many fallacies

-distracting conventions, word choice, sentence structure


-my dog could have written a better essay….if you get a one you will have a lonnnnggg discussion with Ms. Widdop

AP Rubric

9- Essay’s earning a score of 9 meet the criteria for a score of 8 and, in addition, are especially sophisticated in their argument, thorough in their development, or impressive on their control of language. Essays meeting a score of 9 maintain a consistent and unique voice.

8- EFFECTIVE- Essays earning a score of 8 effectively defend, challenge or qualify Schopenhauer’s ideas. Students develop their argument with evidence directly from Schopenhaur’s argument as well as bring in outside examples (containing a balance of personal experience, references to reading or the outside world). The prose demonstrates a consistent ability to control a wide range of the elements of effective writing but is not necessarily flawless. The writing contains voice but it may not be as unique as an essay earning a score of 9.

7- Essays earning a score of seven meet the criteria for a score of 6 but provide more complete explanation, more thorough development or a more mature prose style. Writing may contain voice but consistency may be lacking.

6- ADEQUATE- Essays earning a score of 6 adequately defend, challenge or qualify Schopenhaur’s ideas. Students develop their argument with evidence from Schopenhauer’s argument and bring in one or two concrete outside examples (from personal experience, reading our the outside world). The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax, but generally the prose is clear.

5- Essays earning a score of 5 defend, challenge or qualify Schopenhaur’s argument and contain explanations but they may only refer to personal experience OR contain superficial and undeveloped examples. The writing may contain lapses in diction or syntax but generally convey the student’s ideas.

4- INADEQUATE-Essays earning a score of 4 inadequately defend, challenge or qualify Schopenhaur’s argument. The essays represent a misunderstanding of the passage or do not directly refer to Schopenhaur’s argument. The evidence or explanations used may be inappropriate, insufficient or less convincing. The prose generally conveys the student’s ideas but may be less consistent in controlling the elements of effective writing.

3- Essays earning a score of 3 meet the criteria for a score of 4 but demonstrate less success in defending, challenging or qualifying Schopenhaur’s argument. The writer is less perceptive in his/her understanding of Schopenhaur’s argument and examples may be limited or simplistic. The essay shows less maturity in control of writing.

2- LITTLE SUCCESS- Essays earning a score of 2 demonstrate little success in defending, challenging or qualifying Schopenhaur’s argument. The writer may misunderstand the prompt, not refer directly to Schopenhaur’s argument or provide inaccurate and inappropriate evidence and examples. The prose demonstrates consistent weaknesses in writing such as grammatical problems a lack of development or organization or lack of control.