What do I do When….

1. I enter the room at the beginning of class:

- Make sure I have my supplies: iPad

- Have a seat quietly

- Begin working on my Health assignments

2. I enter the room after the bell rings:

- Knock on the door.

- Wait patiently for Coach Boyette or a student to answer.

- Give Coach Boyettemy pass.

- Walk to my desk silently without disturbing anyone.

- Begin working on my Health assignments

3. Someone else knocks on the door or enters the classroom after the bell.

- Continue working

4. Coach Boyetteneeds my attention:

- Watch for his hand signal or his count down.

- Quit talking.

- Look at Coach Boyette

5. I need Coach Boyette’sattention:

- Raise my hand and patiently wait for Coach Boyetteto answer my question.

6. I need to leave the classroom:

  • Bathroom breaks:

-Don’t ask because you should go in between classes.

-Coach Boyettewill use his discretion for “emergencies”.

  • Illness:

- If I am about to be ill, I will quietly and quickly exit the classroom to find the nearest bathroom or trashcan.

- I will return for a pass to see the nurse. (You must have a pass to go to nurse)

  • Being called out by any of the AJH offices:

- I will quickly and quietly gather my things and exit the classroom.

- See # 2 for the proper procedure for reentering the classroom.

7. I see on my iPad or watch it is about time for the bell to ring. The bell does not dismiss you, Coach Boyettedoes. Be patient, Coach Boyettewill get you out in plenty of time to make it to your next class.

- Wait till Coach Boyettetells me to gather my things.

- Wait till Coach Boyettedismisses me.

8. I have been absent and need Make-Up Assignments

- There are really no such thing as a make-up assignment for Health. All lessons can be accessed anywhere that there is an internet connection. Complete assignments on your own time when not at school if you have gotten behind.

9. I hear an emergency alert signal:

- I will wait for Coach Boyetteto tell me to line up in the hallway, or where to go in the classroom in case of emergencies. (Tornados or Lock Downs)

- I will walk in a straight and quiet line to the designated area. (Fire)- we go out back door down to football field parking lot and stand in a straight line.

10. I finish my work early:

- I will read my library book or finish work from another class quietly.

11. An announcement is made over the speaker:

- I automatically become silent and listen to the announcement.

- Once the announcement is over, I will begin working once again.

12. There is a substitute: (Very important!!!!!)

- I will treat them with respect.

- I will quietly complete my work.

- I will be aware of the consequences of my chosen behavior.

- I will refer to # 10 if I complete my work early.


13. I want to throw my trash away:

- Leave it on my desk – If Coach Boyettedoesn’t throw it away during class, I can throw it way on my way out.

- I will not interrupt class to ask to throw it away.

- I will not get out of my seat during class to throw it away.

14. There will be NO cell phones in my classroom.

- There will be no class work done on cell phones- use your iPad. (unless special circumstances apply)

- There will be no warning about having your cell phone out or it going off during class- if I see it or hear it, I will take it up, and I will take it to the office. Your parents will be able to pick it up after school. Please turn them off before you enter my classroom.

- The only exception to this rule will be Bad Weather or a Lock Down that we are all given permission to use our cell phones.