What can Every Child a Reader offer your school?
There has never been such a sharp focus on reading standards, progress of weaker readers and professional development for teachers and teaching assistants in literacy teaching than there is at the moment. Every Child a reader can support your school to:
- Meet the challenges of the new inspection framework through raising standards of attainment in reading and writing at FS2/KS1/KS2
- Identify pupils with literacy difficulties early in their school life and provide cost effective, layered interventions delivered by teaching assistants to improve the progress of vulnerable groups of pupils to narrow the gap
- Train a teacher to be a highly skilled literacy specialist (Reading Recovery teacher) to work with up to 18 pupils a year so that they make rapid progress. The expert teacher becomes a valuable resource for your school, including being able to support adults delivering layered interventions to narrow the gap
- Access to a range of free professional development materials for teachers and teaching assistants produced by ECAR Teacher Leaders to enhance the quality of teaching in classrooms. We also offer tailor-made professional development to meet the needs of your school
- Provide monitoring and quality assurance to help fine tune literacy teaching and learning in school
In 2009 Every Child a Reader schools represented 7 out of the top 10 highest performing primary schools in national assessments, and 7 out of the 10 most improved primary schools
Ofsted Feb 2010 “Initiatives such as Every Child a Reader, combined with targeted small group teaching is having a positive impact on standards”.
Ofsted March 2010 “Reading Recovery is extremely effective in raising attainment”.
Ofsted Jan 2011 “A wide range of external support and specific interventions are used to support pupils’ needs including very successful one to one Every Child a Reader support.”
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