1. What brand of raisin cereal has the most raisins?
  2. Does warm water freeze faster than cool water?
  3. Can the design of a paper airplane make it fly farther?
  4. Which cheese grows mold the fastest?
  5. Which brand of soap makes the most suds?
  6. Does the color of water affect its evaporation?
  7. Which grows mold faster…moist bread or dry bread?
  8. Does an ice cube melt faster in air or in water?
  9. Can you separate salt from water by freezing?
  10. Does a plant grow bigger if watered by milk or water?
  11. Will water with salt evaporate faster than water without salt?
  12. What keeps things colder…plastic wrap or aluminum foil?
  13. Does sugar prolong the life of cut flowers?
  14. Do all types of apples have the same number of seeds?
  15. Which will germinate faster…a lima bean, a corn seed or a pumpkin seed?
  16. What type of salt melts ice faster?
  17. What carriers the most static electricity?
  18. Which material filters water best?
  19. Which brand of paper towels are the strongest?
  20. Does the material of a parachute affect how fast it drops?
  21. Do boys see different optical illusions than girls?
  22. What material does a magnet go through better?
  23. Will different types of salt grow different kinds of crystals?
  24. Do left-handed people grasp things quicker than right-handed people?
  25. Do ants like sugar better than cheese?
  26. Do plants grow better in sand or in clay?
  27. Does heart rate increase with exercise?
  28. Do living plants give off moisture?
  29. How does water move in plants? – Hint celery/in colored water
  30. On what part of the tongue do most people sense a sweet taste?
  31. Is a goldfish more active in cold or warm water?
  32. Can most people tell the difference between a name brand and a generic soda of the same type?
  33. Does a flower seed grow better by using plain water or by using water with sugar in it?
  34. On what part of the tongue do most people sense a bitter taste?
  35. Do plants grow toward sunlight?
  36. What brand of peanut butter spreads over the greatest area?
  37. What kind of cereal contains the most iron?
  38. What type of bubble gum makes the biggest bubble?
  39. How far will a piece of gum stretch before it rips apart?
  40. How long does it take for one cup of water to evaporate?
  41. How much salt must be added to a glass of water for an egg to float?
  42. What type of juice is the most acidic? Hint – test with litmus and pH paper.
  43. How much juice does an orange contain?
  44. What type of cereal gets soggy first?
  45. What diaper brand holds the most water?
  46. How far can a rubber band be stretched before it breaks?
  47. Which dish soap makes the largest bubbles?
  48. Which dish soap’s bubbles last longest?
  49. Will water that is exposed to sunlight heat up faster in a white cup or in a colored cup?
  50. How far can a plastic ball be thrown?
  51. What size marble will move the fastest in vegetable oil?
  52. In what brand of shampoo will marbles move the slowest?
  53. How much mass can a sheet of paper hold before it rips?
  54. Does a small ball roll a greater distance than a large ball?
  55. Can a drop of water be used as a magnifier?
  56. Does a ball roll the same distance in dirt as it does in grass?
  57. How much water must be added to a cup of milk for the milk to lose its color?
  58. Do toy cars with big wheels go a longer distance than those with small wheels?
  59. How long does it take a container or milk to sour?
  60. Can one make crystals out of sugar and water?
  61. How much water can a sponge hold?
  62. How long will an inflated balloon stay inflated?
  63. How much sugar will dissolve in a cup of water?
  64. At room temperature, does an ice cube melt faster in air or in water?
  65. Does water with salt boil faster than plain water?
  66. What material keeps things colder – Plastic wrap or aluminum foil?
  67. Which shape – a sphere, a hoop, or a disk- will roll down a hill the fastest?
  68. How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce?
  69. How does the type of material affect how long a shirt takes to dry?
  70. Which nail polish best resists chipping?
  71. Which brand of popcorn leaves the fewest unpopped kernels?
  72. Does the flavor of gelatin affect the amount of time it takes to set?
  73. Which brand of trash bag can withstand the most weight before ripping?
  74. Under what color light do plants grow best?
  75. Which brand of mouthwash kills the most bacteria?
  76. Which brand of breath mint lasts longest?
  77. In a blind taste test, can you tell the difference between nonfat, low-fat, and whole milk?
  78. When you pour soda out of a newly opened soda bottle, which produces more fizz; regular or diet soda?
  79. Which brand of chocolate bar melts fastest in the sun?
  80. Which frozen dessert melts slowest; ice cream, frozen yogurt or sorbet?
  81. Which can support more weight; paper or plastic grocery bags?
  82. How does the type of container affect ice cream’s melting time?
  83. Which grows faster; fingernails or toenails?
  84. Which brand of potato chips has the least grease?
  85. Does a person’s height affect his or her ability to successfully make a jump shot in basketball?
  86. Which holds hair in place for a longer period of time: gel or hairspray?
  87. Do different brands of batteries last longer than others?
  88. Do different types of onions make your eyes tear up more than others?
  89. Which air freshener lasts longest?
  90. Does sunlight fade the paper more in books or in magazines?
  91. Do bigger lemons have more seeds than smaller ones?
  92. Which lightens stains better; vinegar or lemon juice?
  93. Which type of gum keeps its flavor longer; sugar-free or regular?
  94. Does squinting improve your vision?
  95. Do taller people take longer strides than shorter people?
  96. Does the use of flippers help a person swim faster?
  97. Which type of fertilizer helps plants grow taller?
  98. Do objects float better in freshwater or salt water?
  99. Does bread stay fresher longer when it is kept in the refrigerator or on the counter?
  100. Can you judge depth as well using just one eye than using two?