Scholarship Application
Applicant Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) :
Permanent Address: Street/Route City: State: Zip Code:
E-mail address: Phone number:
NOAA Corps Sponsor – Full Name E-Mail address:
USC & GS Heritage Society Sponsor – Full Name E-Mail address:
Sponsor’s Relationship: (Double click on box to add check mark)
Parent Brother/Sister Uncle/Aunt Grandparent Other
No Sponsor:
Parents/Guardians- Full Name(if applicant is a dependant)
Permanent Address - (if different than applicant): Street/Route: City:
Parental/Guardian E-Mail address: Parental/Guardian Phone number:
Name of college or institution that you are or will be attending:
If you’ve not yet been accepted, name of college(s) or institution (s) to which you have applied:
Year to which scholarship will be applied: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Other
Are you currently receiving other scholarship grants? Yes No
If Yes, list the sources and amounts:
Actual or expected admission date: Expected graduation date:
Degree or certification sought: Intended or actual field(s) of study
High School GPA(Unweighted, based on a 4.00 scale): Rank in Class(e.g., 5th in class of 250)
Cumulative College GPA(Unweighted, based on a 4.00 scale):
Please provide the following information: Describe your intramural school accomplishments, extramural accomplishments (service, church and/or community organizations) and any unique accomplishments and experiences you believe distinguish you from the other applicants – 250 words or less.
Please answer the following questions:
- Why do you believe you are a good candidate to receive a scholarship grant from the National ACO Scholarships, Inc.? (250 words or less)
- Why did you choose the college or institution you are attending or desire to attend? (250 words or less).
- What are you goals in life? (250 words or less).
- Why you have chosen your field of study? (500 words or less).
NOTE: To save a copy of this application, please select “Save as” on your computer.
I understand that the application is considered incomplete and void unless the following documents are received by the National ACO scholarships, Inc., or postmarked no later than April 15th (the year of the application)
Please verify with a mark by each item
Completed Scholarship Application
List of accomplishments/experiences and answers to the 4 essay questions
Letter(s) of reference
In addition to the above documents:
I certify that I am enrolled in or have applied to the college(s) or institution(s) noted in
my application and that I understand that I must be admitted to or enrolled in a college or
institution before I may receive an ACO Scholarship grant.
I verify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted is accurate.
I acknowledge that I have an obligation to provide the Corporation with a copy of
my official transcript for the school year of the award."
Signature : Date:
Mail the completed application package to:
National ACO Scholarship, Inc.
P.O. Box 13083
Silver Spring, MD 20911-3083 rev: 2/2013