COURSE / 7240 Health Science I / Unit A / Human body structure and function
ESSENTIAL STANDARD / 2.00 / B2 / 35% / Understand the body’s use of nutrients.
OBJECTIVE / 2.01 / A1 / 4% / Remember the structures of the circulatory system.
  • What are the structures of blood?
  • What are the structures of the circulatory system?

Unpacked Content

  1. Structures of the blood
  1. Plasma
  2. Water
  3. Proteins
  4. Fibrinogen
  5. Albumin
  6. Globulin
  7. Other components
  8. Nutrients
  9. Electrolytes
  10. Hormones
  11. Vitamins
  12. Enzymes
  13. Metabolic waste products
  14. Erythrocytes
  15. Leukocytes
  16. Agranulocytes
  17. Granulocytes
  18. Thrombocytes
  19. Blood types
  20. Type A
  21. Type B
  22. Type AB
  23. Type O

F. Rh Factors

  1. Structures of the heart

A. Chambers

  1. Right atrium
  2. Right ventricle
  3. Left atrium
  4. Left ventricle

B. Valves

1. Tricuspid

2. Pulmonary semilunar

3. Mitral (bicuspid)

4. Aortic semilunar

C. Layers

1. Pericardium

2. Myocardium

3. Endocardium

D. Major blood vessels

1. Vena Cava

a. Superior

b. Inferior

  1. Pulmonary artery
  2. Pulmonary veins
  1. Vesselsof the circulatory system
  1. Vessels
  1. Arteries
  1. Carotid
  2. Brachiocephalic
  3. Subclavian
  4. Axillary
  5. Brachial
  6. Radial
  7. Thoracic aorta
  8. Femoral
  9. Popliteal
  10. Dorsalis pedis
  1. Veins
  1. Jugular
  2. Subclavian
  3. Brachiocephalic
  4. Axillary
  5. Brachial
  6. Radial
  7. Superior vena cava
  8. Inferior vena cava
  9. Great saphenous
  10. Femoral
  11. Popliteal
  12. Dorsalis venous arch
  1. Capillaries
  1. Pulse sites
  2. Temporal
  3. Carotid
  4. Brachial
  5. Radial
  6. Femoral
  7. Popliteal
  8. Dorsalis pedis

Introduction to the circulatory system
  • Ask students to identify:
  • the structures of the circulatory system.
  • the strongest muscle of the body.
  • Facilitate discussion to assess student knowledge of heart disease.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) the circulatory system.
Introduction to the structures of the blood
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present PowerPoint presentation, slides 1-20.
  • Review the terms with the students.
  • Facilitate discussion by presenting information about blood donation guidelines obtained from the donor service used in your community and the impact on blood donation.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the blood. / 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system PowerPoint presentation,
slides 1 - 20
2.01 Structures of the blood Handout
Structures of the Heart
•Distribute the handout.
•Present the Power Point presentation, slides 21 - 25.
•Students will complete the handout as directed during the Power Point presentation.
•Facilitate discussion by asking the students to identify the structures of the heart.
•Students will use this handout to label the structures of the heart.
•Students will use the handout in the next activity and as a study tool. / Students will REMEMBER (A1) structures of the heart. / 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Power Point presentation,
Slides 21 - 25
2.01 Structures of the Heart Handout
Arteries and Veins
  • Present the Power Point presentation, slides 26-33.
  • Students will complete the handout as directed during the Power Point presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion by asking the students to identify arteries and veins.
  • Students will use the handout as a study tool. It can be used for students to compare the arteries and veins in the next objective.(2.02)
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) structures of the arteries and veins. / 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Power Point presentation,
2.01 Arteries and Veins Handout
Flow of Blood Through the Body
(Note: Prior to this activity draw a heart on a sheet.
  • Use a full or queen size flat sheet and textile paint.
  • Draw and paint a heart on the sheet to illustrate the structures of the human heart.
  • The teacher may request that a student or the art department draw and paint the heart.
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Students should be prepared to identify the structures and explain the flow of blood through the body.
  • Review Power Point presentation, slide 34 - 35.
  • Use the handout to facilitate discussion as the students walk the flow of blood through the body.
  • Students will use this handout as a resource and study tool.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) the structures of the heart and explain the flow of blood through the heart. / Supplies:
  • Full or queen size sheet
  • Textile paint (red, blue, white, black)
  • Brushes
2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Power Point presentation,
slide34 - 35
2.01 Flow of blood through the body Handout
Pulse Sites
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Present Power Point presentation, slides 36-37.
  • Students will complete the handout as directed during the Power Point presentation.
  • Facilitate discussion by asking the students to:
  • Explain the characteristics of pulses (rate, rhythm, volume, and elasticity).
  • Explain how to locate and calculate pulse.
  • Students will record the class discussion on the back of the handout.
  • Students will use the handout as a resource and study tool.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) the pulse sites of the circulatory system. / 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Power Point presentation,
slides 36-37
2.01 Pulse Sites Handout
Who Am I?
  • Distribute the handout
  • Review Present Power Point presentation, slides 27-33.
  • Use this handout to facilitate remembering the major arteries in the circulatory system.
  • Answer the riddles using the arteries listed on the handout.
  • This handout can be completed as an individual or cooperative learning activity in groups of 2-4 students.
  • Students will use the handout, PowerPoint,and their textbook as a resource to completeactivity.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1) the major arteries of the circulatory system. / 2.01 Remember the structures of the circulatory system Power Point presentation,
slides 27-33
2.01 Who Am I? Handout
Medical Terminology
  • Distribute the handout.
  • Review the terms with the students.
  • Use the handout as a resource when discussing functions of the circulatory system and as a study tool.
/ Students will REMEMBER (A1)medical terminology. / 2.01 Medical Terminology Handout
2.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the circulatory system
  • In preparation for objective 2.02 Understand the functions and disorders of the circulatory system; assign students to use their textbooks to read about the circulatory system.
  • Students should be given an assignment to complete to facilitate learning.
  • Note: This could be an assignment from the materials provided or as provided by the teacher.)
  • Review and return these materials to students prior to beginning the next objective.
/ Students will UNDERSTAND (B2) the functions and disorders of the circulatory system. / Textbook
Materials provided

2.01 Structures of the bloodName______


Directions: Complete the handout while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Record any class discussion on the back of your paper, if necessary.

Introduction to blood
Plasma / Plasma Proteins / Other structures
Structure / Description / Relevance to my health
Blood types
Rh factor

2.01 Structures of the heartName______


Directions: Complete the handout while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Label the structures of the heart. Record notes and class discussion.

Structure / Description
Conduction system /
Relevance to my health

2.01 Arteries and VeinsName______


Directions: Complete the handout while viewing the PowerPoint presentation. Record notes and class discussion.

Arteries / Veins / Capillaries
Names of major arteries / Description
Names of major veins / Description

2.01 The flow of blood through the bodyName______


Directions: Use this handout as a study guide. Be prepared to identify the structures and explain the flow of blood through the body.

Deoxygenated blood from body tissue

Superior vena cava

Inferior vena cava

Right atrium

Tricuspid valve

Right ventricle

Pulmonary valve

Pulmonary artery

Both lungs

CO2 and O2 exchange in the alveoli via Pulmonary veins

Left atrium

Mitral valve

Aortic valve


Transporting oxygenated blood to body cells

2.01Pulse Sites Name ______

HandoutDate ______

Directions: Use this handout to label the pulse sites along with the Power Point presentation. Record the class discussion on the back of the handout.

2.02 The Circulatory System: Who Am I?Name ______

HandoutDate ______

Directions: Answer the following riddles, using the arteries from the list. Write the response in the blank provide.

BrachialExternal carotidRadialPopliteal

CeliacFemoralVertebralDorsal pedalis

Common iliacInternal carotid

1.I run up and down the back

bringing blood to the centralnervous system track.

I am the ______

  1. You feel me often at your wrist,

running or jumping givesmy numbers a lift.

I am the ______

  1. I struggle to get to all the parts of the brain,

where intelligence and coordination reign.

I am the ______

  1. I run down and through the upper bone, get cuffed around, please leave me alone! I am the ______
  1. They call me common, I go from place to place; I branchthe legs and into the pelvic space. I am the ______

6.I am really at the end of the line. My companion vein hasan upward climb. I am the ______

  1. If you reach down behind your knee, check around andyou are sure to feel me. I am the ______
  1. When you get embarrassed and your face turns red, myvessels have dilated, up to the hair roots on your head.

I am the ______

  1. I am hungry for nutrients from the food intake; I am now undecided, which of the four roads should I take? I am the ______

10.I sometimes get plugged and blood does not get through;the legs and the feet do not know what to do. I am the ______

2.02 Who Am I?Name ______

HandoutKEYDate ______

Directions: Answer the following riddles, using the arteries from the list. Write your response in the blank provided.

BrachialExternal carotidRadialPopliteal

CeliacFemoralVertebralDorsal pedalis

Common iliacInternal carotid

1.I run up and down the back

bringing blood to the centralnervous system track.

I am the _____vertebral______

  1. You feel me often at your wrist,

running or jumping givesmy numbers a lift.

I am the ____radial______

  1. I struggle to get to all the parts of the brain,

where intelligence and coordination reign.

I am the __internalcarotid______

  1. I run down and through the upper bone, get cuffed around, please leave me alone! I am the __brachial______
  1. They call me common, I go from place to place; I branch the legs and into the pelvic space. I am the __commoniliac______

6.I am really at the end of the line. My companion vein hasan upward climb. I am the __dorsalis pedis______

  1. If you reach down behind your knee, check around and you are sure to feel me. I am the __popliteal______
  1. When you get embarrassed and your face turns red, my vessels have dilated, up to the hair roots on your head.

I am the __external carotid______

  1. I am hungry for nutrients from the food intake; I am now undecided, which of the four roads should I take? I am the ___celiac______

10.I sometimes get plugged and blood does not get through;the legs and the feet do not know what to do. I am the ___femoral______

2.01Medical TerminologyName:______


Directions: Review the circulatory system terms and definitions listed below. Use these terms to write “new” compound words in the spaces below. Check you work in your textbook or a dictionary to verify the compound words and the definition of each one.

Medical Term / Definition
angio- / blood vessel
arterio- / artery
cardio- / heart
-cyte / cell
electro- / electric
erythro- / red
-gram / tracing, recording
hemo- / blood
leuko- / white
-orrhagia / hemorrhage
-penia / deficiency
phleb- / vein
-sclerosis / hardening
tachy- / fast
thrombo- / clot







2.01 Prototype Assessment Items

Note: These items illustrate the types of items used in the item bank for this objective. All items have been written to match the cognitive process of the remember verb in the objective. Questions require students to recall terms or words related to job seeking and keeping. These exact questions will not be used on the secured test, but questions in similar formats will be used.

These assessment items may be used as prototypes by teachers and students to generate similar items to comprise formative assessments for you classroom. This strategy is especially helpful during the field test year when classroom item banks are not available. Results of formative assessment should be used to diagnose levels of mastery, determine if re-teaching is needed, and guide further instruction.

1.Red blood cells are called:






2. The right upper chamber of the heart is called the:

  1. left atrium.
  2. left ventricle.
  3. right atrium.
  4. right ventricle.


3. The middle layer of the heart wall is called the:

  1. endocardium.
  2. epicardium.
  3. myocardium.
  4. pericardium.


7240 Health Science I Summer 2012 1