Physical Science Bells

Weeks 7-8-9

Bell #1

What are some examples of unitsof distance?

Bell #2

Is displacement more likethe length of a rope that ispulled tight or the length ofa coiled rope? Explain.

Bell #3

1.How fast was a plane flying if it traveled 400 km in 30 min?

2.Ifavg speed of a car is .75km/min, how far can it travel in 40 min?

Bell #4

What do the following units represent?

D for distatnce, T for time, S for speed,A for acceleration

__ 14km ___ 6 hours ___14 miles

__ 1.4 m ___30 m/s ___12cm/s2

__150 mph ___25 ft ___ 6cm/min/sec

__ 3 km/hr/sec __ 55mph ___ 1 lightyear

Bell #5

Bell #6

What is happening when an object is accelerating??

Bell #7

What type of friction opposed your motion the greatest in

yesterday's lab?

Which type of friction is supposed to be the greatest?

Weeks 5-6

Bell #1

Compare & contrast the two stars Algol and Pollux using the H-R diagram

Bell #2

Which main sequence stars live longer, high mass or low mass?

Bell #3

What will become of our sun after it leaves the main sequence in 5 billion years?

Bell #4

What is dark matter?

Bell #5

1.Earth’s tides are caused from?

2. Moon has no atmosphere because…

Bell #6

What are comets made of?

Bell #7

How would you find the average of 32,34,24?

Bell #8

In the Barbie Bungee lab, what did the x, y stand for on your graph or in your formula y=mx+b?

Weeks 3-4

Bell #1

1.What is the name of the belt beyond Neptune?

2.What is the name of the rest of the solar system beyond that belt?

Bell #2

Why is it better viewing now to see comet Lovejoythan when the moon begins waxing?

Bell #3

The balance of what two items keeps our sunstable?

Bell #4

1. How long does it take light from the sun to reach Earth?

2. What is a light year?

Bell #5

  1. What is the outer surface of the sun’s atmosphere?
  2. What is the sun’s surface called?

Bell #6

What information do we know from where a star is plotted on the H-R diagram? (26.2 from text)

Weeks 1-2

Bell #0

Share something you gave away as a gift

Bell #1

Put 148,000 m in

scientific notation

Bell #2

What types of evidence did

Brahe, Kepler, or Galileo have

to support a heliocentric

solar system?

Bell #3

How come temperatures vary

so much between day and night

on the moon?

Bell #4

Why does Pluto

qualify as a dwarf planet


Bell #5

Write down the names of the planets in order from closest to the sun

Bell #6

What are some general differences between theinner/outer planets?