What are Shadow Dancers?
Shadow Dancer attachments are highly intelligent intellectually sophisticated Fallen Angelic Races existing within the D-11.5 reversed dimensional fields of the Wesadek black hole system, who long ago chose to adapt the Antichristic or cut off from Universal D-12 Divine Blueprint, reversed matrix Metatronic Code.
Shadow Dancer races were created 150 billion years ago when the Universal Veca System from a different Eckasha-A spectra fell into Antichristic imploding black hole status following their races hybridization with a group of fallen races from our Phantom Matrix black hole (they had attempted a healing experiment and they were advised not to do it, they were hybridized with them to try to bio-generate them and what happened was they bio-degenerated themselves).
The Wesadek races originally agreed to host matrix and assist in reverse mutation of certain race strains from our Universal Veca that had fallen to Phantom Matrix black hole status during the Lyran Elohim wars of 250 billion years ago. The hybridization healing experiments failed serving instead to amplify the original Phantom Matrix race genetic mutations among their own race lines. Due to the advanced DNA template mutations and consciousness distortions they had created for themselves through employing tactics of shield templates combining that the Eieyani mastersrace that had strongly advised them against, the Wesadek races fell into severe polarity consciousness and begin fighting within their Universal Veca. The Wesadek races refuse to take responsibility for the freewill actions they chose in misapplying natural creation physics and adopted an attitude of vengeful blaming of the races from our Time Matrix for their decline. The sided the cause of their de-evolution as being the host matrix they originally offered to our fallen Phantom Matrix races and in an attempt to assist the Wesadek races to redirect their evolution, the Bra-ha-Rama, Seraphei and Elohei races of our Time Matrix agreed to their demands of removing certain Phantom race strains from their Time Matrix and relocate them back to our Phantom Matrix from which they originally fell.
Remaining Phantom race strains, their original mutation now amplified were returned to our Phantom Matrix under quarantine. They were offered an advanced re-evolution program through which they could rapidly re-evolve out of Phantom Matrix through a Bra-ha-Rama, Elohim host matrix (as they post a threat to the continued re-evolution of the fallen races that had remained in the Fallen Matrix all along).
A polarization refraction lens called The Eye of Metatron was installed 150 billion years ago at D-11.5 Universal Star Gate 12 Lyra-Aramatena between Phantom and our living Time Matrix. The lens served to channel a portion of our Universal Veca life force currents from our Universal Veca D-15 primal life field into the quarantined portion of the phantom system and created a quarantined path of ascension via a host matrix for the returning races.
The host matrix project was entrusted to an Elohim collective called Metatron of the Jehovani Entity Collective, the original family line from which the quarantined races had fallen. When the Eye of Metatron was installed, mutated hybrid rebel races of the Wesadek Matrix misuse the star gate templar system powers of their Universal Veca in an attempt to break into Phantom Matrix to gain control of the lens. Their attempted raid failed destroying their Divine Blueprint Universal Star Gate 12 and plunging their matrix into imploding black hole statue. The Metatron Collective failed in numerous attempts of re-evolving the quarantined phantom races, losing more of consciousness fields to the Phantom Matrix. The Metatron Collective itself finally fell to Phantom.
Through the Metatron’s misuse of The Eye of Metatron Lens the quarantine in Phantom Matrix was broken and Phantom Matrix digressed into progressive hybridization mutation and escalating war between the Phantom races. During the Gaian-Orion Phantom Matrix wars 570 million years ago, the Metatron Collective made deals was warring Wesadek races from the Wesadek black hole system and allow the Wesadeks to use the Metatron Lens to create a wormhole called The Path of Arimathea between the Wesadek and Phantom Matrices. The Wesadek Metatron alliance use the lens to progressively create the BST (Blank Slate Technology) machine through which the Antichristic Metatronic Code for artificially sustained energy vampiring life using mathematical program that is an energy vampiring system that cannot hold natural creation currents and has to feed off other things. A permanent irreversible template mutation was born via forced shields bonding between the Universal Shields ofPhantom Matrix, our Time Matrix and Wesadek black hole. When the BST was used to create interface with our system, our Universal Veca shadow world was born. The D-11.5 reverse matrix dark
Avatar Collectives of the Wesadek black hole who carry the permanent and irreparable mutation of the Metatronic Code became our Shadow Dancer Attachments. The Shadow Dancers use the sophisticated external Antichristic templar technologies of the BST and the Shadow to progressively drain life force energies and hijack living consciousness from our Universal Veca System. With the birth of the BST and Shadow Dancers came the simultaneous unnatural birth of the shadow body, Elemental and Figment Attachments.