Drug Info Clearing House


What are inhalants?

Inhalants are a range of products (many of which are familiar household items) which, when vaporised and inhaled, may cause the user to feel intoxicated or ‘high’. Like alcohol, inhalants are ‘depressants’. This doesn’t mean that they make you feel depressed. Rather, they slow down the activity of the brain and central nervous system. The messages are slowed down going to and from the brain to the body, including physical, mental and emotional responses.

Street names

glue, gas, sniff, huff, chroming (as in the use of chrome paint), poppers

Who uses inhalants?

Teenagers have been identified as the most prevalent group of inhalant users. Some adults involved in the ‘dance scene’ also use inhalants to heighten their experience. There are three broad categories of people who use inhalants:

  • The experimenter: The majority of teenager users fall into this category. They try it once or twice, then stop by themselves.
  • Social/situational user: Usually done with a group of friends. The amount of use varies, depending on what else is going on in their lives. These users often develop other interests and move out of this practice.
  • The long-term, dependent user: A small number of inhalant users go on to use on a regular basis over a long time. They generally have other major problems in their lives. They may use inhalants alone, or with other people who use regularly. They may feel bad about using, but feel unable to give it up. For some it is one of their few pleasures.

Why do young people use inhalants?

Reasons young people give for using inhalants are often very similar to the reasons adults give for using alcohol and tobacco.

Some reasons include:

  • to have fun
  • for excitement
  • for intoxication
  • to be part of the group
  • to shock adults
  • to deal with problems
  • to copy the behaviour of adults using alcohol
  • as an alternative to alcohol
  • easily available
  • cheap to purchase
  • they’re legal.

Experimenting with inhalants can be a part of growing up and, for most, it is a passing interest and they move onto other activities.

Inhalant use in Australia

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s 2001 National Drug Household Survey1 of Australians aged 14 and over:

  • 2.6 per cent of Australians had used inhalants at some time in their life.
  • Of those who had ever used inhalants, the average initiation age was 17.6 years.

1 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2002 2001 National Drug Household Survey First Results, Canberra: AIHW

Effects: Immediate/short-term and long-term

The effects of any drug (including inhalants) vary from person to person. It depends on many factors, including an individual's size, weight and health, how much and how the drug is taken, whether the person is used to taking it and whether other drugs are taken. It also depends on the environment in which the drug is used; for example, whether the person is alone or with others, such as at a party.

Small amounts of inhalants can affect you quite quickly, due to their rapid entry into the bloodstream through the lungs.

Immediate/short-term effects

Following are some of the immediate and short-term effects that can be experienced when using inhalants:

  • Fewer inhibitions: Like alcohol, feeling less inhibited, laughter, becoming excited and generally feeling intoxicated are effects felt within 3 to 5 minutes of using inhalants. A sustained ‘high’ can be achieved by repeated use.
  • Excitement: The person’s mood can vary from mild excitement to euphoria. Sometimes they may become agitated and uneasy.
  • Drowsiness: The initial excitement is often followed by drowsiness.
  • Flu-like symptoms: Inhalants may cause sneezing, coughing, glazed eyes or a runny nose, like having a cold or the flu.
  • Sickness: Inhalants can make people feel sick and have diarrhoea.
  • Unpleasant breath: After using inhalants people often have the smell of the product on their breath.
  • Nosebleeds and sores: Inhalants may also cause nosebleeds, bloodshot eyes and sores around the mouth and nose.
  • Reckless behaviour: Sometimes people do reckless or dangerous things after using inhalants, which may cause serious accidents.

These effects usually occur within an hour of inhaling. Hangovers and headaches may occur after the immediate effects have passed. Sometimes these last for several days, although they are usually less common and less severe than hangovers caused by alcohol.

In greater quantities

If large amounts of inhalants are inhaled, disorientation and lack of coordination can occur. Other possible side effects include visual distortions and even blacking out.

Short-term use

With short-term use, most products rarely cause damage to the body. However, some glue sniffers have been admitted to hospital unable to control their movements or speak properly, and sometimes have convulsions. Most of these symptoms clear within a few hours. Some people may experience problems with their breathing passages, but this improves over time.

Long-term effects

Almost all young people who try inhalants use them only once or twice. They do not go on to become regular users. However, some people do use inhalants heavily and frequently, and may experience the following effects:

  • Health problems: Long-term users may appear pale, have tremors, lose weight, feel tired and be unusually thirsty. They may also have anaemia, because some inhalants affect the production of blood.
    The lead in petrol, and some of the chemicals in other inhalants, may build up in the body. This irritates the lining of the stomach and intestines, and can cause damage to the brain, nervous system, kidneys and liver. Prolonged and heavy use may even cause stupor or coma, problems with breathing, irregular heartbeat and sometimes seizures.
  • Logical thinking: The user may be forgetful and less able to think clearly or logically.
  • Irritable: The user may be irritable, hostile, depressed or feel persecuted.

As well as the other health risks associated with inhaling (chroming, in particular), can cause eye problems. Blood vessels can burst in the eyes, making them completely red and eventually leading to blindness.

Most long-term effects are not permanent and can be reversed if use is stopped. However, inhalation of cleaning products, correction fluid and aerosol sprays can cause permanent damage.

Permanent brain damage is rare, but can occur if people use inhalants heavily for a long period of time.

Drinking alcohol as well as using inhalants can increase the damage to the body.


A small number of people have died from using inhalants.

The main danger comes from accidents when ‘high’, such as suffocation caused using plastic bags to inhale, choking on vomit when unconscious, and behaving recklessly.

‘Sudden sniffing death’ has followed the use of aerosol sprays, cleaning and correction fluids, and model aeroplane cement. It is believed that chemicals in these products can cause heart failure, particularly if the user is stressed or does heavy exercise after inhaling. This is very rare.

Tolerance and dependence

Tolerance does develop with regular use of inhalants.

Dependence (psychological and physical) among users is rare considering the total number who have tried inhalants.

With regular use of inhalants, psychological dependence can occur. People psychologically dependent on inhalants find that using them becomes far more important than other activities in their life. They crave using and will find it very difficult to stop.

Chronic abuse of inhalants may result in physical dependence. This means the body gets used to functioning with the inhalant present. Abruptly stopping use can cause withdrawal symptoms.


Withdrawal symptoms due to abrupt cessation of inhalant use are usually mild but in some cases severe symptoms can occur. The symptoms following abrupt termination of use can be anxiety, depression, loss of appetite, irritation, aggressive behaviour, dizziness, tremors and nausea.

Treatment options

A number of drug treatment options are available in Australia. While abstinence may be a suitable treatment aim for some people, many programs recognise that for others this may not be possible or realistic. Most programs adopt strategies that have an overall aim of reducing the harms and risks related to the person’s drug use.

Some treatment options include counselling, withdrawal (detoxification) and pharmacotherapy. Residential and ‘out-patient’ programs are available.


Inhaling glues and aerosols during pregnancy can harm the baby. The most likely result will be early labour, a premature baby and the associated breathing problems, and risk of infection.

Check with your doctor or other health professional if you are taking or planning to take any substances during pregnancy, including prescribed and over-the-counter medications.

Inhalants and driving

It is illegal to drive while under the influence of any drug, including inhalants. Breaking this law carries penalties including disqualification from driving, fines and/or imprisonment.

It is also unsafe to drive after using inhalants. They affect the ability to judge speed and distance, and coordination is greatly reduced. Inhalants can make you reckless, making you more likely to take dangerous risks.

Inhalants and the law

Most inhalants are common household products, so it is not practical to make them illegal, and it is unlikely that they would help protect young people from harm.

However, it is illegal for shopkeepers to sell products to someone if they believe that they are to be used for inhaling.

What can parents do?

There are no clear signs or symptoms that identify solvent use.

Some indications are:

  • finding unusual amounts of glues, solvents or aerosol containers in your child's possession
  • chemical smells on clothes or breath
  • unexpected and rapid 'drunken' behaviour
  • sores around the nose and mouth.

If you think your child may be using inhalants:

  • Try not to panic. Remain calm, even though it can be difficult, so your child is more likely to discuss their problem with you.
  • Talk and listen. Find out what is happening with your child. Really listen to what your child is saying and try to understand things from their point of view. They may only be experimenting.
  • Show your concern. Make it clear that you are concerned because you love them, and want them to be safe.
  • Seek professional help. If your child is regularly using inhalants, they need your help and support.

Call the alcohol and drug information service in your State or Territory for further information and advice.

What to do in a crisis

If someone has an adverse reaction while using inhalants, it is very important that they receive professional help as soon as possible. Quick responses can save lives.

  • Immediately remove the obstruction to their breathing (e.g. plastic bag).
  • Call an ambulance. Dial 000. Don’t delay because you think you or your friend might get into trouble. Ambulance officers are not obliged to involve the police.
  • Stay with the person until the ambulance arrives. Find out if anyone at the scene knows mouth-to-mouth resuscitation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
  • Ensure adequate air by keeping crowds back and opening windows. Loosen tight clothing.
  • If the person is unconscious, don’t leave them on their back—they could choke. Turn them on their side and into the recovery position. Gently tilt their head back so their tongue does not block the airway.
  • If breathing has stopped, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. If there is no pulse, apply CPR.
  • Provide the ambulance officers with as much information as you can regarding what inhalants were taken, how long ago, and any pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Before using inhalants, make sure you and your friends know what to do in a crisis.


(Accessed 11 February 2004)

Resource Kit for GP Trainers on Illicit Drug Issues

Part B4 Drugs: Volatile Substances