July ‘15 / St. Hedda’sR.C.Primary School
Summer Term Newsletter - 50

What a hectic half term at St. Hedda’s! We are now ready for the summer holidays!


On 29thJune we had our annual CAFOD day. This is when the children of St. Hedda's organise a grand sale and raise money to send to projects and children overseas. These projects are to give underprivileged children the chance of a better life.

Thank you to everyone who came and supported this event which successfully raised £108.31.
Our R.E. lessonsthis half term have been learning about what CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is and what it does. At K.S.1 our emphasis has been learning how the world is a precious treasure and how God cares for each one of us. At K.S.2we have been looking at where CAFOD is at present working and some ofthepeople who serve in CAFOD.
Friday, July 3rd,Years 5 and 6 travelled to Middlesbrough with Mrs. Brumby to attend the annual Little Big Assembly. This is a gathering organised by the diocese for the Catholic schools in this area. It was a happy occasion, a mixture of teaching, songs and lots of participation.

We will be remembering Beth Hodgson as she makes her First Communion on July 26th at St. Anne’s in Ugthorpe.

Following collections throughout this year (2015) the Mini Vinnie’s decided to donate a total of £188.36 to the Nepal Earthquake Appeal.

Postgate Rally

This half term the annual Postgate Rally was held at Ugthorpe. Some of our children presented the gifts.


This term our topic has been Egypt. In Class 2 wehave written information texts about modern day Egypt; encouraging people to visit. We have enjoyed learning about ancient Egypt, designing and making a shaduf,writingusinghieroglyphs and writing instructions on how toto mummify a pharaoh! We have alsoenjoyed finding out about Tutankhamen and took on the role of Ancient Crime Squad Investigators to answer the question - was Tutankhamen killed?

In Class One this term we have explored Ancient Egypt. We located Egypt using maps and globes and learned about the seven continents and five oceans. We had great fun making paper mache Egyptian masks, painting Egyptian gods and creating scarab beetles. On display in the classroom are our names in hieroglyphics and 3D pyramids (minus treasure I’m afraid!)

During the last week of Term Class 1 went on a trip to Robin Hoods Bay to take part in a seashore habitat study and following that travelled to Danby Moors Centre for a Woodland Adventure.

Hit the Surf

On Tuesday 16th June children from Years 5 and 6 went to the beach at Whitby West Cliff to take part in the ‘Hit the Surf’ programme which is a programme that gives children the opportunity to gain practical lessons in lifesaving and beach safety. The afternoon included:

  • A theory lesson on staying safe at the beach
  • The role of lifeguards and the RNLI
  • Practical lessons in lifesaving and surf based skills, whilst building the pupils confidence in the sea
  • Learning about the local hazards and the beach environment.

The weather was kind to them and the children all had a fabulous time.

Design/Build Competition

Once again we took part in the 'Design and Build Competition' by the Rotary Club of Endeavour. The challenge was to design and construct a water moving device from a set of given resources. Then we had to produce a portfolio which explained how this came about including all the problems that had to be solved on the way. The device had to lift water from the river Nile and transport it to a water container on the river bank.Each school's entry was allowed a test run. They had 2 minutes to transport water from the river to the water container. Ourschool team wascomprised of Gracie, Hannah, Beth and Alfie. The team visited Sneaton Castle for judging.Our Shadduff worked extremely well and the team should be very proud of their design.

Although we didn’t achieve the ultimate prize all participants were given a prize that consisted of chocolates, a screwdriver, a tape measure, certificates and a book on Egypt.
The winners were Castleton. The team worked extremely well together throughoutthe task. Well done St Hedda's!

Sports Day

This year our annual Sports Day was held on Wednesday 17th June anddespite a wet morning, the sun came out in the afternoon.As ever there was an excellent crowd of support from both families and friends.

We didn’t have quite as many entrants as usual for the parents’ races, however they were still keenly contested!

The scores remained close throughout the afternoon, culminating in a vital last race to see who would become this year’s champions.

Final scores were Lapwings – 98, Barn Owls – 94, Kestrels – 84, Swallows – 78 and Kingfishers – 75.

Mr Whelan presented the trophy to the winning house, “Lapwings”;Eleanor, Joe, Charlie, Chloe, Greg, Poppy and Joshua.

A big thank you to the “Friends of St. Hedda’s” who provided a welcome ice cream for everyone at the end of the afternoon.

Y6 MFL Day at Eskdale/Caedmon

Y6 pupils were invited to go to their chosen secondary school to take part in an MFL day. They took part in a variety of team building and language activities. This was also a chance to get to know the children who they will be meeting again in September!


Netball –On Friday 5th June St. Hedda’s hosted a round robin of netball matches between Danby, West Cliff and themselves for a place in the semi final. All games were very competitively played ant the umpires commented how they’d enjoyed umpiring such excellent games. First West Cliff beat Danby 8-6, St. Hedda’s then won Danby 11-6 so the final game was the decider and it was such a close game resulting in a final score of West Cliff winning by one goal 8-7. This was a thoroughly enjoyable event, well done to everyone who took part.

Athletics -On Wednesday 1stJuly Y5/6 went to EskdaleSchool to compete in the athletics (we were in the small schools group). All pupils took part in at least one activity. There were three field events; long jump, javelin and shot. Track events were 50 metres sprint, relay and one lap.
All pupils finished either 1st or 2nd place in all events they competed in. An excellent achievement and we are very proud of everyone who took part.Although we had to leave before the presentation due to bus schedules it was wonderful to hear on Thursday that we had come FIRST!!!

Tennis - On Wednesday 3rd June Y3/4 took part in a Tennis tournament at Caedmon College, Scoresby Site. All pupils had a chance to show their skills at short tennis. There were 2 pools of teams playing in a round robin system. All pupils played well and enjoyed the afternoon using their newly found skills.

Swimming –This term we have had weekly swimming sessions at Loftus Leisure Centre. All children have worked hard and developed their swimming skills.

Cricket –During the last few weeks of term all children have received cricket coaching from a member of the ‘Chance to Shine’ coaching project.

Game of Life

Children from Class 2 took part in an activity day “Game for Life” delivered by a member of Simon Carson Sports School. As the name suggests it introduced children to everyday life skills and preparing for the big outside world! Children took on job roles for which they received wages, however, like real life, they also had houses and cars to buy and bills to pay! The person who accumulated the most money by the end of the day was Beth.

North Yorkshire Fire Service

At the end of June the school had a visit froma firemanbelonging tothe local Fire Service. He is responsible for educating children in the dangers of fire. He spent time with both key stages and on this visit the emphasis was on the dangers of fire in the home. One of the main messages was the use of fire alarms--each child was asked to relay the importance of a fire alarm in his or her home---did they relay the message?!!

Farewell Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed an exciting day at Flamingo Land for their end of school trip, despite the weather!!We said farewell to Eleanor, Max, Gracie, Izabelle and Lucyat the end of year assembly. During the assembly they all received gifts which included memory books from the children, a dvd and photo album from Miss Evans and a signed football from Mrs Brown, Carla and Ella for their participation in Mrs Brown’s sports club. We wish them success and happiness as they start the next stage of their education at their chosen school.

Good Luck, we’ll miss you all!


We also say farewell to Byron, Greg and Sophia and wish them well at their new schools.

Farewell – Miss Evans

We said a fond farewell to Miss Evans at our end of year assembly and followed this with tea and cakes (kindly donated by the parents) and a special cake wishing Miss Evans Good Luck (made by Mrs Wood) was cut and shared around. We thank her for everything she has done in her time at St. Hedda’s. We wish her every success in her new post at West Cliff School.

New Pupils

We look forward to welcoming Rachael, George, Jay-Jay and Harry to Class 1 in September. They have all enjoyed their visits to school this term.

House Points

The half term totals are: Kestrels – 762, Swallows – 712, Barn Owls – 607, Lapwings 571 and Kingfishers 545. Congratulations to the members of Kestrels; Izabelle, Byton, Matty, Amy, Charlie, Noah, Ella and Ellie.


This half term the following pupils had 100% attendance – Carla, Isobel, Ella, Daniel, Sophie, Joe, Lucy, Beth, Rhys, Noah, Max T, Max U, Hannah, Ellie, Ethan and Josh. Well done to you all.

Shopping Vouchers

Thank you to EVERYONE who contributed with any Sainsburys shopping vouchers, we amassed a total of 5063!!The order has been sent off and we await our goods being delivered next term.


Our next Bags2School collection will be on Friday 25thSeptember, all contributions will be gratefully received.


Training Day:Mon 7thSeptember

Return:Tues 8thSeptember

Half Term:26th Oct – 30thOct

Break up:18th December