Terminating an Existing Regional Teacher

Whenever a HSTA Regional Teacher leaves his/her position, the HSTA Budget Office must be notified immediately in order to remove that person from payroll or he/she will continue to be paid twice monthly until we are notified of the change. Please fill out and e-mail the Termination Form to the HSTA Budget Manager ASAP when a regional teacher is leaving HSTA.

Hiring a New Regional Teacher

The first step in hiring a new regional teacher is to get him/her processed for payroll. Because they are now being paid each pay cycle, it has become very important to get them processed for payroll in a timely manner.The longer it takes to get them processed, the longer it will be before they can start working and the more pay they will miss for that semester.

There are two options for getting a new regional teacher processed for payroll.

  1. Make an Appointment at One of the WVU Payroll Processing Locations

The new teacher can go directly to either of the locations listed below to process for payroll. He/she would need to call first to make an appointment and would need to bring with him/her a valid driver’s license, an original social security card, and a voided check.

WVU EDS – One Waterfront Place, Morgantown, WV (304) 293-3379ext 2

RCB HSC Charleston – 3110 MacCorkle Avenue SE, Charleston, WV (304) 347-1291

(ask for Cheryl Maynard or Rena Cosby)

  1. Complete the Remote New Hire Process

If the new teacher does not live near either of the two payroll processing locations, he/she can be processed remotely by following the instructions for the Remote New Hire Process.

In addition to getting the new teacher processed for payroll, there isanother form that needs to be completed and mailed to the HSTA Budget Office.

  1. Request for Background Check

Fill in the teacher’s name, date of birth, social security number, e-mail address, and phone numbers. Then save the form and e-mail it to the HSTA Budget Manager. Make sure that the teacher is aware that WVU will be conducting a background check on him/her and that employment is contingent upon the results of the background check. American Background will sendthe teacher an e-mail. He/she will need to open the e-mail and click on the link in order to get the background check started. The teacher will only have a small window of opportunity to respond to this e-mail. After that time, the link will no longer work and it will need to be resentto the teacher.

NOTE: Once the new teacher has processed for payroll and the Request for Background Check form has been sent in, please wait for an assignment number from the HSTA Budget Office. Until the teacher has an assignment number,he/she is not legally hired or allowed to work and will not receive pay.

NOTE: Let the teachers know that if they change their name, address, or bank account, they must inform their Field Site Coordinator so that their information can be updated with WVU Payroll.