WHAP Review Map Activity
_____ 1. Being the first on their continent to utilize iron, the African people from this location achieved dominance over their neighbors by about 500 BCE.
_____ 2. The Incan civilization developed here
_____ 3. Christianity had its beginnings in this area
_____ 4. During the 5th and 6th century CE, this African area was the center of the gold trade
_____ 5. Early paper and movable type originated here
_____ 6. Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were located here
_____ 7. Judaism had its beginnings in this region
_____ 8. Quipus aided in administration and record-keeping in this area
_____ 9. “Arabic” numerals originated in this region
_____ 10. The Four Noble Truths come from here
_____ 11. This region marks the approximate eastward terminus of the Hellenistic Empire of Alexander the Great
_____ 12. To accept the world as it is found, to avoid violence if at all possible, and to take the minimal action necessary for a task are all traits of a philosophy of life which came from this area
_____ 13. The first written legal code came from this region
_____ 14. This empire had planned urban centers, calendars and astronomy, but no written language
_____ 15. A philosophy that emphasized reciprocal relationships is from this area
_____ 16. People from this area were the first to use iron.
_____ 17. In this area, an examination system developed in order to fill government bureaucratic jobs
_____ 18. Locations of the earliest river-valley civilizations
WHAP Review Map Activity 600 - 1450
_____ 1. Urbanization in these areas led to a decline in opportunities for women (2 areas) ______
2. Patriarchal societies continued in these regions. (4 regions) ______
3. The merchant class from this area grows in size and influence.
4. These two regions are characterized by strong central governments.
5. The central governments of these two regions are unified through religion ______
6. Plague pandemics ravaged these areas (3) ______
7. This region suffered from famine between 1315 - 1317._____
8. Travelers from Europe bring warfare to this area._____
9. Islam comes into this region with the development of new states _____
10. The government here encourages conversions of non-Muslims _____
11. A group, acting as a disruptive force, conquers these 2 places._____
12. Camels are used for transport and are central to trade here (2) ______
13. This is the center of world trade _____
14. This "Pax" allowed hemisphere-wide contact to occur _____
15. Innovations in math and science originated here._____
16. Those innovations were spread by people from this area _____
17. These two areas became noted for their universities ______
18. Serfdom develops here _____
19. The second true slave society develops here _____
20. Craft guilds are established _____
21. Silk production increases dramatically _____
22. A new class of society, the bourgeoisie, develops _____
23. The first use of paper money is in this area _____
24. This center of the gold - salt trade becomes fabulously wealthy _____
25. The population in this region increases at this time _____
26. The poputaion in this region decreases at this time _____
27. This region provides 2/3 of the world's gold _____
28. The fastest growing religion in the world begins in this area _____
29. The last successful invasion of England originates here _____
30. The last part of Europe to be under Muslim rule is here._____
31. A great stone enclosure is here, but no one really knows what it is_____
32. This is the first kingdom to start searching for a trade route to Asia.
WHAP Review Map Activity 1750 - 1914
_____ 1. The women's rights movement begin here.
_____ 2. As a result of contact with the Europeans, footbinding ended in this place.
_____ 3. Three revolutions against established authorities took place in these countries ______
4. The population of this country doubled between 1750 -1850 _____
5. 50 million Europeans looking for work moved to these 3 countries ______
6. People from this region moved to North America looking for work _____
7. 1820 is the peak year for the slave trade through this area _____
8. Philosophers developed new ways of looking at the world in this country _____ 9. These 2 countries based their revolts against authority on the philosophies of #8 ______
10. The Factory System began here _____
11. Colonies were established by Europeans here _____
12. These 2 countries began in industrialize in response to the Europeans _____
13. This region was divided up "like a cake" by the Europeans _____
14. These 3 areas were indirectly controlled by Europeans ______
15. The response to the Europeans by these 2 countries was deindustrialization ______
16. This country had the worst documented child labor abuses at this time period _____
17. This country was the first to establish labor unions to protect workers _____
18. These 4 regions continued to depend on cash crops more than industry ______
19. Patents were granted here for electricity- a new source of power _____
20. Tea / opium formed the basis of a trade triangle ______
21. These 3 countries had massive trade in cotton ______
22. Economic ties with Europe were still here even though this region was
politically independent
23. An invention here led to reentrenchment of the slave trade _____
24. The ruler of this country set the foundation for modern Europe _____
25. The unification of these 2 states led eventually to war ______
26. Rebellion against foreigners led to a stronger European presence _____
27. War between these 2 countries ended the myth of European invincibility ______
28. Takeover of these region by a European government showed the corruption of
European monarchies
WHAP Review Map Activiy 1914 - 2002
_____ 1. These three countries retain patriarchal societies at this time
_____ 2. Women remain in subordinate positions here at this time
_____ 3. New political ideologies are formulated in these 2 countries
_____ 4. The Jewish population of this region is decimated in this time period
_____ 5. This country loses millions of people in both World Wars
_____ 6. The population of this country dramatically decreases due to World War II
_____ 7. Government policies in these 2 countries create famines that kill millions
_____ 8. Partition in this country causes migration of millions
_____ 9. Economic depression causes relocation of millions
_____10. Plagues, such as AIDS and SARS, kill an unknown number of people
_____11. Two major wars occur
_____12. Kwame Nkrumah led the independence movement
_____13. Jomo Kenyatta led the independence movement
_____14. These 2 countries collectivize their agriculture
_____15. Women in this region form the smallest share of the labor force
_____16. These 2 countries rebuild after World War II and become superpowers
_____17. This region sees a rise in its economic and political power during the 1970s
_____18. These three countries are members of NAFTA
_____19. The domination of the world economy shifted from the Atlantic to this area
_____20. The publication of a book in this country began the environmental movement
_____21. The collapse of this country ended the Cold War
_____22. The election of this country's first freely elected president was helped by the end of apartheid
_____23. This country's civil war is called a "rehearsal for World War II"